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Nafs' Aesthetic



F | she/her | 18 | Volunteered

To sponsor Nafs, send a DM to @gaudy.ben on Instagram.

Molt’s grandfather, a victor from the 13th Hunger Games, was known for being diplomatic. He was known for manipulating his group into working well together, until it benefitted him. He was a controversial victor because he was known for having no integrity. Her grandfather had not attacked any other tribute except for his own partner, Louise. After his Victory Tour, he was known as short-tempered, which was passed onto his son. Because Molt was raised in a household with men that made decisions on a whim, she learned to be patient without distractions. She’s willing to think through her decisions and not let her emotions get the best of her.


Growing up, her grandfather trained the boys in their family the same as other District Two students. However, the girls were expected to fall into traditional gender roles. Growing up, Molt was not allowed to train with her brothers and cousins. Their family, being from a victor, was wealthy and had servants. Molt was always told that if she was reaped and no Career volunteered, a servant would volunteer for her. When Molt turned eighteen, she was expected to marry, but expressed her distaste for that. In fact, Molt had always been attracted to the “masculine” training her cousins did. She spent most of her time in nature, studying herbal medicines and poisons. She once helped a fourteen-year-old end her pregnancy safely using her herbal concoctions. She was so observant that she noticed when a fly sat on a particular flower and died instantly. When she could, she watched her cousins train, though was never able to participate. When the day of reaping came, she planned to volunteer. Her mother had passed away when she was 10, and her happiness did not lie in the district anymore. She wanted to get out and winning the Hunger Games was the only way she knew how to. Her grandfather did it, why couldn’t she?


Originally named Molt Scarlet Grey, she renounced her family name and adopted the name Nafs, which is what she is referred to as now.


On the day of the reaping, Nafs felt very sick. She thought she was ready, but are you ever ready for reality? All you can do is plan and prepare but reality will always hit you differently. She knew what she had to do, but her body felt numb. 


Her brain moved her hand just enough and her mouth uttered “I want to volunteer!” The crowd had just started to gather, the ceremony had not even started yet. However, she was seen by the Capitol. A wicked smile on their faces. Maybe they thought she was too naive for this game, but she knew the skills she possessed and she knew that if she just played naive, she could hit them with an element of surprise later. Nafs slowly walked to the stage as her district watched. She could feel her dad’s eyes on her skin. For the first time ever, she looked back and held eye contact with both him and her brother. Some random girl named Noira beat her brother to volunteering and she sighed out of relief. This was the one thing she wanted to do on her own. If she lives through the games, she will truly know freedom, or so she thought.

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Nafs' Reaping Outfit 


“God of War?” Nafs thought. How appropriate! Her life will be a war from now on. Who she was in the past and who she will be after she wins the game are different from who she has to be during the games. Ruthless! That’s what I need to be. 


“I want a spear,” I almost exclaimed instantly. And a fake heart covered in blood. It would be good for the show but would also symbolize me killing my own heart. I need to kill myself first before I can hurt others. This game will be ruthless. I look at myself in the mirror one last time. Almost breathing out a goodbye and a sorry to my old self at once. The show must go on, and this parade is the best chance to get sponsors, people who might save my life in the games. They are going to get the best; they are going to get me. I show off my blood stained gown in the parade, with a spear in one hand and a bloody heart in the other hand. As soon as my float reaches the wealthiest sponsors, I crush the heart in my hand as the blood falls on my face. Ruthless! I throw the crushed heart at the sponsors’ feet. I will give them a show. I pick up the shield by my feet and raise it and my spear to the air and scream. This scream is different, the voice grew in my stomach - you could feel the hunger in it. I am ready for this. I am ready for war!


Nafs' Parade Outfit 


Molt Scarlet Nafs received a training score of 10. 

Training days

The parade went well, but the training is everything. Nafs knew she needed to learn new skills without giving away any information about her strengths and weaknesses. She also kept a look out for any alliances that were being formed among her fellow competitors.


On the first day, I just wanted to get to know the other tribute from my district. We trained in survival skills. I learned more about food and water contaminants.

I am pretty good at climbing and camouflage and all my skills focus more on strategic killing (planned murders), which means I need to learn hand-to-hand combat, just in case I run into a tribute and have to defend myself. My body structure is lean which means that I might be one of the most obvious targets for the people who have trained in combat. I need to use my agility because I cannot master combat or gain strength in a day. A basic knife and my agility can be a deadly combination. I spent all of my second day of training learning how to use a basic knife as a short range weapon. Pro tip: if I lose my knife, I can just chisel a rock to use it as a knife. Same skills needed! Victory!

Long range weapon? Archery was the obvious choice. What’s more lethal than a camouflaged archer sitting on a tree. I just need to be decent in it so I spent all of my third day of training learning the basics of archery.


Private session

I had asked my mentor to make sure there were Datura flower and white mice in my private session and that was the first thing I noticed as I entered the room. The white brilliance, an unsuspecting person might want to pick up and smell it. What a pretty way to die. The flower is amazingly lethal. The only reason I know about it is because I had a Hindu friend once and the flower is associated with Shiva. Things you learn when you just listen, or have psychotic friends.

“Nafs from District Two!”, I exclaim as I walk into the room. “Do you guys like flowers? Isn’t it heartwarming when someone gives you flowers?” I walk over to the Datura plant. I crush its seeds and feed it to the white mice. “Well, this is my favorite flower to give someone. Ingest a little bit of this baby and within thirty minutes you would be as mad as a hare, if you do not die or get paralyzed. It might take two days to wear off in the strongest of men." 


The mice fell to the ground as I finished my sentence, struggling to breathe. The white men among the crowd flinched harder as they saw the white mice suffer. At least I had the attention of one demographic. Humans are so weird, they can watch a game just about death and destruction of humans but when you kill unsuspecting mice with a seemingly innocent flower, you truly bother them.


I slowly walk away as the Capitol absorbs what they just saw. “Nafs from District Two, remember me!”


Hello, you look dazzling tonight! Tell us about your outfit. 

It's a red gown, floral - to represent my connection to nature; its beauty lies in its simplicity. Sometimes simple things just do the trick.


How do you like being in the Capitol so far? What has been your favorite part? 

It is interesting, for sure! You grow up hearing stories about the Capitol but you can never really know the Capitol until you witness it in person. The shimmer and glimmer of the Capitol - it is far too easy to get lost in it and that is my favorite part about the Capitol. It is too easy to lose yourself here. Nothing about your past matters. Once you fit in, you just fit in.


Any thoughts about the other tributes? Have you made any friends, or enemies? 

I definitely like my partner but I do not want to say more about any alliances and enemies yet. I guess you’ll have to watch the games to find out more.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for? 

I definitely see myself as a victor. I think every participant I have met does. I am definitely the kind of person who is just fighting for herself but also for the people in every district. Everyone has what it takes to be whoever they want to be. You do not need anyone to complete you. I just want to inspire people by living my dream and fighting for myself. If a single person follows in my footsteps and if a single person has the courage to be themselves because they saw me do me, everything has been worth it.


Do you have any expectations for the arena? Perhaps a preferred terrain? 

Ooh the arena, I cannot wait to see what the arena is like. I definitely have a leg up if the arena is an evergreen forest, so many ways to just blend in, you know. 


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I think just being alone. It is nerve wracking to know that the entire Capitol has their eyes on you all the time, at least you hope they do. Yes, Dad I am looking at you. You never thought I could be what I am today, just know that every breath I take during the games is a rebellion. If I die, I will die a free soul.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

Yes, if I have the permission to be direct, I would like to ask the audience to place their hope in me, sponsor me and I won't disappoint. If nothing, I can promise you that I have a good fight in me.

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Nafs' Interview Outfit 

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