F | she/her | 17 | Volunteer
To sponsor Dahlia, send a DM to @panemxeverdeen on Instagram.
Dahlia has lived in District Ten her whole life. Her parents are both still alive, but her older brother died a few years ago due to an accident on their farm. Her best friend, Saphire, has lived with Dahlia for a couple years and she has become like a sister to her. Sapphire’s parents are both dead. Dahlia loves reading, going to school, and her friends mean everything to her. After school she helps her parents and Archie, the guy they hired to help them after her brother died, on the farm. She's had a crush on Archie for a while and has told no one except Saphire about it.
The morning of the reaping Dahlia and Saphire chose their best dresses. You have to look good for the reaping, it might seem weird, but it has become some sort of rule for them. In the worst scenario, they would be seen on National Television! Dahlia was nervous. Extremely nervous. What if she was reaped? Her family wasn't rich, but they never signed up for tesserae. They always grew some food themselves. They arrived to the square after a ten minute walk. Almost everyone was already there. They hastily entered the area where all the seventeen-year-old girls stood. After another five minutes, the escort started talking.
"Hello everybody, and welcome to the reaping for the 52nd Hunger Games. May the odds be ever in your favor." He put his hand in the huge bowl with girls' names and picked one from the bottom.
"Saphire Smith!" Dahlia's world fell apart around her.
"Think,” she whispered to herself.
"I volunteer as tribute!" she screamed. She walked to the stage. thinking about five seconds ago. She stood next to the escort, holding back tears and spotted her parents doing the same. Once she was inside the Justice Building, alone, she let it all out.

Dahlia's Reaping Outfit
Dahlia stood next to the chariot with her district partner, Korey. She was nervous. Extremely nervous. What would happen in 5 minutes could be the difference between life and death in the arena. Her dress was incredibly gorgeous and Korey's outfit was, too. Dahlia decided to just smile at the audience and wave. When it was time for them to leave, the doors opened and they started moving. The audience went wild when the beautiful girls from District Ten came into sight.

Dahlia's Parade Outfit
Dahlia Cowell received a training score of 8.
Training days
On the first day of training, Dahlia didn't really have any idea what to do. She figured it was most important to be able to cook food and find water in the arena, so she went to the fire station first. She was nervous when a girl, who she recognized to be Lorcan from District Five, walked towards her and the fire station. Dahlia was hoping to make friends during training, but now she was kind of nervous. Lorcan sat down next to her and appeared to be really friendly. While they were trying to make a fire, they already started becoming friends. After making a few fires they walked over to another station. Then another and another and another. Lorcan had taught Dahlia how to aim. She found out she was best with a trident so she decided to practice with that more the next day. Later on the first day, Lorcan and Dahlia bumped into the girls from District Four: Pip and Ayla. Dahlia was a bit suspicious of them at first because they were from a career district, after all, but they also turned out to be really nice. They taught Lorcan and Dahlia how to tie knots and in exchange they thought Pip and Ayla to make fires. Which they had become really good at. Dahlia also turned out to be really good with knots. On the second day, Dahlia and Lorcan both went around the stations on their own a bit. Dahlia practiced more with her trident and also learned to tie more kinds of knots. Lastly, she went to the plant station to test her own knowledge. She enjoyed the last day the most. Lorcan had taught her some stuff about explosives and Dahlia had shown her some of the plants in her garden at home. The pair had actually grown quite close in those few days! She had also practiced more with the trident and some knot traps for the private session. When she wanted to return to her room, she ran into Livi from District Six. Livi told her about her alliance with her district partner, Asena. Dahlia told her she would love to join them if Lorcan could also join.
Private session
Dahlia was waiting until it was her turn to go to the private training session. The District Nine girl was in there right now, so only the District Nine boy was between them. She had made a plan in her head, but she had never been good at following plans. This time, a lot depended on the plan so she'd try to follow it. Her plan is to knot a trap first, then get a dummy, throw it on the trap so it closes around the dummy, then she'd grab a trident and stab it. She goes over the plan a few more times when it's her turn to show what she can do. She's extremely nervous when she enters the room. She turns around and finds a rack full of ropes. She knots the trap as fast as she can and turns around once more to find a dummy. They are on the other side of the room so she walks over there. Fast, but not running. On the way, she feels the eyes of the gamemakers on her back. She grabs the dummy and again returns to the trap as fast as she can. She throws the dummy on it and... IT WORKS!!
She's so happy. She has to keep herself from doing a victory dance because she isn't sure if the trident will also hit its target. She grabs the trident closest to her and throws it right where the dummy's heart would be. Again, she has to keep herself from doing a victory dance because, again, it went exactly as she wanted! She turns to the gamemakers.
"Dismissed." Says the Head Gamemaker. She doesn't know how fast she has to leave the room. As soon as she's out of sight from the gamemakers, she does her victory dance anyways.

Dahlia's Interview Outfit