F | she/her | 17 | Volunteered
To sponsor Lorcan, send a DM to @stcrksimpala on Instagram.
Lorcan lives with her mother, Elise, and her younger step-sister, Pax. Lorcan has rather bad anger issues, and it’s hard for her to stay calm sometimes. Her mother was a prostitute, hence the reason she has no clue who her father is. Pax’s father also ditched their mother, so Elise was stuck with the pair. After Pax’s birth, their mother dropped out of prostitution and got a job so that she could support her family. Lorcan helps her mother work on the weekends in the factories. Lorcan has zero friends, as people are usually afraid of her, so she spends most of her time reading at home.
This was Pax’s second year in the reaping; she turned thirteen just two days before the reaping. Their family was rather poor, so the two daughters had to apply for a lot of tesserae.
“Pax Amino,” the escort read aloud.
Pax didn’t even have time to register this before Lorcan shot her hand up, shouting “I volunteer as tribute!” Her sister was one of the most important people in her life, and no way was the Hunger Games going to take that away from her.

Lorcan's Reaping Outfit
Lorcan was stressed about the tribute parade. She was not used to being watched by this many people in the crowd. Sure, people stared at her weirdly back in District Five, but not THIS many. She was wearing a gold gown, which resembled the Greek God, Zeus. Her stylists had tried to make her look as girly and non-goth as possible, but it was hard when the girl had jet black hair and porcelain skin. They had asked the girl to put a contact lens over her reddish-brown eye, but Lorcan refused. As the District Five chariot pulled out of the building, Lorcan slightly cowered at the sights before her. She frowned at the people in the crowds, but they seemed to ignore her discomfort, and cheer her on. This made her a little happier. She gave small waves to the crowd, and they frantically waved back, trying to gain recognition. She was still rather timid toward the thousands of citizens, all dressed so vibrantly before her. They all looked a lot better than her, she thought. Beside her, her district partner looked gorgeous. How would she ever gain respect when these types of people were her opponents? After that, she was rather shy and timid, and only waved at the small kids, who reminded her of her little sister, Pax, whom she missed dearly. But the memory of Pax brought a smile across her face and gave her a little boost of confidence, and she started to smile a lot more.

Lorcan's Parade Outfit
Lorcan Amino received a training score of 3.
Training days
Lorcan wasn’t sure where to head during training. There were so many stations that were drawing her attention: rope-knotting, the weapons, fire station, bugs and plants, etc. Lorcan’s strong point was explosives and electronics. She was well prepared in those areas. So first of all, she headed to the fire station. There was one girl there already, whom she recognized as the District Ten girl, Dahlia. Pushing aside her anxiety, she went and sat with the girl, and to her relief, she was very sweet. She got to know her whilst the pair struggled to make a fire. After accomplishing to make three fires, they dusted their hands off, and called it a day. The pair went station to station together, and suddenly became quite good friends. They bumped into another pair, the District Four girls, Pip and Ayla. Though they give off an intimidating vibe, they were quite nice, despite being part of the career pack. They helped Lorcan and Dahlia to tie knots, and in return, the two helped them to create fires, which they had became experts at.
The next day was just as good. Lorcan went around on her own a little more that day, trying out new experiences. She completed the bug identification match-up, and after spending an hour on it, got almost all of them correct. Feeling rather proud of herself, she decided to settle on something a little more energy-enduring. Her eyes locked on the weapon station, where the two District Six girls were chatting. She hadn’t realized she was staring until they started to wave at her. She feebly made her way over, and they introduced themselves to be Asena and Livi. They chatted a little about themselves, and they learned that Lorcan had never handled a weapon. With that, they took her under their wing, and showed her a few tricks and techniques with some smaller knives.
The last day of training was maybe one of the most exciting. Lorcan showed Dahlia a little about explosives, and how you can make quite a significant explosive with just a few wires. In return, Dahlia taught her a little more about some plants from back in her home district. The pair had grown quite close.
Private session
Lorcan entered the room, rather intimidated by the gamemakers, but she wouldn’t let it show. she wouldn’t let these cowards behind a screen scare her. she made her way across to the electronics station. With 4 of the wires there, she managed to make a small, but effective, explosive and although it wasn’t tidy, it still worked. She also showed off a few of the plants she had learned about, and decided which were safe to eat. Lastly, she did a little knife work on the dummy, and left slices all across its body. She bowed to the gamemakers, and left with her head held high.
Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Well, I wanted to stand out a little, and wearing a dress, I don’t think, would have suited my unique style very much, so my stylists put me in a suit. It’s a LOT more comfortable than my parade dress. And the boots, oh my god. I’m obsessed. I also wanted to get across the idea that I am dangerous, and to be honest *she whispers* I am kind of scared of myself right now!
How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part?
Oh, I do really like it! It's very unique, and quite different to the buildings back home! To be honest, I think all the colours are my favourite part because they’re all so bright. Back in District Five, everything’s pretty grey, black and white. It's boring. But the colours here are fantastic, so I'd have to say it’s my favourite part.
Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies?
Yep! Believe it or not, I've made an alliance. I didn't think I would make friends or even an alliance, but I tried to push myself out of my comfort zone, and become a little more confident. I don't think I'll reveal their names, but be sure to watch out for us!
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
Do you want me to answer honestly? No, I don't think I can. I hope that I can, but realistically, no. Every tribute has certain odds of winning, some more than others. and right now, my odds are pretty low, considering my training score. But back home, my little sister, Pax, is watching me, and I have to stay strong for her. It is hard, yes, but I have to do it for her.
Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain?
No, I have no clue! I'm hoping it’s maybe not too harsh, but knowing the gamemakers, it’ll probably be bad. I do hope there are some plants and vegetation though, and some sticks. There will probably be the main necessities I need.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
Oh, definitely my little sister. No one else really matters other than her. She is my whole world. And to everyone else in District Five, f**k you.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
I hope the gamemakers are happy now that they’ve marked me as one of the weaker tributes. Watch me out there in the arena and I'll show you what I can do…

Lorcan's Interview Outfit