Hazel's Aesthetic
F | she/her | 15 | Reaped
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Hazel lives In District Five with her mother and father, and lives next door to her best and only friend, Lydia. She had an older brother named Max, but when she was only ten she had to watch him get reaped for the hunger games and die. Ever since that day, she always lived in constant fear. These games continually traumatized her each passing year. On top of that, while some people felt bad for her, she had a lot of people who bullied her because of her brother being seen as a “coward” since he purposefully injured himself and almost died just so he wouldn’t have to be in the games. She remembered seeing him go through so much pain because he claimed that it was better than going through the games and killing other people. Throughout his games, barely anyone sponsored him at all since he simply was “the weak coward from Five who wouldn’t even fight to help his own district win and get money to his family.” Her brother dying quite fast just made the bullying worse. People made fun of her a lot for it and she hated every single person, child and adult, in the district.
She spent a long time swearing to never become friends with anyone. She didn’t ever make friends or want any until she met Lydia, who was one of the few people who didn’t judge her. The Hunger Games was something she dreaded constantly and it was only when she was fourteen that she started to lose her fear and replace it with anger. She obviously wasn’t allowed a weapon, since that was banned (regardless of the fact that there had been so many past tributes that claimed they “snuck a weapon into the district”) but she did always want to get her anger out by attacking things. She told herself she’d one day learn to fight and defend herself if anything ever happened. The more she grew older, the more she understood how the games were, and the worse everything seemed. She really understood the cruelty of the games. She promised herself that if she ever got picked, she wouldn’t let the games make her do anything stupid. She’d do what Max would’ve done and honestly hoped that she’d live to see the day when the Hunger Games end. All she wanted was for someone, some person, to come and end all these games. She knew it wouldn’t be her, but she had hope that there would be someone in the near future. That’s what kept her going.
I swear, the time before and after each reaping goes by so fast. It feels like just yesterday when I had to attend my very first reaping. This was my fourth time going through this, and it was actually sickening at this point. It’s always the same old routine: dress nice, hope you don’t get picked, feel bad for whoever gets picked, go home. That’s it, nothing more. So just like every other year, I put on a nice dress and do my hair before meeting up with my friend Lydia. I’ll be honest, I didn’t have any friends and I didn’t even want any until I met her. Friends are kind of stupid since they always leave and go, but Lydia is the only person who doesn’t judge me, so naturally we became close. Both of us walk to the reaping together with my mother shortly behind. Once we arrive, we see the same sight we see every year: everyone there, panicking. Some are even crying. I cried during my first few reapings out of fear, but at this point, I don’t want to waste my tears. These stupid games took my brother away from me. I can’t wait until the day someone finally decides to end all of this. I know that it will happen one day. I hope there will be one person, one tribute, who ends this all for good. But that probably won’t happen for a long time. My mind is flooded with all these thoughts, both sad and angry. I don’t even notice I’ve already given my blood and am already in the crowd. The escort is giving her normal speech about how the reaping will work and then she begins to pick out a name. And well, I’ve been lucky in the previous years, but I felt like it was inevitable that I’d be picked. And I was, in fact, this year. As weird as it sounds, I was practically expecting it. Other kids in the district always said one day I’d end up dead like my brother in these games, and after getting used to them saying that, I got used to the idea that I may be picked.
And they were right. I did in fact get chosen. So I walk up to the stage. I may have shed a small tear, but I hide it before anyone else notices it. I want to act “brave” in front of everyone, like all the other stereotypical tributes that have the same old story of being suuuper brave and being really good at fighting. Every year, all of them feel exactly the same to me. They always act the same and nothing else. So, like a hypocrite, I act exactly as all of them would. I stand on stage with a neutral expression but I am crying on the inside. Yes, it’s stupid. Yes, it’s fake and not what most people would do in this situation, especially a literal 15 year old girl like me, but I guess I’m going with my gut so the idiots in the Capitol don’t go and judge me. I may be as “boring” as a lot of other tributes but at this point, I barely care since I know how it works. When people watch these games, the first introduction of the tributes is very important. That allows them to choose whether they like and would root for that tribute or not. A few minutes go by and the other person is picked and once we are away from the crowd, that’s when all the tears flood down...

Hazel's Reaping Outfit
Finally, after a long effort, my outfit was finally done. Me and my stylist spent such a long time trying to work it out, I was genuinely worried I wouldn’t have anything at all, but in the end, we did it. I entered the chariot and couldn’t help but feel some sort of nervousness and embarrassment. I mean, for the people watching, this is fun. Same with on TV, they make it look really fun. But actually? It feels like quite the opposite. Other tributes tend to go as far as waving and throwing kisses at the crowd and I can’t help but wonder if they are actually happy. But that’s when I realise that, to be honest, it isn’t about if I’m happy. MY happiness doesn’t matter at this point, since right now it’s all fun and games. When the real games begin, that’s when I’ll be thinking back on this. In a way, what I personally think doesn’t matter. What matters is what THEY think. One mistake can change everything, that’s what I’ve been telling myself from the start: every choice I make is important at this point since I know my life hangs in the balance. There’s always at least one person watching me either from back home or the Capitol, and I can’t afford to do anything wrong. While all these crazy thoughts go through my head, I make sure not to look sad or nervous since again, there’s always at least one person looking at me and I don’t want to put them off. I realise that I hadn’t exactly thought this through, though. Some tributes were giggling and kissing, others were making straight faces. I was really unsure what I wanted to do and realised I should’ve given it more thought, but then I realise the outfit is the main thing people will look at, so I simply just smile and wave at the crowd, not too over-excited and not too under-excited. Just neutral as the outfit lights up while we go around. The crowd are all dressed so weirdly, and honestly, as weird as parade outfits can be, at least they aren’t as ugly as those Capitol ones. I wonder why they wear such odd stuff and consider it fashion. Then again, nothing at this point makes sense anymore, these rich people getting to live such luxurious lives while me and twenty-three other kids are learning to murder. Regardless though, I continue acting great and waving while putting on a show since these people, as stupid as they are, can save my life. The parade then ends surprisingly fast and honestly? I was relieved.

Hazel's Parade Outfit
Hazel Rosewood received a training score of 10.
Training days
It looked like it was training time, and while a part of me was terrified since the idea of holding a weapon creeped me out, I was partially glad I would at least be taught something or other to help save my life. At least I wouldn’t go in knowing nothing. A lot of people seemed to have a preference for what weapon they were going to use; the careers and a few others, of course, had lots of training and had practiced beforehand, but I was here with nothing so I knew I’d have to work something out. I went and decided that I’d attempt a bit of everything since I had three days, I could do it all and see what would be best for me. I started off with things like sword fighting, axes, and maces, but found them extremely hard to hold with one hand and actually use correctly, so then I chose to try weapons that you wouldn’t have to go straight up to someone to kill them. The main options were: slingshots, bows and arrows, and crossbows. I tried them all out and the bow and arrow wasn’t the easiest. It was hard to hold it straight as I kept on holding it slightly diagonally which ruined the shot. I then realized it was far better using the crossbow, as they are similar to the bow and arrow, but you hold them the other way. I was able to hold onto it correctly and my aim was far better. I obviously wasn’t the best as this was my first time, but it seemed like the best weapon to choose. Especially since I doubted other tributes would want to use one of these, so if there is only one in the arena, I won’t have to fight for it. I also gave slingshots a try, which wasn’t too bad, so I decided I’d keep that as a backup option if I’m unable to get a crossbow in the arena. But generally, a crossbow would probably be the weapon I’d pick. I felt like I was half good at it and maybe that sort of weapon could save my life. I ended the day by heading to knife training, which definitely seemed the most popular - at least half the tributes must’ve chosen it as their weapon and even if they didn’t, they were definitely considering it. I picked up a knife and tried throwing it but stupidly missed the target completely, which was really embarrassing, but I gave it a few more tries. My aim with the other weapons was decent but this was surprisingly really hard to get right. I was about to leave and give up when I noticed the girl next to me who was throwing knives so easily, with barely any effort. She seemed around a year older than me and I’m pretty sure she was from District Seven. Either Lea or Lexa, probably Lea. I tried another time, but again failed, before she said to me, “I can teach you if you want," which I generally wasn’t expecting. I’ll admit, I wasn’t planning on making allies at first, but then realized how dumb that would be since I doubt I’d survive a day without anyone else being there. She also generally seems really nice, so I gladly accept the offer since any help I can get with this knife throwing stuff would be good. She teaches me and although I’m nowhere near as good as she is, I’ve got the general idea of it. In a way, it felt as if we became friends. I'm not exactly that good at making friends at all and only have Lydia as a friend back home. But for some reason, Lea reminds me a lot of her. Friendships, when they come to me, don’t last long, so we’ll see where this goes, but something about that girl made me trust her. Me and her decide to spend the rest of training together after she teachers me knife throwing. We try some other stuff, like survival skills and fire making, rope tying, and much more and then I also help her with using a crossbow, teaching her to use it the way I did. Training goes by quickly and eventually, I feel that I’ve learned everything I need to in hopes of surviving these games.
Private session
After three days of being able to try many different weapons, I decided I’ll show my abilities with a crossbow for the private training session. I’m partially worried that the moment I show them, I’ll fail and do it wrong, but I still give it a go. I stand in front of the target and start shooting before noticing the minimal effort I was putting in. I’d have to try to hit it as hard as possible for it to look like I’m actually trying, so I decide to imagine it as a person. I try to think of it as a person I’ll kill which works but again, doesn’t look like full effort. So then I think back in life and think, when did everything go wrong? Whose fault was it all? And then I remember my brother. How the minute I lost him, everything was ruined for me and how nothing was really the same again. I realize it was the Capitol's fault, specifically the gamemakers, the exact people in front of me, so I stare at the target and picture their faces. I then shoot continuously, right in the centre of the target, thinking about every stupid thing that’s happened. I think about how I lost a family member (and then shoot), I think about how they’re just going to watch me die in peace (and then shoot again), I think about how I finally got happy meeting Lydia, but then how they made me leave everything behind. How I finally felt happiness again but then I lost all that happiness easily. How I could’ve actually been happy in life but how I never was, and with that, I hit the target as hard as I possibly can, letting out all my anger on those stupid idiotic gamemakers who ruined everything. I let out every form of bad emotion and start attacking that target as if it’s a real person. I shoot and shoot over and over and almost forget it’s all a training centre. In my mind I’m cursing the gamemakers and cursing everyone who ruined everything. I forget where I am and think about every annoying and terrible thing. I think about how these people are finding me entertaining and take one final hit, splitting some of the arrows already in the target before they stop me saying that it’s enough, and I leave.
Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Well there isn’t too much to say, except when picking this I kind of just thought back to home. I chose red for a specific reason; my best friend Lydia always loved this colour. Like she’d probably do anything to wear a dress like this yet here I am wearing it instead, right before I’m most likely going to die. Even if it sounds weird, I felt like wearing this colour would just make it feel as if a small part of her is with me tonight.
How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part?
Hmm well let’s see, I just LOVE the fact that everyone here is acting as if nothing is wrong and as if this is a super happy time. Like “ooh yay fun parades and fancy interviews!” It’s not like you’re preparing kids for some death games or something, nope.I bet my parents must be absolutely thrilled right now, knowing another kid is just going to come stab my throat and send me to my deathbed. Absolutely lovely, isn’t it?
Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies?
Making enemies would just be the dumbest thing ever, I’d practically be asking for an early death by doing that. Friends however, I did happen to talk to Lea Spark from District Seven during training and we spent quite a lot of time together. I definitely feel as if that’s become some form of friendship, or rather and it’s good to know I hopefully won’t be alone during these games.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
The main truth is that all I want is to go home at this point. I don’t want to win and get all the crazy money and a luxurious life. I’d rather be poor and miserable than here. All I want is to go back to the people I both love and hate, just away from this terrible place. So yes, I think winning would be nice, though at the same time, I wouldn’t go through extreme lengths just so I can win this thing. If I win, I’ll be glad. If I die, I honestly wouldn’t mind too much. Dying doesn’t even seem that bad anymore, I’m just kinda fed up with everything at this point.
Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain?
I mean, I personally feel like the environment is the least of my concerns. I can still easily die regardless of where I am so the environment doesn’t even matter too much. As long as it doesn’t affect my death, I’m okay with anywhere
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
Well I’ve sort of mentioned them earlier, but I miss my parents and my best friend with all my heart. I even miss the people in my district who treated me like trash and hated me. I would do anything to get back to them and see them again. They’re the only reason I’m partially trying to stay alive.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
Nope not really, I just hope all of this stuff gets over and done with. The sooner the “fun” stuff is over, the sooner I can get myself properly prepared for all this craziness that’s about to happen.

Hazel's Interview Outfit