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Livianna's Aesthetic



F | she/her | 16 | Reaped | "Livi" 

To sponsor Livianna, send a DM to @circlaes on Instagram.

There’s not much to be said about Livianna Kart. For a long time it was only Livianna and her mother. Livianna’s mother loved to call her Livi. And that little pet name stuck around. Skye Kart had Livi when she was just sixteen, which meant that the two had a very close bond. When Livi started school, she wore the same rotten clothes every day because that was all that her mother could afford. When she was seven she met her best friend, Zeta Brown. He was a sweet boy who came from the richest part of town, but he didn’t say much and was often bullied. Zeta and Livi snuck away at lunch times to avoid the bullies and bonded very easily, and soon, they were inseparable. Skye and Livi were taken under the care of the Browns, who helped them get back on their feet. 


All was well until Maxwell Rock entered their lives. He and Skye fell in love and moved into a new house back on the outskirts of the district, much to Livianna’s displeasure. Livi hated the man. He was obnoxious, rude, and treated her and her mother like his property. Skye Kart found herself pregnant again, already struggling to care for Livianna. Because of the toxic chemicals in the factories, Skye lost her job, leaving Livi to care for her, her mother, and her unborn sibling. Livianna’s biggest fear was to lose everything she cared for. And that nightmare became reality.


Livianna got dressed in her favourite outfit. This simple outfit reflected her personality well. She kissed her mother and her pregnant stomach and was out the door. She stayed confident for her mother, but inside she felt her stomach turn to mush. She met her best friend, Zeta, by his house and they walked to the reaping together. They got their fingers pricked and hugged goodbye. She stood in line, picking at the skin on the side of her fingers. The escort walked out onto the stage. Livianna felt her stomach turn. The escort went over to the “ladies” bowl. She picked a piece of paper from the bowl. 


“Livianna Kart.” 


Livia turned pale white. She was carried to the stage. She tried to keep it in but she couldn’t. She threw up all over herself and was carried away by the Peacekeepers. Before anything was said for Livianna she was named the tribute for District Six. The girl shivered as she was taken to say goodbye to her mother. No one bothered to bring the poor girl a change of clothes. After all, she was just a low-life scum who would die in the arena.

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Livianna's Reaping Outfit 


After an eventful reaping and an excruciatingly long train ride to the Capitol, we were finally going to be presented to the people of the Capitol. During the ride, I start to get to know Asena. She’s nice. She and I were never in the same class at school, as she is two years older than me. But I’ve seen her around. My stomach turns again at the thought of having to kill her. I think of my mother and my unborn sibling who I’m unlikely to see again. Let’s be honest, I have no chance of winning this thing. My head spins a hundred miles an hour just as the landscapes of Panem pass me by at about the same timing. This wait is excruciating. As we pull into the Capitol, we are immediately ushered to our stylists. My stylist is a young woman with so many modifications to her skin you would wonder if she was really human. She has a number of dresses brought in and she makes me try on every single one. I feel like a doll. A white one, a puffy black one, and a leather navy dress. All of these dresses cost more than anything I’ve ever and will ever own. We finally settle on the leather dress. It’s stunning. It reminds me of the circuit boards I worked on to make the trains run. She hands me a huge headdress, full of feathers. I’m confused but I sit and let my stylist work her magic on my hair. In no time, my hair flows under the headdress. I run my hands through, missing my usual knots. Everything else happens in a blur. She adds a train ring and an airplane necklace to show everyone how useful District Six is. Once she has finished, I can’t recognise myself in the mirror. The girl who was sick on herself at the reaping is no more. Tonight I have to make an impression. My mentor drags me out to the chariots where Asena is waiting. She is stunning. We have been given matching caduceus staff. I’m not sure what they represent but I don’t waste time looking for an explanation. It takes me a while to warm up to the crowds cheering us on. The lights are bright and my head spins again. I look at Asena, who is smiling and waving at the crowd. I decide that it's time to show the people of Panem who Livianna Kart is. I extend my arm and wave at the crowd and they wave back. I blow kisses and received flowers. It’s insane. Just before we arrive to be presented to the president, I grab onto Asena’s hand and we raise them in unity. This is my time to shine. I have to make them like me. My mother depends on me. I dare not think what would happen to her if I died in that arena.


Livianna's Parade Outfit 


Livianna Kart received a training score of 7. 

Training Days

Here we were. After the excitement of the tribute parade, being paraded on our way to the slaughter house, came the training sessions. I spent most of the first morning observing the other tributes, hoping to make some allies.


I fleeted between the different stations of survival. I watched the others as they trained. On one hand were the careers, ruthless killers. They were good at this. I, on the other hand, had very limited experience with any weapon what so ever. But that didn’t matter, I needed to practice. After lunch I took it upon myself to pick up a weapon, any weapon. All these rows of different weapons were intimidating. One of the instructors directed me to a bladed staff. It certainly was a unique choice. After all these years of watching the games on the television and I had rarely seen such a unique weapon. Maybe this would help motivate the citizens of the Capitol to sponsor me.

I spent the rest of the afternoon learning how to use that bladed staff. By the end of the day I could feel the eyes of other tributes on me and I had finally stopped tripping over myself. Once I got down from the training platform I was approached by Asena, the other girl representing District Six, who told me that I looked like I was making good progress. She and I walked back to our apartments in silence. We really had nothing in common but it was nice to know she wasn’t my enemy. Yet. All the others would soon stand between me and my return home.

Me and sore muscles made our way down to the training centre for the second day of training. This time I was more confident. I even went up to talk to other tributes to get a feel for them. There was a dark haired girl who introduced herself to me as Lorcan Amino, the tribute for District Five. She was certainly interesting, to say the least. I also ran into the two girls from District Four, Pip and Ayla. For being careers, usually, they were surprisingly nice to me. I continued training with my bladed staff hoping to become more and more lethal. During rest periods I went over to the survival stations, identifying plants, making poisons, and of course first aid.

On our way back to our apartments, me and Asena started talking and agreed on an alliance in the games. It would be hard to kill her but at least she had my back. Hopefully.


Finally came the last day. I arrived bright and early and got in some more practice with the bladed staff. I had to prepare for the private session, which was approaching fast. I ran into the District Ten girl, Dahlia, and told her of my alliance with Asena and offered that she joined us. It was the last day and I had made some good progress with the staff but that wasn’t enough yet. I went over to the first aid station and learned how to sew up a wound. While causing them was good, if it happened to me or one of my allies then it wouldn’t be good. I had made the most of this training session. Livi Kart was ready for these games. 


Private Session

After three days of grueling training I was ready to show the gamemakers what I could do. The wait was excruciating. District One, District Two... Finally Asena was called in. When she left I felt scared. This was for real. I had to go show the gamemakers why they should actually like me.


In time, my name was finally called. I walked in the room, exchanged a quick glance with Asena on her way out. My time had come. Lucky for me, the gamemakers were still paying attention. I introduced myself as "Livianna Kart from District Six". Once that was done, I ran to get the bladed staff I had been using to practice with all week. Once that was in my hand, I ran to get some dummies and hung them up using rope. I took a step back and started twirling the staff. The blades twisted in a blur and all the heads of the dummies fell, neatly cut off.

I then proceeded to the plants station when I fabricated a poison which I fed to one of the frogs for demonstrations and the frog took two minutes to die, white foam forming all around the frog. That little frog did not last long. Poisons would certainly come in handy in the arena.


I left my dismembered dummies and dead frog and walked out. Hopefully that had been enough.


Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit. 

I wanted something a bit different. And something simple. I’ve never been one for too much bling or anything that’s extra. So me and my stylist went for this gorgeous light pink dress and my hair is clipped back with this lovely clip and it brings me back to the days when me and Zeta, my best friend, used to watch what we could over the polluted skies of district six. Further to this I just picked out some shoes that stood out to me. I wanted something different. 


How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part? 

I have to be honest, my first impressions of the Capitol weren’t great. As you probably know I had a little accident on the day of the reaping and no one bothered to bring me a change of clean clothes. The Capitol had been harsh on us. I mean separating us from our families. Yes, the food is amazing, and for the first time in my life I’m not hungry but I miss my home. So, I have to be honest, I have no favourite part of the Capitol. 


Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies? 

Yes, I’ve ended up getting quite close to my district partner, Asena. She’s been lovely to me. We were never in the same class at school and she has always intimidated me. But recently she and I have been reminiscing about our lives before all this. I have made an alliance but I guess you will have to wait and see who these tributes are in the arena. 


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for? 

I do not have what it takes to become a victor. I was never raised to be a killer, like the careers. I learned to use a weapon in three days. What does that tell you? I’m mostly fighting for my mother. She’s eight months pregnant and I want to meet that baby more than anything. And if I could meet that baby as a victor then I would fight harder than anyone. 


Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain? 

I’ve spent my whole life in the factories and garages of District Six. So apart from an urban environment, or a factory, I have only that as a preference. I guess that if the arena was a natural one it would be alright. I’ve been studying up on poisonous plants and animals so I’m hoping that might pay off. 


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I only had two people I was close to at home. My mother Skye and my best friend Zeta. They were my whole world. Zeta, please look after my mother. I would feel so much better in the arena if I knew she was safe with you. Mom, don’t give up on that baby. Even if I don’t come home. Just knowing that baby is going to be happy is all I know.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

I hope you like me enough to sponsor me and to not give up on me. I would still like to go home. Thank you. 

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Livianna's Interview Outfit 

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