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“Most professional operation I have worked with. The very best”

Katie Jones


This year, we recognize the golden anniversary of our nation's most anticipated tradition. For fifty years, both Capitol and districts alike have seen Panem prosper, but the horrors of our history cannot be forgotten, lest we be doomed to repeat it. 


On the fiftieth anniversary, as a reminder to the rebels that their choices led directly to the deaths of their peers, tributes in the arena will be required to vote for each other to die, and all districts will be mandated to choose their cause of death.


Two tributes between the ages of 12 and 18 are chosen from each district.


The tributes' last chance to gain sponsors before the games and make an impression. Caesar Flickerman sits down with all 24 of the tributes to help make them shine!


The Capitol's first chance to see the tributes and their first chance to make an impression; an exquisite showcase of each Districts' main industry.


Once the gong sounds, anything is fair game. The Cornucopia is full of weapons and supplies and the arena is full of surprises, both lethal and helpful. It's a fight to the death and anything can happen.


The tributes have 3 days to learn as much as they can; expert trainers teach them weapons, survival skills, and combat. On Day 3, tributes are privately evaluated and scored 1 to 12. 


Every Hunger Games must come to an end. 23 tributes die and only one returns home a victor.

Celebrate the victor of the 50th Annual Hunger Games,

Kai Albacore from District 4.

Check out the website for the upcoming 51st Annual Hunger Games:

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