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Caesar: Good evening, Kai! Tell us about what you're wearing tonight.
Kai: Tonight, my amazing stylists wanted to incorporate some of the same aspects of my parade outfit into this one. I have on a beautiful pastel blue suit as the main piece. For my shoes, we decided to go with the same style shoes as my parade look, except that this time they’re a dark shade of blue rather than the bright coral. Moving onto jewelry, up first is my starfish and sea glass bracelet, similar to my parade necklace. I also have on a stunning silver seahorse ring that wraps around my finger. Finally, my necklace is actually my tribute token. My father gave it to me when I was young and it’s the perfect length now, so I decided to bring it with me, keeping a piece of Four wherever I go.
What have you thought about the Capitol so far? What's your favorite part?
The Capitol has been such a change from life back in Four! From the way people dress to the variety of food, everything has been a completely different lifestyle for me. From the second I arrived on the train, all of the Capitol citizens were so warm and welcoming towards myself and all of the other tributes. I’ve never seen such tall buildings or this type of technology in my entire life. My favorite part of the Capitol is definitely the food. Back home, there wasn’t much more to eat other than fish. Now, I have an abundance of options to choose from, and an unlimited supply of it as well.
Are you nervous? With this being a Quarter Quell, what are your thoughts on the twist?
I am definitely nervous for the games. More of my nerves come from the twist than the arena itself. This year, it’s especially important to find allies and make sure you don’t do anything to upset the other tributes in any way. I think I've done a good job with finding allies but obviously once we enter the arena, nobody is safe no matter how many allies you have or how good you are with certain weapons. I know what weapons I work best with so as long as I can get my hands on them, my chances of survival will undoubtedly increase.
What kind of arena are you hoping for this year?
Being from District Four, an arena with plenty of water and a warm or moderate climate would be preferable. I’ll be up against tributes from all over the country, each of them having their own preferences. However, if the arena does have what I have become accustomed to back home, finding food will be much easier. All of my allies come from various different areas of Panem, each of their districts having something else to offer. If we work together, we can all survive for a while.
Do you feel prepared? What did you think of your training score? (Kai received a score of 10).
I feel as prepared as I can be for the games. There’s nothing else I can do at this point other than hoping for the best possible outcome. I received a training score of 10, which I’m very pleased with. Although my score was high, others have scored either the same or just a point or two lower than mine, making them no more of a notable threat than I am considered to be. Overall, this year’s tributes all scored rather high compared to other years, so it will be an extremely intense fight the second we enter the arena.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who are you fighting for?
I think I have what it takes to be the victor, but so do many of the tributes this year as well. I certainly have an advantage over some. I’m eighteen and I’ve dealt with weapons for the majority of my life. I’ll say it again though; so many others have had similar experiences with weapons as me. If everything goes in my favor, I think coming out of the arena alive will be very possible. I’m fighting for my family and friends, who I miss dearly. I would do anything to see them again, so I'm going to give it my all in the arena.
Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I want to say hello to my family and friends back in Four. I miss you all dearly. Not a single day goes by that I don’t think about you guys. One day, whenever that is, we’ll all be back together at last. I know the dinner table back home must seem so empty without me there, but I promise I'm not there with you for a good reason. The hugs and tears we shared together before I headed to the Capitol will stay with me for as long as I'm away from you. I still have my necklace, which I always hold before heading to bed each night.
Thoughts on the other tributes? Have you made any notable friends or enemies?
The tributes this year are really a melting pot of backgrounds and skill sets. We all have traits that make us different in our own unique ways. Like I've said, I have made allies but I’ve gotten closest with Eliana from District 11 the most. I think our newfound friendship is going to help us get through the dark nights and deadly days of the arena for as long as we’re in there.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
Before I enter that arena tomorrow, I just want everyone to know that I'm going to fight with every ounce of power in my body once the games begin. Before I leave, I want to say that whatever happens over the next few weeks, I’ll still be the same Kai I always was, dead or alive. I’m not going to change regardless of my fate.
To sponsor Kai Albacore, DM @ruespanem on Instagram.
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