F | she/her | 17 | Reaped
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My days start off with chopping down a couple of trees and then climbing them to get the best views of the district. I use the vines to get around. I make wood carvings out of leftover wood chips and I practice swimming in the cool lake. I love reading books that my mom writes; she’s more of an indoor person, but I believe in the great outdoors. My friends always find the right berries to have the perfect picnic with while we practice our fighting skills with swords and axes that we take from our jobs. I keep my mind clear, but occupied. I'm a slight overthinker, but I still find my peace. I'm usually creative and a bit of a nerd. I study way too much for tests, battle tactics, and just life in particular.
Lexa's Aesthetic
My friends are cracking jokes in the background, but I actually think reaping day should be serious. I sigh as the escort draws a name. At this point, as long as it's not me, my family, or any of my friends, I'm okay. I feel sorry for everyone else, but apparently feelings are my weakness.
“Lexa Woods!”
As she draws my name, there are a few gasps from the crowd. I can hear the snickering of others as I catch my sister, Emori’s eye. I want her to call out to volunteer, but she’s already nineteen and too old, so it isn’t possible. All is silent as I walk up to the stage. I decide to be brave and flash a daring smile to the crowd.

Lexa's Reaping Outfit
I kept a steady face. I waved, but didn't smile much. I wanted to seem intimidating.

Lexa's Parade Outfit
Lexa Woods received a training score of 8.
Training Days
I'm ready for Day One of training; the sun is shining through the windows. I decide to work with weapons today, getting my grip and feeling their weapons. They are completely different to mine. First I start with an axe, tossing it around a bit, then I get a sword, my favorite! I learn a few new techniques with it then I move toward a bow. I've only ever used a bow once, and I wasn't very good, but today I was working with weapons. I aimed, but missed the target, but I kept practicing and getting better and better. Then I used knives. They were a lot lighter than my axe and a lot easier to throw. There was also a mace that I tried out, but I wasn't very good with it and I didn't have enough time to practice more.
It's the second day. I'm the first one here, so I decide to practice my strengths while the others aren't here. I maneuvered around some trees and practiced my plant skills and stuff, which I was already perfect at, then when the others started arriving I went on to rope tying and tent making. I made sure to do everything perfectly, mingling with as few people as possible. There was only one person I got along with. I moved on to fire setting and trap setting and to end my day, I swam laps around the pool to calm myself down. It was very refreshing.
Today was the last day. I wanted to chill, so I decided to camouflage myself and move around by the roof making sure not to be seen. Stealing was one of my specialties. I decided to make some tools. I've only ever made wood animals before, but I was better at this than most things. Later, I climbed the trees and studied the other tributes, learning their battle tactics, weak spots, vulnerabilities, and strengths, deciding who I would want as allies and who I would regret making an enemy out of.
Private Session
This was it, maybe my only chance to prove as myself a worthy tribute. I was determined not to screw up as I walked inside, I stood proud and stated my name and district and let the chaos commence. First, I showed off my weapons skills - from the sword, axe, knife, and bow. Then I showed them my climbing abilities and set a couple of traps for them. I made my special weapons and I proved that they worked, along with my plant identification abilities, then I did some swimming. I'm probably the best when it comes to that. I left ready, to dominate the games.
Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Well, my outfit is based on the moon. It was the one moment that I got to spend with my family; every night we would look up to the moon and have a moment of peace despite everything that happened that day. It has a special connection to me, if you know what I mean
How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part?
The Capitol is definitely different compared to District Seven. It's all brand new to me and honestly I'm still trying to get my head around it and it's slightly tiring. I may seem rougher than I look. My favorite part is probably just learning about the Capitol and expecting the unexpected.
Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies?
Despite my mean outermost layer, I have made a couple friends and they accept me for who I am. I probably have made a few enemies, even some that I don't know about but i'm ok with that.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I definitely think I have what it takes to become a victor. And I actually have my family; my parents and my sisters were such huge parts in my life ever since I was a little kid. They were my light that shines through the darkness even when everything else was lost. They taught me what I know and I want to make them proud and show them that I can be strong and honestly all I want is to watch the moon next to my sisters again and drink hot cocoa until we can see our own breaths.
Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain?
I don't know what to expect from the arena and honestly I think I could work with just about anything as long as there are trees somewhere.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I miss my family most and my friends. I honestly just want to go home, so shout out to my mom, my dad, Emori, Raven, and of course my besties, Anya and Jordan. I could never forget about any of you and may we meet again
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
A thing I always say is “Ai gonplei nou ste odon ge smak daun gyon op nodotaim Kom graun oso na graun op Kom Folau oso na gyon op” which in English means “my fight is not over get knocked down get back up from the earth we will grow and from the ashes we will rise.” Good day everyone and good luck to all tributes

Lexa's Interview Outfit