Caesar Flickerman traveled into the Districts to hear from some of our Top 6 tributes' family and friends!
Jadette Topaz | District 1
We spoke to Jadette's older sister, Olive Winters (23), and her best friend, Evie Azora (18).
Olive, if you could say one thing to your sister right now, what would it be?
If I could say one thing to Jade right now, I would tell her to remember what she is made of. I would tell her that she is strong, and her spirit is uncrushable. That she can get through anything because that is just who she is. She is a fighter, she knows how to take a hit and hit back harder. She will never let someone keep her down, and as long as she wants it bad enough, she can accomplish anything.
Evie, do you think Jadette has what it takes to be a victor? Who, or what, do you think her biggest threat or competitor is right now?
Jadette knows what she is doing in there, that I know for a fact. Although outnumbered right now, Jade will find a way to stay alive. She has been at the bottom of the numbers the whole game and she is still here, isn’t she? The Infinity Alliance, although a threat, is dwindling. Even Kai only managed a shallow slash on her during their fight. Jadette is smart, and she is not the type to go down without a fight. She can win this.
Kai Albacore | District 4
We spoke to Kai's mother, Cordelia (41), and his friend, Rio Seaton (17).
Cordelia, if you could say one thing to your son right now, what would it be?
If I could tell Kai one thing right now, it would be that we miss him so much and to please keep fighting no matter what. Everyone back in Four is rooting for you and Ocean. You’ve come so far in the arena and I’d be heartbroken if you never came back to us. All I want is to have you with us again, it certainly isn’t the same without you. Not a single day goes by that we don’t think of you. I miss hugging you and sitting at the dinner table together. None of us can stay calm, as our eyes are glued to the screen, watching your every move. So Kai, please come back home to us and fight with all of the power you have.
Rio, how does it feel to see Kai in the games? What’s been the scariest or most exciting part for you?
Honestly, it’s crazy seeing my best friend fighting in that arena. I know that he volunteered for a good reason, but it’s terrifying whenever a mutt starts to chase him and his allies or they’re being drawn into a fight. I could barely watch when he was trying to get that dragon egg. It wasn’t like anything I’ve ever seen. Even though I know he has it in him to win this, anything can happen in the arena at any given moment. I can barely sleep at night nowadays, knowing that my best friend can be in danger at any given moment. I really don’t know what else to do other than send him positive energy and hope for the best.
Ocean Simpkins | District 4
We spoke to Ocean's sister, Jenna (12), and her best friend, Fraia (17).
Jenna, what do you think of the games this year? Thoughts on the arena, mutts, feasts, etc.
I think that the games have really proven themselves this year, the way that [the alliance] Infinity has had so many mutts and the arena worked out so well for Ocean and Kai! The feasts have been so unexpected and I can't believe there was a dragon! A real life dragon, I'm so glad Ocean decided not to go and is still alive today, I miss her terribly and would do anything to get her home.
Fraia, if you could say one thing to Ocean right now, what would it be?
If I could say anything to Ocean right now, it would probably be: be smart, stay alive. It sounds rather obnoxious but as long as she uses her brain and doesn’t do anything stupid, she has a chance. Ocean's so smart, I'm just the stupid best friend [she laughs] so I know better than anyone that she can do this. I love you best friend, come home.
Gabriel Rose | District 6
We spoke to Gabriel's mother, Lily (45), and his brother, William (23).
Lily, how does it feel to see your child in the games? What’s been the scariest or most exciting part for you?
It’s horrible seeing my child in your games. Every time he appears on our screen I get so scared and anxious for him, because anything can happen. One second he’s there, and the second he could be gone. Every minute in those games are scary. Every time he’s had to fight those mutts I get very stressed and I can barely gather my thoughts. But the scariest moment was definitely when the dragon almost killed him. When Mason saved him, it was honestly so heartbreaking. I wish I could do something for Mason, or his family for saving my little boy. If Gabriel makes it out alive, I’ll forever be in his debt, as well as his allies.
William, what do you think of the games this year? Thoughts on the arena, mutts, feasts, etc.
They’ve been very... eventful. It is a Quarter Quell after all, so what could one expect, really? I agree with Gabriel though. I think these games are ridiculous. But the arena and the mutts are very creative. The Gamemakers’ imaginations are out of this world. I guess you’d do anything to put on a good show. Though, can you give Gabriel and his alliance a little break? I in no way believe that he doesn’t have the potential to make it out alive, but the five days he’s been in there have been very hectic.
Aster Shay | District 7
We spoke to Aster's sister, Astrid (18), and her mother, Maven (54).
Astrid, do you think your sister has what it takes to be a victor? Who, or what, do you think her biggest threat or competitor is right now?
Yes, my sister sure as hell has what it takes to be a victor. She’s 13, just a child! She made it into the Top 6! I should’ve volunteered for her, I should’ve, but she’s doing amazing and I just want to see and hug her one more time. I think Kai is a huge threat. He seems like the kind of sicko that would attack a child. I hope he doesn’t. I want my little sister, my best friend, to come home.
Maven, did you honestly think your child would make it this far in the games?
I expected my babygirl to die in the bloodbath, really... it hurt me to watch her leg get broken, and it just hurts me watching her go through all of this. I assumed that if the bloodbath didn’t kill her, a Career would.
Finn Cressy | District 10
We spoke to Finn's siblings, sister Anneliese (8) and brotherKellen (5).
Anneliese, how does it feel to see your sister in the games? What’s been the scariest or most exciting part for you?
It feels... weird... to see my sister in the games... I like seeing her with Aster because it reminds me of us playing together in the cattle fields, with me on her back. I miss her a lot, and I just want her to come home. The most exciting part for me was when she won the feast.. I think that’s what it was called. She got a letter from Papa, and Papa cried writing it, so I knew it would be good. Seeing her read it gave me hope she would come home. Finn, if you see this please tell Aster I say "hi" and thank her for taking care of you. I wish you could come home right now, but I know you’ll be home soon. I love you, Finn!
Kellen, if you could say one thing to Finn right now, what would it be?
I know she’s coming home.. I remember when she left. She hugged me tight. I want her to come home so she can sing me to sleep again. She takes good care of me and my sisters and brothers. I would tell her "I love you, Finn.. come back faster."