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Caesar: Good evening, Gabriel! Tell us about what you're wearing tonight.

Gabriel: Well, I’m just wearing a rather nice black suit. Thought I’d keep the dark theme throughout these games, which are, believe it or not, very dark. Anyway, it’s not as extreme as the parade outfit, but I still like it. Speaking of the parade outfit, my stylist is the only one I thank for it. Man he is one talented guy. He also designed this suit. Wish I had a mind like his.


What have you thought about the Capitol so far? What's your favorite part? 

To be honest, it’s crazy. I mean, what you all are wearing is something I’ve never seen before and it is so weird being here. But, I guess the hospitality makes up for it, even though you’re all rooting for us to be dead very soon.


Are you nervous? With this being a Quarter Quell, what are your thoughts on the twist?

Do I look nervous? [He laughs]. No, I’m not nervous at all, but I probably will be tomorrow. I still think these games are ridiculous, twist or no twist. I’m sure there are other ways to intimidate the districts, without any killing. Or just leave us alone, and make it more fair for us, jeez.


What kind of arena are you hoping for this year?

An arena that won’t kill you the second you touch something in it [he laughs a little]. No but for real, probably an environment that’s easy to be in, and where you know you wont die easily.


Do you feel prepared? What did you think of your training score? (Gabriel received a score of 9).

Sure, I’d like to think I’m prepared. And my training score.. a nine? I thought I would be able to do better than that. But I wont let it define me, because I know I can do better than that. I have lots more to show.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who are you fighting for?

Of course. I’d be dead already or breaking down crying if I didn’t think I could win these weird games. I’m fighting for myself and my family, especially my brother.


Any shoutouts for anyone back home?

I think I already answered that question. A huge shoutout goes to my family.


Thoughts on the other tributes? Have you made any notable friends or enemies? 

They’re nice, I guess. I’ve made a few friends, and I’ll keep them a secret for now, but I think we all have what it takes to be victors.


Any last thoughts before we let you go? 

Sure. Y’all better stop this nonsense if you still want to call yourself a country. This ain’t living, not at all. Be careful, before the districts stop producing your important supplies, because it is going to happen. Soon.


To sponsor Gabriel Rose, DM @everlarkstan on Instagram.

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