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How are deaths and injuries determined in the 52nd Hunger Games?

Check out our elimination system below.


  1. One, six-sided dice is rolled to determine the number of tributes who will be injured 

  2. A wheel of names is used to determine who is injured

    • Each living tribute’s name goes on the injury wheel once (+1)

    • Anyone who didn't sustain an injury the prior day goes on the wheel a second time (+1)

      • For the Bloodbath / Day 1 each name is only on the wheel once

    • The wheel is spun - whoever it lands on is injured that day  

    • Anyone who is injured three days in a row dies on the third day 

      • Ex. On Day 2, Tribute X is injured. On Day 3, Tribute X is injured again. On Day 4, the wheel lands on their name a third time → Tribute X dies on Day 4

  3. The severity of the injuries are determined by rolling another six-sided dice (once for each injured tribute) 

    • Roll a 1 or 2 - mild injury (requires STERILE GAUZE or BANDAGE)

    • Roll a 3 or 4 - moderate injury or burn (requires one use of BURN BALM or HEALING BALM and STERILE GAUZE or BANDAGE)

    • Roll a 5 or 6 - severe injury or burn (requires two uses of BURN BALM or HEALING BALM and STERILE GAUZE)



  1. For the Bloodbath: Two, six-sided dice are rolled at the same time to determine the number of deaths (add the dice together → number of Bloodbath deaths) 

  2. For Day 2 - Finale: One, six-sided dice is rolled to determine the number of deaths each day 

  3. A wheel of names is used to determine who dies each day, with the following odds being factored in to determine the number of times a tribute's name is put on the wheel (more times on the wheel = higher chance of dying)  ​

    • Each living tribute's name goes on the death wheel once just for being alive (+1) 

    • If your tribute chooses to go to the Cornucopia during the Bloodbath, their name is put on the death wheel three additional times for Day 1 (+3)  

    • Training Scores 

      • Score of 11 = +0 entries 

      • Score of 10 = +1 entry 

      • Score of 9/8/7 = +2 entries 

      • Score of 6 and under = +3 entries 

    • Injuries

      • If you were injured on the previous day your name is added once (+1) 

    • Alliances 

      • If you’re in an alliance of more than 6 people, your name is added once (+1)

      • If you’re in an alliance of 2-6 people, your name is knocked off once (-1) 

      • If you’re by yourself, your name is added twice (+2)    ​

    • Sponsors 

      • If you have more than 25 active/ unused sponsors (NOT cumulative) on a given day, your name is removed once (-1)

      • If you have more than 50 active/ unused sponsors (NOT cumulative) on a given day, your name is removed twice (-2)

    • Tribute's Choice 

      • The gamemakers will put a choice question on our Close Friends story each day (ex. “You find a bush of different berries, which berries do you eat?” with 2-4 options) and there WILL be a logically correct answer (unless otherwise specified) 

        • If you get it right, you aren’t penalized 

        • If you get it wrong, your name is added to the death wheel two more times (+2) 

    • Physiological needs

      • If your tribute does not eat for 2 days in a row (ex. Tribute Y eats their meat jerky on Day 1 but nothing on Day 2 or Day 3), their name will be added to the wheel ten times (+10) 

      • If your tribute does not drink water for 2 days in a row, their name will be added to the wheel ten times (+10)

      • For each day your tribute leaves a moderate injury (as specified by the gamemakers) go untreated, their name is added to the death wheel twice (+2 daily) 

        • Ex. Tribute Z is moderately injured on Day 2 but does not treat it on Day 3 → their name is added twice on Day 3 and four times on Day 4, etc. 

      • For each day your tribute leaves a severe injury (as specified by the gamemakers) go untreated, their name is added to the wheel of death four times (+4 daily) 

        • Ex. Tribute D is severely injured on Day 3 but does not treat it on Day 4 → their name is added four times on Day 4 and eight times on Day 5, etc. 

*** Even if a tribute goes "negative" due to favorable alliance, choice, training score, and injury odds, their name still goes on the wheel ONCE! ***

No tribute will ever have zero entries on the death wheel and is susceptible to death.


Fights (1 v. 1, Alliance v. Alliance, 1 v. Alliance)

  1. One, two-sided coin is flipped to determine which party wins the fight 

  • Each party is assigned "heads" or "tails", the side that lands face up is the winner​

  • Whoever wins the fight is not penalized, and whoever loses has their name added to the death wheel twice (+2)

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