F | she/her | 14 | Volunteered | "Josie"
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Josaphine is an only child. She works just as well alone as she does with others. She likes cooking and art and is really good with weapons, so she practices as much as she can. She also learns about different types of plants.

Josaphine's Aesthetic
At the reaping, I have nothing to lose, so when a name is called, I volunteer and with a strong stride I walk up front to the stage.

Josaphine's Reaping Outfit
Josaphine was slightly excited as she waved and smiled and blew kisses to the Capitol audience.

Josaphine's Parade Outfit
Josaphine Nightblood received a training score of 8.
Training Days
On the first day of training, I decided to polish up on my strengths and move on to the harder stuff first. I started with camouflage, using mud, twigs, and branches to hide myself, then I started fire building and tent making using the fire to cook different animals to perfection. Then I made sure I knew all the different types of fruits, vegetables, and berries. After half the day, I moved on to weapons and I started with my favorite: a sword. Then I realized I should extend my range with some throwing knives. I wasn't half bad. I surprisingly had good aim. After a while, we were ushered out of the training room and I was really excited for the next day.
It was early, but not for me - I'm a morning person. Most of the other tributes were tired but I was well awake and ready to try anything. First, I decided to try climbing. I wasn't the best at this, but I have great arm strength. It was just a matter of finding your footing. After a while, I got to the top. It may have been harder than I thought, but I think I got the hang of it. I stayed there for a while and practiced balance and eventually, even stood on my hands. After a while, I climbed down and went to tying knots for nets and other reasons. I learned at least 20 new knots and I can easily do them. It was getting late, but our time wasn't up, so I decided to practice my weapons again. I got even better with knives and learned a few things with a bow
Today, we started off later than usual and to start off I was thrilled. I tried swimming for the first time. I wasn't the best at it but I could get somewhere if I needed to. I learned the rest of the skills at the survival station and got to polish up my climbing skills. I even took one of the other tribute's weapons without them knowing! They didn't even notice. I tried digging a hole to hide in and it kind of worked out - it wasn't very deep, though. I set up some traps to catch living animals and they worked. Last of all, I made a bow and a quiver of arrows and a sword and some knives with just a stone and I was so proud of myself. I also made a couple of friends, maybe possible allies, but we will see. I was nervous but very excited to show the gamemakers what I could do.
Private Session
I was so nervous, but a couple of deep breaths calmed me down. I was ready. I strode in with a firm stride as I introduced myself and they told me to start. I showed them my camouflage which turned out better than I had imagined, then I showed my climbing skills and balance by doing one-handed handstands up a tree and using my knife skills to fit the targets. After I climbed down, I was thrilled but not ready to leave. I grabbed a sword and sliced the dummies in half and stabbed them in unthinkable places. I decided to calm down a little bit and finished with my crafty knots and traps. As I do a quick bow, I leave with a bold smile on my face. That couldn't have gone much better.
Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Well, I decided to base my outfit off of my personality: light and bubbly, with a pop of color and warmth.
How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part?
The Capitol has been amazing, despite the fact that I have to be here, my favorite part has to be meeting new people. Everyone is so different compared to the people in my district and the food is just to die for, the cherry pie is just divine!
Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies?
I may have made a couple of allies, but definitely no enemies; everyone here is so unique and special in their own way.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I'm fighting for myself and my district, but I’m sure a lot of other people have families to get home to.
Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain?
Oh, I would definitely prefer a rainforest. It would be so vibrant and fun with plenty of food and hiding places, if you don't let the bugs get to you.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
What I miss most about my home is my cats, Furn and Sakura, and my horse Zoe. Also, shoutout to my bestie, Elinor!
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
I wish everyone would come out of this alive, but sometimes that can't happen, so all I can say is good luck everyone and have a great day!

Josaphine's Interview Outfit