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Caesar: Good evening, Meena! Tell us about what you're wearing tonight.
Meena: Well I told my stylist how much I loved all the roses here, so much more beautiful than the weeds from district 9, and so she made me all the golden roses - they are so beautiful! The black dress matches perfectly, and the heels are just stunning! It's all so much more special than the clothes back home!
What have you thought about the Capitol so far? What's your favorite part?
Everything here is just so beautiful, but my favourite thing has to be... all the colours and grandeur. Back home it's just golden grain and grey clothes, but here there are big glass buildings, beautiful clothes and colours, the makeup, and even the food is more colourful! In fact, on second thoughts, I don't have a favourite thing here, it's all just wonderful!

Are you nervous? With this being a Quarter Quell, what are your thoughts on the twist?
I am nervous - there's no way anyone couldn't be. I mean by this time tomorrow, I could be dead. But just because I'm nervous, doesn't mean you should count me out yet. The whole thought of the games is sickening, but if you really want to root for anyone, root for me.
What kind of arena are you hoping for this year?
Hopefully the arena will have different sectors, and therefore more choice. I am familiar with plants, so woods would be good as they have plenty of them. I also would like some water sources, because.. well because I do need water [laughter].
Do you feel prepared? What did you think of your training score? (Meena received a score of 8).
I thought I could have done a little better, but 8 is still good, especially for a tribute from an outline district. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst so I am pretty proud.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who are you fighting for?
I am fighting for my family, and my best friend Ava (who I volunteered for) but especially for my district. District Nine hardly gets any recognition, but that's all going to change this year.
Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
Well I only really have something to say to my siblings: Lily, Daniel, I love you both. I hope I will see you again soon, but if not, you take care.
Thoughts on the other tributes? Have you made any notable friends or enemies?
This year will definitely be a hard one. All of the other tributes were amazing in training, and it is going to be so hard to go up against all 23 of them. I have made some allies, but I won't tell you who just yet. Let's just say, we will be hard to beat.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
I would just like to say, do not count me out. I may be from District 9, but that doesn't mean I can't win. I also want to say thank you, because it was so nice to experience your life in the Capitol, where everything is just handed to you. You make the most of your life, because you all have good ones.
To sponsor Meena Flammia, DM @mudblood.and.proud on Instagram.
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