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F | she/her | 16 | Reaped

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Pip Amity enjoys painting and crafts. She is shy, extremely intelligent, and very athletic. Pip is a kind-hearted, sensitive character. She has a younger sister and two older twin siblings: an eighteen year old sister and a brother. She lives with both of her parents and all her siblings. Pip still attends school, but she doesn’t have a job yet.


Pip was not nervous because she wasn’t worried about being reaped. Her sister wished her good luck, and as she turned around, “Pip Amity” was called. Pip’s sister cried out in distress but she quickly made her way up to the stage and stumbled on the stairs on the way up. Pip was expecting someone to volunteer. The eerie silence haunted her mind as she dreaded what her future had in stock for her.

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Pip's Reaping Outfit 


I didn’t really enjoy being the centre of attention as a young child. I never enjoyed dressing up, looking pretty, and I never enjoyed being “girly”. I guess you could say I was quite the “tomboy” but this, this is different. I have to dress up, I have to be the centre of attention, because if I don’t, if I don’t take it seriously, I’m afraid it could cost me my life. I step up onto the carriage. My heart is pounding and I can hear the cheers of the Capitol crowds. I look over at the other carriages and they all look amazing. I pat my fiery red hair in a half hearted attempt to contain any curly flyaway pieces that may have made an appearance. After all, I do need to look my best for the crowds of the Capitol.


The chariot that Ayla and I are standing in starts rolling forward slowly. I look Ayla in the eyes and she looks at me.


“Good luck.” 


She smiles at me and replies, “You too, Pip.” 


Adrenaline takes over as we roll through the audience. I wave to all the Capitol people and I blow a kiss to all the children I catch looking at me - I do love children. But I can’t help but envy them, they will never have to worry about the games. I place my arm around Ayla’s shoulder, and the crowd goes wild as water vapour mist from our chariot hits them. It scares me - all the people cheering, all the eyes staring at me, judging me and betting on me, all of the roses hitting me as we travel through the streets of the Capitol, sporting all the fancy clothes I am forced to wear. But I have to be brave or it could cost me my life.


Pip's Parade Outfit 


Pip Amity received a training score of 9. 

Training days

It is the morning of day one of training. I can’t help but think about what the next three days will hold for me, it is my first (and possibly only) chance to form alliances and observe the other tributes' skills and weaknesses. I tie up my mane of hair and head down for breakfast with my mentor; we discuss what I need to work on in training and who I should try and form alliances with. Straight after breakfast, my mentor walks me to the elevator, going over a few last minute tips and once we part ways I head straight downstairs to the training complex. I'm the one of the first to arrive, I don’t like being late to things. Once all the tributes arrive, the head trainer briefs us, but I can tell no one is actually listening to her. I look around and I see that everyone else is doing exactly what I am doing, checking everyone out observing their peers' sizes, weights, strength. Deciding who they want to kill. When the briefing is over I head straight to the physical tests. I try to keep on the down-low at training, I don’t want people to know my strengths and weaknesses.

I see the careers in a group around the spears I know that District Four is a career district, but I don’t trust these people, they seem to have already formed an alliance. I need allies, I need a team. 

I see my district partner, Ayla, over at the fishing section and she’s by herself. It’s my chance to make a move. She seems to struggle with fishing, which is odd coming from District Four. I teach her a few basic skills that could come in handy in the arena. I think she’s beginning to trust me, she tells me how she never enjoyed fishing and she never found it interesting in the slightest but she tells me of how she wishes she payed more attention to basic skills her father taught her because they could be very handy in the arena.

I teach a few of my allies to fish and tie knots and, in return, they teach me a few of their own skills. 

I recognize a few things others are doing, some are practicing climbing and others are working on identifying plants and fruit. There’s no need for me to waste my time at that station, though. I'm an expert at it. I have experience from when I went camping in District Four as a child.


Private session

During the private training session, I walked in powerfully. I picked up the knives and I threw them at the target. Out of the five knives that I threw, two hit the bullseye and the other three hit the outlining rings. I immediately headed to the strength and agility tests. I climbed up the ropes. Swinging through the complex on the ropes, I ran, jumped, and hopped the all the obstacles. It may have been a fluke but I managed to cross and complete all the obstacles quickly, stealthily, and I didn’t put a foot in the wrong place. I  think I have done enough to impress the gamemakers, but I just wanted to show one more skill. I race over to knot tying and I tie the most complex knots I know how to. Once I've finished, I look up to the gamemakers and bow. I walk out with the same power I walked in with.


Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit. 

Thank you, Caesar! You look great too, as always! I’ve seen people on Capitol television wear these bustier suits and I’ve always wanted to wear one. So here we are… me in the Capitol, wearing a bustier suit! 


How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part? 

The Capitol is great so far, even though it’s huge and scary and busy. At home it’s usually quiet and calm, but here it’s always burning hot and packed with people, but I love that everyone here in the Capitol is so welcoming of us! Weirdly enough, my favourite part of the Capitol are the pillows. At home they were limp and flat, but here they’re fluffy and comfortable. Weird.


Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies? 

Well, I won’t spoil anything to the audience, but I made a few friends and maybe a few allies? I have no enemies except for anyone who bothers me.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for? 

I’m fighting for myself and my life, but mostly I’m fighting because I have to. I have to make it through here for so many people, and myself, and my district. I can tell the arena will traumatize me so I’d like to die on my own terms, not running away from someone trying to stab me. I think I have what it takes because I’m smart, and ready.


Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain? 

I have no expectations, as the capitol surprises us every year, but i think it’s obvious that I’m hoping for a body of water, don’t you?


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I miss everyone, but it’s sort of funny. The thing I value most at home is work. Doing chores, fishing, anything. I miss the hard work and pride when I’m done, and it’s probably the best feeling ever. I imagine I’ll feel it again when I win.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

I wonder, if I win, will the Capitol still suppress my needs? Goodbye, Caesar, and thank you.

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Pip's Interview Outfit 

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