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F | she/her | 14 | Reaped

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Violet has three siblings: Vanessa, her twin (14), Primrose (11), and Micah (7). She has one close friend, Riley. Violet is intelligent and loves school. 


During the reaping, Violet was only a little nervous as she stood and the announcement was given that it was time to pick the tributes. They always start with girls, and the escort pulls out a name. That’s when Violet hears her name. She isn’t 100% shocked, but Vanessa looked a little mad, like she wants to volunteer for Violet. She holds back to let her sister have her shining moment.

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Violet's Reaping Outfit 




Violet's Parade Outfit 


Violet Jane received a training score of 5. 

Training Days

For the three days of training, Violet worked a lot with a bow and arrow. She feels that it is her strong point, and she wants to perfect her aim with them. Obviously, being from an outlier district, she doesn’t have proper training, so her aim isn’t always accurate

Private Session

When it was time for Violet to present, she stook in front of the gamemakers. She nervously walked in and went straight for the bows. She picked one up and grabbed an arrow. She slowly aimed for the target and shot. She missed. The gamemakers were laughing very hard at her mishap, but this didn’t phase Violet. She grabbed another arrow and aimed at the target again, this time it went in. They stood there in shock as Violet walked out confidently, excited for her score.


Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

My outfit is one of my favorite colors: blue! My stylist really knows how to make outfits. The dress is plain and simple but I really like it.


How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part?

I like the Capitol, it has lots of cool places. I can't really choose a favorite part.


Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies?

I have gotten close to a couple tributes.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for? 

I think I do, and I want to win this for my family.


Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain? 

I have no expectations for the arena.


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I miss my family, especially my twin sister, Vanessa. 

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Violet's Interview Outfit 

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