Our gamemakers have something huge cooking for this year’s tributes… welcome to the 52nd Annual Hunger Games.
It’s a Bug’s Life!
We’ve seen it all done before - forests, islands, jungles. Why not mess with proportions? Even our most lethal and experienced career tributes will need to find their footing here and we can’t wait to see who rises to the occasion and who falls short!
Tributes will be transported to a larger-than-life environment. Even the biggest fish will feel small in this unique arena. Blades of grass the size of buildings, rocks the size of hills, grains of dirt and sand the size of basketballs. This arena has four main sections (The Grass, The Tree, The Ant Hill, and The Stream Bed) and the Cornucopia, which is located in the center of the arena on a patch of dirt. It is surrounded on all four sides by The Grass, which occupies the entire Northern portion of the arena as well as the spaces between other sections. After fetching their supplies and weapons, tributes will need to navigate through the dense green blades in order to find safety and shelter!

The Grass
The most expansive part of the arena, The Grass takes up much of the space around and to the North of Cornucopia. Dense and green, each blade is nearly the height of an American football goal post (approximately 18 feet tall). Although easily cut down with a sword or other blade, The Grass is like no other forest you’ve ever seen and must be navigated through to make it to any other part of the arena. It provides great cover from other tributes, but it can become confusing and it’s quite easy to get turned around in. Plus, watch out for what may be lurking in between the blades…
Pros: provides good cover, easy to cut down
Cons: can be disorienting, cutting each blade will be tiring, possible predators

The Stream Bed
To the South of the Cornucopia lies The Stream Bed. Although it is usually full of running freshwater, the summer heat has depleted the area and left it dry and empty, save for some dirt and sediment. Sprinkled throughout with rocks big enough to crush a person and some spurts of new plant life, The Stream Bed also provides many good hiding spots. There may be some small creatures lurking here, and a good hunter just might be able to catch them for food. If a tribute is clever, they might even be able to find water.
Pros: lots of hiding places, possibly a water source, good hunters and foragers may be able to find food
Con: hazardous rocks

The Tree
To the East of the Cornucopia is a massive tree, as tall as a skyscraper and hollow on the inside. Tributes can scale the outside of The Tree to search for nooks and crannies to hide in, but they may come across the occasional squirrel or bird nest. Those who are more adventurous can climb inside to find a bustling, bug metropolis. Spiders, ants, stick bugs, beetles, caterpillars, moths, ladybugs… you name the insect! Chances are, they’re living in this tree. The bugs go about their day collecting all kinds of things - even edible things, sometimes. As long as they don’t disrupt the flow of life, tributes don’t need to worry about the bugs and they’ll be left alone, but cause a scene or get into it with the wrong insect and you’d better run!
Pros: hiding spots outside, possible food sources throughout
Cons: mean bugs and other animals

The Ant Hill
To the West of the Cornucopia lies an inconspicuous pile of dirt. Upon closer inspection, two holes at the top of the mountainous pile lead into a vast cavern of dark, maze-like tunnels and chambers underground. The Ant Hill, although long abandoned, provides shelter and warmth, but beware; it’s easy to get lost and easier still to starve to death. If you don’t succumb to starvation, you may fall victim to madness as the darkness overwhelms your senses.
Pros: dark and maze-like, great for hiding, shelter, and staying warm, no ants or other animals/bugs to worry about
Cons: dark and maze-like, it’s easy to get lost, no food or water sources, tributes must scale the sides to enter or exit

Check out what our tributes will be donning when they enter the arena!

Check out what weapons and supplies will be in the Cornucopia this year!