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Caesar: Good evening, Jadette! Tell us about what you're wearing tonight.

Jadette: Funny you should ask, because I couldn’t wait to tell someone. This dress is the color jade, a nickname my friends would call me back home if they got tired of saying Jadette. The shimmer was a request of my own actually, and I think it turned out gorgeous. I can’t stop staring at this dress, I don't think I’ve looked up even once while talking about it. I am also wearing my token for the games tonight. It’s a jade bracelet my dad made for me after I was born. He always said it was a reminder of who I am, and what I’m made of. I kind of think it was made especially for something like this. Plus, it matches the dress, so my stylist thought you all might want to see it before the games.


What have you thought about the Capitol so far? What's your favorite part? 

Oh, I love it so much. Everyone here has made me feel so welcome. My favorite parts are the buildings, without a doubt. I’ve never seen anything so tall, and the views are amazing. The air smells so good that high up. This place is something I hope to never forget.


Are you nervous? With this being a Quarter Quell, what are your thoughts on the twist?

I think everyone comes into the games with some level of nerves. It’s just a matter of if you let that take control, or if you make sure to control it. And I don’t plan on having anything control me. As for this year's twist, I think it has a big impact on how you have to play the game. It’s going to be a lot different, and hopefully it works in my favor.


What kind of arena are you hoping for this year?

Umm, I hope the place isn’t completely poisonous. I think I’d be able to figure out my way around most arenas, so as long as there's no flying necessary, I should be okay. All hopes aside, the arena is bound to be something we've never seen before, this is a Quarter Quell after all.


Do you feel prepared? What did you think of your training score? (Jadette received a score of 9).

I do feel prepared, I’ve known my whole life that the games could be a possibility, and I’m ready. My training score couldn’t be better, seeing as I’ve always loved the number 9. It’s actually my favorite number.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who are you fighting for?

I would say I do. I have a lot of reasons to try my best to win the games, most important is my sister, Olive. I am fighting for her, for my district, and for someone I’ve never met. My sister is… was pregnant, and it’s a girl. She was due on Reaping Day, but the baby was late. I’m sure she’s been born by now, they’re planning on naming her Gwenevere. I’m going to fight hard to make sure I get to watch my niece grow up.


Any shoutouts for anyone back home?

Oh, for sure. I want to give a shoutout to my whole family: my mom, my dad, and of course Olive. Also to my friends back home, who either kept me out of trouble, or were right there by my side as we were about to pull some elaborate prank of some sort.


Thoughts on the other tributes? Have you made any notable friends or enemies? 

Just off a few days with them, I think this is overall a pretty respectable group of tributes. I hope I can go as far as saying I haven’t made any enemies, I mean that would be bad, now wouldn’t it? I’ve also come across a few friends so far, and I am really happy with the group.


Any last thoughts before we let you go? 

Yes. I hope to see you again, Caesar.

To sponsor Jadette Topaz, DM @finley.mccall on Instagram.

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