F | she/her | 18 | Volunteered
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Asena Glory has always been referred to as a joyful girl with a normal life, or, as normal as life in District Six can be. However, that changed after she lost her older brother, Race, in one of the previous games. Now, Asena is more of an introvert and likes to keep to herself, with only one friend, Daphne May, and her younger sister and mother. Still, she constantly tries to live her life in the best way possible to control her new condition, PTSD developed after her brother’s death. Enjoying simple pleasures is what keeps her occupied most of the time. She likes sewing, reading, and is quite good at dancing. She works in a small workplace, which controls the transportation within the district, to support her family. Despite her condition, Asena can work great under pressure and is very precise and a perfectionist.
Asena's Aesthetic
At the age of eighteen, Asena thought she’d escaped the horrors of the Hunger Games. However, that didn’t mean her thirteen-year-old sister, Carolyn, had. So, when her sister’s name was called, Asena couldn’t believe her ears. Not my little sister, she thought, not her. The delicate, loveable, sweet Carolyn could never survive the games. At that moment, all Asena could think of was losing another sibling to the games. And so, without hesitation, Asena Glory became a volunteer for the Hunger Games.

Asena's Reaping Outfit
It was excruciating. The wait, the anticipation, the fear. And everything else was simply a blur. The reaping, her volunteering, the goodbyes. Carolyn’s cries and screams for her older sister, her mother’s fearful gaze and tears threatening to escape the woman’s eyes. Even Daphne’s words of encouragement, which were of more use to Daphne herself than Asena, who tried to sue her friend and sister in whichever ways she could.
The ride to the Capitol was even worse. Asena’s head was spinning and her emotions threatened to burst out of her with every passing moment. Deep breaths, she kept repeating, you can’t have a panic attack right now. She tried to look out of the window, only to find that the green spots, which were supposed to be trees, didn’t help at all. She spoke briefly to the other girl, Livianna, too. No one bothered to bring the girl a change of clothes. Why would they bother with someone who is going to die, anyway?
She’s nice. Asena has seen her around the district but didn’t really know her. She is younger, too, she thought. Most of the tributes are going to be anyway. How is she supposed to kill them? Some of them might even be younger than her sister. Some might even be children. I can’t do this, she thought. I just can’t. But I have to, for mum, for Carolyn, Daphne.
Upon their arrival, they were immediately separated and rushed to meet the stylists. It felt strange, having someone pick her clothes instead of doing it herself. She didn’t like it. She felt like a doll. Though I suppose that’s what we are to them, dolls, playthings, entertainment.
Once she was dressed, Asena was escorted to the chariots, where she waited for Livianna. The other girl was gorgeous. She was wearing a short black dress, completely different from Asena’s long white one. They’ve been given matching caduceus staffs, too.
The crowd was cheering them on, as if they really believed in them. Well then, if I’m going to die here, I won’t give the Capitol the satisfaction of seeing me weak and defeated. I won’t let my condition win, either. Let’s put on a show, her inner courage spoke.
Asena smiled and waved and blew kisses to the cheering crowd throughout the whole parade. At the very end, right before they were presented to the president, Livianna had grabbed onto Asena’s hand and they’d raised them together. I have to do this. For mum, for Carolyn, for Daphne, and for Race.

Asena's Parade Outfit
Asena Glory received a training score of 9.
Training days
The tribute parade had gone surprisingly well. It had been nice, Asena had to admit, even though the Capitol had paraded them into their deaths. She’d been, after all, in her element throughout the event.
After, however, came the training sessions. On the first day, Asena was nothing but nervous. The morning was spent in silent observation and careful planning. She looked for people to ally with and observed others’ skills. The careers were awfully skilled and intimidating. They’d been training for their whole lives, after all.
And then, there she was, a girl from District Six who had never had proper training in fighting with weapons. She’s always preferred books and witty remarks to physical fights. Sometimes, however, you have to get out of your comfort zone. Especially in situations like this.
The training centre made her think of Daphne. Her best friend was very different from Asena. And Daphne loved hunting. She would always sneak out in the early morning hours and go hunting in the nearby forest. One time, she’d managed to convince Asena to join her, and now, she was glad her friend had done so. Like most of them, their hunting trip had ended with them going home empty-handed, but there was one good thing about it - Daphne taught her how to throw knives.
Let’s see how much you’ve actually taught me, Daph. And so, that was what she did the rest of the day. At first, it wasn’t an easy thing to do. But as time passed, she started making progress. It’s a good thing I’m fast or this would be impossible. By the end of the day, she was more confident and less nervous. She also noticed that her district partner, Livi, made great progress with her unique weapon, which was something she’d told the girl before they walked back to their apartments silently. She could be a useful ally at the beginning of the games. In the beginning, that thought made her stomach clench.
The next day was slightly different. Instead of focusing her time on training with knives, she tried all sorts of survival techniques. Since she knew a lot about first aid already, she decided to try identifying plants and animals, as well as learning how to light fires, tie knots, and make poisons. She learnt a great deal about camouflage, too.
Asena interacted with other tributes a lot more as well. She was chatting with Livi Kart when she suddenly realized that the girl from District Five, Lorcan Amino, was staring at them. They’d started waving at her and she made her way over to them in a matter of seconds. They talked a little about themselves, which led the District Six girls to find out that Lorcan has never used a weapon. It didn’t take long for them to take the dark haired girl under their wing. Even if she is my opponent, she’s still not my enemy.
On their way back, Asena and Livi talked a little bit more and agreed on an alliance in the games. Even if it’s not permanent, it’s still nice to have someone to count on.
The last day was similar to the previous two. She trained with knives, trying a few different combinations with the regular ones as well as with throwing knives. She tested her knowledge in survival skills and made some silent plans in her head. Who to avoid and who could be a possible ally. She felt content, finally being able to control something, even though she was learning how to be deadly. I don’t have much choice in the end. It’s either kill or be killed.
She ended up meeting some other tributes, too. Apart from Livi and Lorcan, in her days of training, she also met the District Four girls, Pip and Ayla, who were surprisingly nice despite being careers. She met Dahlia from District Ten as well, and she was very nice, too.
Maybe meeting all of them wasn’t a smart choice, considering that she’s supposed to kill them, which already seemed hard enough, but she needed allies. Which was another smart thing Daphne told her. Make them like you, make allies, blend in, but don’t be invisible. Woo the public, earn sponsors. Be a sweetheart, but don’t let your emotions get the best of you, and then, in the arena, show them what Asena Glory is really made of.
Private Session
Her private session with the gamemakers was… eventful.
Before she came in, even though her face was calm and emotionless, she had been confined yet a nervous wreck. Deep breaths. Breathe in, breathe out. You’ve got this. What was it Daphne would tell her in situations like this? Don’t be nervous! You’ll kill it! And I’m here, look at me. Everything is going to be alright.
When it was finally her time, she entered the room in small steps, her shoes making noises so quiet, it was nearly impossible to hear them.
Upon her entrance, the gamemakers turned their attention to her. Some of them eyed her up and down and some expressions stayed blank.
She made her way over to the platform and a small stool holding a set of throwing knives. She’d chosen that skill since she’d considered it to be her best option and she’d grown to like the feel of the knives in her hand before she flung them at the targets. As for the said targets, she’d decided to make the session a little more exciting and instead of using ordinary ones, she had settled on moving targets.
You’ll kill it! Everything is going to be alright!
Those familiar words rang through her head. Taking one final breath and closing her eyes before opening them again, she threw her first knife at the target.
That knife was followed by at least ten more, none of which missed the targets, some even hitting their centres. It all went according to the plan she’d made with her mentor before the session. That offered Asena some kind of relief.
You’re very precise, Asena! This is your first try and yet it’s like you’ve been throwing knives your whole life! It took me months to hit the centre! I told you sewing is sharpening your eyesight. Daphne had told her that a long time ago, maybe now she was actually able to believe her.
After she’d finished her performance, she looked up at the gamemakers, who didn’t say or do much, but Asena was pleased with herself. This is all I could have done. I tried my best and now all that’s left is to wait for the results.
May the odds be ever in my favor.
Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Why thank you, Caesar! I think you look quite nice as well. *she smiles, averting her eyes to the ground slightly, before looking up again.* Now, regarding my outfit. Firstly, I'd like to point out that my stylist really outdid himself with this one. It's simple, but also beautiful, and it makes me feel comfortable in my own skin, which I think is the most important thing when wearing any type of clothes, and especially when preparing for an interview. *She smiles at the crowd, before continuing* Secondly, this outfit is inspired by the meaning of my name. Apparently, the name Asena means “she-wolf” and is characterized by the colour blue. So, the outfit doesn't just make me feel good, but it also shows and represents who I am right now, and who I aim and ought to be.
How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part?
I must admit that the Capitol is not exactly how I had been imagining it. In the best way possible, of course! *She chuckles elegantly* It's very different from home, but I like it here. The people are friendly, and I've been given a chance to explore the world outside of my district, if only for a short while. My favourite part might be the luxurious feel of life in the Capitol, from its extravagant fashion to all the new technology and amazing food. Quite the experience it is for sure.
Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies?
I don't think that talking about the other tributes is the smartest of choices, given the situation we are in, but I can say for a fact that all the tributes are really strong this year. We are all different. Some are open, while some are the definition of the devil in disguise. Anyone can come out as the victor which is both terrifying and hopeful at the same time. I have personally met some of the tributes, however, I won't say anything else about the subject. I guess you'll just have to wait and see. *She smiles again, though this time her eyes hold a little mystery and intrigue in them.*
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
*Asena stills a little. She stops smiling and her tone turns serious, though she still holds her calm composure.*
I like to think that I do have what it takes. I can't afford to think otherwise either way. I've always been competitive, and after everything that has happened in my life, I like to think of myself as a bit of a survivor. The most important thing is that I believe in myself. There is too much at stake back home, for me to simply lose faith in my abilities, which I hope are enough for the win.
This brings us to the question of who I'm fighting for. The logical thing would be to say that I'm fighting for my deceased brother Race or my sister Carolyn, for whom I had volunteered, or perhaps, my mum. Don't get me wrong, I am fighting for them, too. I adore Carolyn with every fiber of my being, and could never thank my mother enough for everything that she's done for me. But, right now, in these games, I am fighting for my best friend Daphne.
Daphne's a year older than me, you see. We met at work, and ever since then, we have been inseparable. *She pauses for a moment.* When I first met her, I was in a very dark place. My condition was in its full swing and I refused to let anyone in. But I let her in. I let her teach me how to live my life again. And despite everything that has happened in her life, she's never lost hope in mine. She has never let me be alone like she had been, and she has always been there for me. She made me laugh in times of utter despair. She taught me how to smile again, how to be me again. She pulled me out of the dark hole that I buried myself in after my brother's death. For that only I owe her much more than my life. And the only thing she's asked of me in return was to come back home alive. And I intend to keep that promise. *She lowers her head now, blinking away the silent tears threatening to fall, composing herself.*
Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain?
Hmmm... I haven't given it much thought, to be fully honest with you. I suppose that I'd prefer a terrain in which the climate is bearable. Not too hot and definitely not too cold. The heat I can stand, but the cold? The worst possible thing! Also, I'd like a place where you can hide. Perhaps a forest. A place in which you can climb trees, hunt, and be invisible. Move around covered so that you can see everyone, but no one can see you. Until, well, your opponent runs out of time.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I think that the thing I miss the most about District Six, apart from my family, might be my routine. No matter how monotonous it can be at times I suppose it makes me happy. Makes me relax and do things that I like. I miss waking up every day to an already made breakfast, prepared by my mother. I miss going to work and spending time with Daph, doing less work than we are meant to, for our days were spent in laughter and joy. I miss reading books to Carolyn, sometimes even making up stories, just so she could fall asleep. But I feel like it's good to be homesick. It only means you're that more lethal because you have something to miss, someone to lose. My shoutout goes to the only people that matter. To mum, who I love very much, to Carolyn, my beautiful sunshine girl, and to Daph, my honorable older sister.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
Actually, yes. I'd like to say that, no matter what happens in that arena, whether I survive or not, I want people to remember me. And not as a person that I might be forced to become, but as the person that I am. As someone who loves her family and is ready to fight for them. Forget my name but not me. And good luck to all of the tributes. May the odds be ever in our favor. Goodnight and goodbye, people of the Capitol and all the twelve districts! Fight for what matters to you and be yourself, for that is the strongest weapon of all.
*She then leaves the stage, hands shaking, but her mind even surer. Everything she said was true. And now she must put her words into action. Whatever it takes indeed.*

Asena's Interview Outfit