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Ezekiel's Aesthetic

D9 Ezekiel.JPG



M | he/him | 17 | Reaped | "Zeke"

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Ezekiel, fondly known as Zeke, lives in District Nine. His father is a farm owner and employs others to grow crops on his farm, and he is one of the richest people in the District. He has two siblings. Kyle is friendly and quite extroverted. He can get on well with literally everyone in his district. Both of his siblings, Edith and Judith, are younger than him. He helps his father with his work, and is also passionate about sculpting and cooking.


As he stands among his age group, Ezekiel feels nervousness and anxiety creeping inside him. There were very few chances that he was going to be reaped. But you can never know for sure. 


He clenched his fists and waited as the piece of paper was chosen and the name was read aloud.

“Ezekiel Fruges!”


There was ringing in his ears and he stared at the ground as everyone’s heads turned to look at him. He took a look at Judith and Edith, who seemed to be in shock too. He saw a scared expression in his mother's eyes, while his father lay a comforting arm on her. Knowing he had no other options, he went forward on the stage, taking his place beside the female tribute. 

Ezekiel's Reaping Outfit


I look down as my stylist finally puts the brooch on my really weird dress. It looks mismatched, but that's what makes me look different from other tributes and stand out. He hands me a golden sickle, as a mark of my district and our Goddess, Demeter. I look at it, as it reminds me of my dreams. We meet Mazie and her prep team in the huge hall as the District One chariot proceeds to go out in front of the audience. 


Soon, very soon, it’s District Eight’s turn and Mazie and I climb on our chariot, ready to go once they are gone. I can already hear people screaming. My mentor gives me some last-minute advice as the chariot proceeds to go out. 


It’s showtime. It’s windy, but I am sweating so hard. Mazie, on the other hand, is confident and normal. To stop myself from looking weird, I look forward as I wave once and the audience cheers loudly. I keep looking straight and we are finally going toward the exit. I give a very small smile and one last look and wink at the audience…and we are out. I breathe a sigh of relief. I hope I didn't embarrass myself. 


I quickly leave for my room to change and later have dinner in silence


Ezekiel's Parade Outfit 


Ezekiel Fruges received a training score of 9. 

Training days

I'm nervous as Mazie and I get out of the elevator and walk to the training room. The career tributes are already there, practicing with weapons, whereas some are practicing combat. Mazie goes inside while I still stare at the others. She really thinks I am boring. I enter the room finally, look around, and realize everyone is either paired up or is too strong.

I go to the survival skills area and learn some basic knots and lighting fire. Thanks to the goddess of grains, I am really good with identifying plants and using plants to set traps for animals. I hope it works for humans. I keep practicing traps and other skills until its time for lunch. I gather up my courage to go and talk to some other tributes, but take a U-turn. Where did all my confidence go after I reached the Capitol? I question my sanity, as this is one of the many reasons that reminds me of home.

I continue to learn about illness and health from the trainer at the survival skills station after lunch.

On the second day, I realize I've gained enough knowledge to survive. I go to learn some martial arts and sit with Mazie for lunch this time. But it is awkward. So, after the lunch, I go and practice with the sickle, the only weapon I am familiar with. The next day, I decide to learn something new. So I go and learn some hand-to-hand combat, and later, throw knives. As I get better and better at aiming, I think of what I will do for the personal training session... 


Private session

The door of the training room shuts behind me as I move forward. I bow a little low and announce my arrival by saying "Ezekiel Fruges, District Nine." None of the people sitting and enjoying food gives a response. I go ahead and easily light a fire and easily make a noose. I have a lot of time left, as I pick up the sickle. My hands feel the warmth of the weapon I have always worshipped. I keep slicing and hitting the dummies as they keep coming toward me. For the last one, which is far away from me, I throw the sickle, aiming at its neck, and instead of slicing the neck it just cuts a gash on it. Trying to hide my embarrassment, I pick up three knives and throw one of them, hitting the dummy in the neck. I throw the other two simultaneously with both of my hands and they hit the dummy at different positions.

It is almost time as I pick up the sickle and pull out the knives from the dummies and put them back where they were. I bow low again and say a polite goodbye as I exit the room.

"I AM TERRIBLY HUNGRY!" I say as I run to the dining room, where some food waits for me.


Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit. 

It describes my personality and it's amazing and makes me look really good.


How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part? 

It has been completely different from life back at home. There's luxury, food and everything, yet the truth is that only one of us will survive. Just wanna say a big f*** you to the Capitol for dragging us out of our houses and peaceful lives. 


Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies? 

They all look pretty cool. And I am better off alone.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for? 

I am fighting for myself, my dreams, my family, and everything that was mine but was snatched away to put me onto the death wheel. And YES… I do have everything that it takes to become a victor. 


Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain? 

I expect something green and full of plants, but whatever it is, it will be hard to survive, but definitely not impossible. 


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I miss freedom. Give it back to me. I miss my mother, my sister, my father and everyone and everything that awaits me back home. 

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Ezekiel's Interview Outfit 

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