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Caesar: Good evening, Indiana! Tell us about what you're wearing tonight.

Indiana: Oh my god! It's like a fever dream being here; it's so nice to meet you! Tonight I'm wearing this stunning blue dress and flower crown. I love how the color looks against my skin tone. Also, the prep team truly outdid themselves this year with my makeup - it's stunning. I don't know how, but they've somehow matched my eyes to the exact same color as my dress! I will admit, it's a lot of work remembering to not rub my eyes or smudge my makeup - I just don't know how you all manage to do it every day! Oh, I nearly forgot! This necklace I'm wearing was my mother's, and if I make it out, it will become my daughter's. It has been in the family for generations, maybe even from before the rebellion! My prep team have also adorned my nails with this mesmerizing silver color, just like the color of my heels. It's so different walking in heels compared to the flats we wear all day in Three! However, I feel so beautiful and I'm so very grateful to my stylists!



What have you thought about the Capitol so far? What's your favorite part? 

I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay in the Capitol so far! However, I've come to the conclusion everything is so fancy and complicated - a very harsh contrast to the simplicity of District 3! The food here might just be my favorite part, the lavish meals, the multiple courses, and the fine wine - well, it's all so splendid! But I especially love the people in the Capitol that support me - especially you, Caesar! I really appreciate the love and support, and I just hope some people will spread their kindness and sponsor me during the games! But seriously, I haven't had a bad encounter in the Capitol - something that didn't surprise me!


Are you nervous? With this being a Quarter Quell, what are your thoughts on the twist?

Am I nervous? No, I wouldn't like to think so. I would say I'm honored. Us outlier districts don't get nearly enough representation - so I would love to bring pride and victory to my district, so that one day my daughter can look up to me and realize my achievements. However, the twist does intrigue me, it's for sure going to produce a lot of drama. It's going to be hard knowing people's strategies - will they target Careers, the weakest tributes, or turn on allies? I haven't decided yet what my strategy will be, I have a feeling it will be a spur of the moment idea!


What kind of arena are you hoping for this year?

I feel like I'm prepared â€‹for anything. A jungle would be nice, due to the tall trees that are easy to climb. Along with the natural resources I could easily use to treat wounds and diseases. However, somewhere inside could be interesting! That removes the aspect of weather and resources. Though I like a challenge, so I'm up for any type of arena - it makes it interesting, don't you think?


Do you feel prepared? What did you think of your training score? (Indiana received a score of 8).

I ended up getting an eight for my training score, which I was definitely very happy with. Getting an eight in an outlier district is like receiving a 12 in a Career district! I can't tell you too much about my private session, though I know you'd love me to Caesar - but I can tell you I put on quite the show! I think my skills in nursing will really help me out, I mean, you can be the best fighter but if you can't keep yourself alive, well - you're screwed!


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who are you fighting for?

I don't think I have what it takes to be a victor, I know I do! I mean, you can lie about it but everyone secretly yearns for the life of a victor: to be praised, get to visit the beautiful Capitol, and bring honor to your district. I may be a girl from an outlier district, but that doesn't mean I don't know how to fight! I mean, come on ladies; we can't let the boys get all of the attention, can we? Also, I need to win for my daughter. She's so young, only a few weeks old, and I can't imaging leaving her in this big, scary world without a mother. I'm sure there are mothers watching this tonight so I have a message for them all: please, hold your child tight and tell them how much you love them, as you don't know when they'll be ripped away from you.


Any shoutouts for anyone back home?

Of course! I want to​ thank my mother for teaching me everything I know about nursing. Shoutout to my husband, David, for helping me learn how to not accidentally stab myself when using throwing knives. Also shoutout to my best friends - Lila, Esme, and Harry - I'm going to try my hardest to get out alive, but if I don't make it, please look after my baby, Oceania. And please, make sure she grows up knowing who her mother is and that she died in honor.


Thoughts on the other tributes? Have you made any notable friends or enemies? 

I would say, Caesar, that one of my best aspects is my judgement of character. I mean, that's what I spent most of training doing: watching people. Learning their skills, weaknesses, and what makes them really, really angry. I also watched how alliances bond, and well, let's say there's some tension in a few. There's some tributes who seem like such good people, people I would love to be friends with if it wasn't for the circumstances. There's also a few tributes, who, well, let's say I'm going to have to watch my back! My alliance are all such good people - I really trust them, whether that is a good or bad thing, I'm not really sure!


Any last thoughts before we let you go? 

I think that's all Caesar! Thank you for having me and might I say, you look great tonight - just like everyone else in the audience! I don't know how you all do it, it's like there's a curse on the Capitol that makes all of its residents stunning! But I am asking for sympathy, I would love to see my daughter again, even if it's only for a minute, I just want to hold her one last time. But I know the importance of the games, and if I die, I'll be glad to die in honor for my District!


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