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Caesar: Good evening, Mason! Tell us about what you're wearing tonight.

Mason: Well, I am wearing this beautiful blue smoking. I have specifically asked for something in blue tones, since I love this colour so much! I also have this ring, which has a compass on it. My mother gave it to me when I was ten.


What have you thought about the Capitol so far? What's your favorite part? 

I must say, the Capitol is really as magnificent as everyone says. I am really intrigued by the flashing lights, the music and the extravagance of this place. My personal favourite is the view I have from the window of my room. It seems almost like I can see millions of stars when I look down at night. This is something I truly will miss.


Are you nervous? With this being a Quarter Quell, what are your thoughts on the twist?

Of course, I am excited, I never been to another Hunger Games before. [he smiles] No, but seriously, I am really nervous. I don't know what exactly to expect. Especially the twist is very interesting this year, I think.


What kind of arena are you hoping for this year?

I would really like an urban themed arena, to be honest with you Ceasar. It would feel like home and I think it would give me a more comfortable feeling than a forest or swamp. If you can call it comfortable (laughs). But since this is a quarter quell, I think the arena will be something no one will expect. But I can't say I am not curious to find out!


Do you feel prepared? What did you think of your training score? (Mason received a score of 10).

I am happy with my training score, which was a 10. But I don't know if I feel prepared. I don't know if you can ever be prepared for the games, really. But I try not to worry too much about it, since I made the best out of these last days here. For example, I always tend to wander around the streets at nighttime, clearing my mind and living in the moment. And then, I forget about the games and just enjoy the time I have right here now.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who are you fighting for?

As I said, I don't know if I have a chance of winning. There are many good and skilled fighters among the tributes I must say. I never learned how to hold a weapon or how to defend myself, but the training really was helpful. Using my knowledge of chemistry and physics, I may have an advantage since I am not reliant on weapons. If the others can't catch me, they can't kill me.


Any shoutouts for anyone back home?

Well, I love my district, so I guess this is a shoutout for everyone back home. I uh hope you are all good! Take care, I miss you! [he smiles]


Thoughts on the other tributes? Have you made any notable friends or enemies? 

I got along with the others pretty well, there are also some I agreed to ally with. But I am not telling you, since we want to be that a surprise, don't we? Although I can tell you that I grew very close to my district partner Loxan. We never were that bonded back home, but it was nice seeing that we weren't so different than we always thought.


Any last thoughts before we let you go? 

I just want to say thank you. Even if I probably won't return, these last days were mesmerizing for me and being able to experience the Capitols luxury was truly amazing.
So, thank you, everyone!


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