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Caesar: Good evening, Ocean! Tell us about what you're wearing tonight.

Ocean: Hey Caesar! This dress is actually pretty close to my heart because the patterns are designed drawing inspiration from a dress my friend designed back home! I would say that this one is for her! She's always loved blue and she really enjoyed designing this dress and always envisioned it being a fashion statement or at least have something like it worn on a big stage. Oh and, I absolutely cannot fail to mention my stylist and prep team. I have so much gratitude for the fact that they were not only open to the idea of using my friend's design, but also executed the idea to perfection. This beautiful dress paired with these heels, not to mention the wonderful hair, nails and makeup by my prep team come together into what I consider a stunning outfit, if I do say so myself.


What have you thought about the Capitol so far? What's your favorite part? 

Honestly, the Capitol is beautiful, Caesar! I was very accustomed to my life back home, and I can't wait to go back to the comfort of it, but the Capitol, right from the welcoming audience [she gestures toward the audience] to the beyond amazing food, there has been a lot to enjoy about the experience.


Are you nervous? With this being a Quarter Quell, what are your thoughts on the twist?

I'm not going to lie, I am a tad bit worried, but in my opinion that's only human, and I think deep down, every single one of us is. We're all going to be fighting for our lives. That being said, I've made several friends and am part of a very strong alliance already, with amazing, talented tributes who I know won't let each other down, so aside from that tiny pang of fear I'm feeling pretty confident, despite the twist. I'm actually kinda exciting about the twist because I think it would be very interesting to see how it plays out, and also because I have great confidence that the tributes in my alliance won't let it happen to each other.


What kind of arena are you hoping for this year?

You would probably expect that the girl from District 4 would instantly want something to do with the sea. And you're probably right, as that's what my initial answer would've been. I still would love anything to do with water because it would be very advantageous to me. However, I have a relatively big alliance and water doesn't suit them all, it might even be a struggle for some, so I think something that I can deal with well but is also neutral or advantageous to everyone in the alliance would be ideal


Do you feel prepared? What did you think of your training score? (Ocean received a score of 6).

I feel very prepared. Back home, we learned from a very young age how to wield tridents amongst a few other weapons, so on those lines I feel very confident. My training score may not have been the best, but building on our beloved victor from last year, Juniper Raine, I think everyone here tonight must remember NEVER to count out the people who may seem like the underdogs, you never know what potential they have hidden right under their sleeves.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who are you fighting for?

I think you need determination, focus, and have to be ready at all times to defend yourself, and I hates when my father trained us to inculcate these habits but now I can entirely appreciate it and have huge gratitude towards him for teaching me these things. You also need a driving force - something to inspire you to win and take it home! For me, that inspiration is the people I love. Ella, Mista, Aster, thank you for being my driving force. [She blows a kiss] and mom, I don't know if you can hear me but I miss you and the memory of you is what's getting me through this.


Any shoutouts for anyone back home?

All the people I just mentioned - my siblings, Aster and Mista, my best friend Ella, and even my dad! I miss you! You are all such big parts of my life and they deserve everything. Should the unthinkable happen to me, they should know that I love them and wish them all the best.


Thoughts on the other tributes? Have you made any notable friends or enemies? 

Yes, certainly, like I said a couple of minutes ago, I'm part of an excellent alliance, all of whom are excellent tributes, and I wish them all the best and excellent odds. I've developed a good friendship with one tribute in particular, but you'll just have to wait and see who it is and how our friendship plays out in the arena, I suppose!


Any last thoughts before we let you go? 

I feel like I've said all that's important enough to say, so I think gonna sign of here letting the audience know that despite everything, my training score, amidst others, I'm a fighter. I always have been, and now I could be a very strong contender so don't give up on me, this is not the last you've seen of me!


To sponsor Ocean Simpkins, DM @grangersgalaxy on Instagram.

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