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F | she/her | 16 | Reaped

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Chantria is a sixteen-year-old girl from District Eleven. She is the middle child in a huge family of farmers. Chantria's family doesn't have much money, so she always tries to help out where she can. In fact, on the days when she has free time, she does the hair of the women in the wealthiest families in the district in exchange for some money. But even so, in their family there are too many and she and her siblings have had to ask for tesserae several years in a row. Chantria is a scary person, especially since a few years ago when the Peacekeepers shot her brother in front of her eyes for trying to take some cereal home. Perhaps that is why she has never dared to do anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes, that fear paralyzes her and she is not even able to remember her name. But sometimes the survival instinct is much stronger than the fear...

Chantria's Aesthetic


I hate it, I hate being here, but it is what it is. We can't do anything about it and every year it's just as horrible as the last. Today my siblings and I are heading towards the plaza with our only clean clothes and terrified looks. Although, the truth is, there is a small change since last year when Rhys won the games. It seems that people have started to be more excited for what will happen this year. I see people gambling and my stomach turns. I barely hear the lady from the Capitol or the video she plays afterwards, my mind only wakes up when my name is called out and then everything happens too fast.


"Chantria Promole, come here, my dear.” 


I am not able to move and the Peacekeepers have to drag me away. I try to move my feet, but they do not respond. Without realizing it, I'm on stage. I certainly haven't made a great first impression.

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Chantria's Reaping Outfit 


Calm down Chantria, calm down... my legs are shaking and I'm about to hyperventilate. And we haven't even gotten on the float yet. I see Cassia next to me. We are beautiful with our outfits representing District Eleven. I think I have not been more beautiful in my life. Rhys sees me shaking, walks over and grabs me by the shoulders. 


"Hey don't worry, I know what that is. Trust me, everything will be fine. Just let them see you and smile.” 

His words comfort me; if he could do it, I could do it too, right? Come on Chantria you can, you already gave a horrible impression on the reaping day. It's your chance to fix it. We get on the float and begin to move. The people, the screams, the colors... everything is too much. I freeze and glance at Cassia, and I can see her nervousness. None of us were prepared for this. We look at each other and almost as if we had thought about it at the same time, we hold hands. That makes it a little easier. I remember what Rhys told me and I start to smile shyly. I can't greet because the hand that isn't holding Cassia's is holding a basket of corn and pomegranates, but I look from side to side with a nervous smile.


Chantria's Parade Outfit 


Chantria Pomole received a training score of 9.

Training days

On the first day of training, I prefer to play it safe, so without hesitation I go to the edible plant station where I review things I already know from back in District Eleven and learn many others that I hope will serve me in the arena. During that time I talked with some tributes and exchange knowledge with Cassia about plants. From her, I learn very useful things. Rhys also gives me good advice when we are not training and encourages me to try a weapon, although my hands shake every time I think about it. On the second day, I go back to the survival skills station and I check that there is a kind of flat circle, the monitor explains that it is something to make fire but I can only think that it reminds me a lot of the frisbee with which I used to play with my brothers. That day I finally encouraged myself to approach weapons, but only those I know, such as sickles and scythes. Especially to the scythes, they are familiar to me and having them close reminds me a little of home. But my mind is still on that flat, circular and metallic thing from the survival skills post. When I come back I can't help picking it up and throwing it away, but it accidentally goes away and ends up hitting one of the mannequins.


"Oh dear, I shouldn't have done that!" I stay petrified for a few minutes, but I don't see that anyone cared, so, a little more calmly, I pick it up from the ground. The mannequin has a blow from the impact. "Well, it wouldn't be a bad weapon after all!"


The day is over, but before we go, I look at the climbing wall at the back of the room. The third day, a little more confident, I go straight to the climbing wall. Having spent all my life climbing trees to gather fruit gives me a great advantage. I also go back to my idea of the frisbee, if I sharpen the ends it could become a lethal weapon. I ask one of the coaches to do it for me, except for a piece, which I will later paint a bright color to know where to catch it. When it is ready I practice all the games, which now become combat tactics, which I remember. And I even get to launch it and make it come back.


Private session

The day has come and even though I've been reviewing what I'm going to do today all night, I can't help but be horribly nervous.


What if it doesn't work? What if they think it's stupid? The fact that I barely slept at all is starting to affect me too. After what seems like centuries, it's finally my turn. I walk in trembling and giving a horrible impression, it's clear that's my specialty. I take a deep breath.


"Come on, you can do this." I go to the weapons table where I pleasantly check that there is the same piece of metal from the other day, and they had also added four more. In total, five frisbees. I catch them by  the part with paint and I go to the climbing wall in the background. I go up the climbing wall as quickly as I can, I go up, down, jump until I reach one of the highest points. From there I throw two frisbees that cut arms of the mannequins, I throw the third one and it comes back to me and then I throw it again at the leg of a mannequin.

I jump and hang myself from another area of the wall. From there I throw the frisbee round and finally I jump in the air, where I throw the last frisbee, I'm not even aware of where I throw it, I think it ended in the stomach of a mannequin. With my heart still beating a thousand an hour I leave the room.


Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit. 

Thank you! I really like it, my stylist did an amazing job. I especially like my hairstyle; as a hairstylist myself I think it is incredible. 


How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part? 

It's amazing! My mind couldn't imagine how colourful, brilliant, and big everything is. My favorite part has been the food. Oh, but also the beds, those are incredible. I haven't slept better in my life, and considering I'm about to die in a few days I think it's a point in your favour. 


Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies? 

I have certainly met some interesting tributes and think I might have a good alliance. That is more than I expected two weeks ago. 


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for? 

Wow, I certainly can't see myself as a victor, but I will fight for my life, that’s for sure. I'm fighting for my family; we are a lot and the food is not something you can find easily, you know, and if I win, it will benefit them a lot. If I die... well, one less mouth to feed. 


Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain? 

I really hope the arena will be something related to plants, at least I would have a little advantage. 


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

Of course I miss my family and friends. I would die to hug my siblings one more time or to talk and laugh with my friends like we used to do. *tears start to come to her eyes* But it's ok I... I just want to tell them that I love them. 


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

I will fight. Maybe I am a tiny, scared, young girl. But I will fight for my life. 

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Chantria's Interview Outfit 

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