Chivonne's Aesthetic
F / 18 / WOC: Knives / Volunteered
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Chivonne is an orphan. She doesn't know her father (he probably doesn't know she exists) and her mother died giving birth to her. She lives in the community home in District 8. This was a cold and unforgiving place where she learnt early on how to fight, she had to fight for her share of the measly food they were provided, to keep what little possessions she had (which included a framed photo of her mother and a silver necklace that once belonged to her) and to be seen as someone to be respected. The people of District 8 viewed her and the gang of unruly orphans from the home that she associated with as nothing but a waste of space, as "street rats". Chivonne has only two people that she would consider friends; a boy named August who she has always called her non-biological brother, and a girl named Paisley. She and August fought a lot when they were younger but learnt that it was easier if they got along and helped each other out.
She was always wary of Paisley, who has neglectful parents and started hanging out with the street rats not long ago, as she found it difficult to trust other people and has never really had female friends, but the two got closer over time. The night before the reaping, when the street rats were sharing a bottle of stolen alcohol, she kissed Paisley. She worries that this was a mistake and that she's ruined their friendship.
People of all ages file into the square; scared children and parents alike. Chivonne takes her place at the back among the other 18 year olds, looking around nervously for Paisley. She spies the blonde girl and the two make eye-contact. Paisley looks away. A stab of disappointment goes through Chivonne. She's done it, she's ruined their friendship with that kiss, hasn't she? Chivonne anxiously awaits the announcement of this year's female tribute from District 8, unable to stop herself from picking at her nails. It's her last year in the reaping pool. Within the next few minutes she'll either be free or damned. And then she hears the name.
"Maillard Clarke."
The relief is temporary; Chivonne is sure she recognises the name, and as the crowd parts, she catches a glimpse of Maillard's face. Yes, she knows this girl. She's pretty, with auburn hair, and is already a mother of two at seventeen. Teenage pregnancy isn't uncommon in District 8, Chivonne's mother was only sixteen when she died giving birth to her. Those poor kids, thinks Chivonne, they'll end up in the home for sure.
But at least it's not her, right? Her last year has passed. Eighteen years, and what has she done with her life? Chivonne can't think of anything memorable. An orphan, a street rat, just another mouth to feed. Useless until she was old enough to start working in the factory, something she's not even that good at.
Those kids, condemned to a life of the same. Somehow, she finds August's eyes in the group of boys. He gives her a strange look which turns to alarm when he realises what she is about to do.
Before she can stop herself, she's volunteered.
Maillard, who had been shakily stepping toward the stage, all but collapses at the foot of it. Some people in the crowd help her back onto her feet. She sees Chivonne approach and pulls her into an unsteady hug and thanks her profusely. Chivonne takes this moment to centre herself, gives Maillard's hand a final squeeze and steps onto the stage."What's your name, darling?"
In the calmest voice she can manage, the consequences of her actions finally hitting her, she replies,
"Chivonne Ashford."

Chivonne's Reaping Outfit
Chivonne is high on the cheering of the crowd, the colours, and sounds of the Capitol people’s support for her. They erupt into screams of excitement and awe as the huge white wings open behind her. Someone throws confetti. Chivonne laughs as she looks up and watches it rain down on her. Roses land at her feet. Chivonne had never been a fan of them back home, but she sees them for what they are here; a way to show your love for a tribute, and Chivonne knows she can use all the love she can get. She catches a rose of a deep red colour and catches sight of herself on the screens. She almost doesn’t recognise herself, an angel in white and black, a crimson rose in hand. It was only brief, but the image is burnt into her brain, and she hopes she’s not the only one.

Chivonne's Parade Outfit
Chivonne received a training score of 8
On the first day of training, Chivonne works on her survival skills and manages to build an impressive fire. She learns about purifying water and about which wild plants are best avoided and which are safe. She is no stranger to hunger; her time in the community home saw to that, but wants to ensure she has a food source in the arena. By the time she feels satisfied with what she's learnt, few people are eating lunch. She knows she ought to be trying to make alliances, after all, it'll make it harder for these people to put a knife in her if she does. She sits with Posi and Tesla, and the three talk about their lives at home. Chivonne feels slightly out of place and like a third-wheel with the way Posi is leaning on Tesla, but finishes her meal and turns her attention to the rack of spears. She remembers play-fighting with sticks when she was young and discovers that the weapon feels natural in her hand.
On the second day, Chivonne finally gets her hands on a set of knives. She knows her way around a blade but decides she needs more practice with ranged weapons, so she practices throwing and finds her aim is pretty good. She picks up a bow and tries shooting, which she isn't great at but improves as she goes. She notices that Posi is missing, and eats lunch with Matilda, who speaks fondly of a girl back home. The two find they have common ground there when Chivonne mentions Paisley. Chivonne then brushes up on her survival skills, retaining much of yesterday's knowledge. She finishes off the day by learning how to set traps and tie knots.
On the final day of training, Chivonne practices climbing briefly, but has no trouble. She's experienced at this. She spends some time learning ways to disarm an opponent, and then goes over what she has learnt over the last few days. Food, water, warmth, spear, traps. When she sits down with her district partner, Amber, for lunch, she has this overwhelming feeling of running out of time. She forces down the rest of her bread roll and, although the thought of food makes her sick, learns about animals and how to cook any she might hunt.
"Chivonne Ashford, District 8." She tells the gamemakers. They nod.
She sets up a few dummies under the climbing net and grabs three knives. She sprints to the climbing net, her youth having made her fast and agile. She scales it easily, and when she gets over the other side, flies at a dummy, the force of her landing knocking it to the ground. She sticks a knife in its plastic neck, pivoting to face the dummy behind her. This one cops a kick in the chest and a blade in the head. Feeling playful, she walks up to the last dummy and grabs its hand.
"Nice to meet you, mate." Chivonne pulls the dummy in for a hug and sinks the knife into its back. It hadn't been her intention, but the knife lodges in the shoulder join and the arm clatters to the ground. She shoves the semi-dismembered dummy to the floor and presses a boot to its chest.
She grabs a few more knives and throws them at some targets across the room. They all hit the target with varying accuracy. She smiles at the weight of the spear in her hands, but can't really think of what to show the gamemakers, she hasn't really practiced throwing it and is quickly running out of time. She flips it and sticks it in the chest of a fallen dummy.
"Stay dead." She laughs. "Thank you."
Chivonne exits, not looking behind her once.
Caesar: Hello Chivonne, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Chivonne: Thank you Caesar, you're not too shabby yourself! Yeah, my stylist has really outdone herself this year, and I'm grateful for every thread. And I'm grateful that these heels are easier to walk in than the last pair she had me wear. All jokes aside, she understands my personal style and we really connect on that level. We’ve gone for a celestial-themed look tonight and I’m obsessed.
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
The food, for sure. I've never eaten so well in my entire life! You guys do this everyday? Also, all the bright colours, truthfully they overwhelm me a little, but make this whole experience feel so surreal and like I'm walking in a dream.
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
Oh, everyone's so lovely! Especially Matilda, if I'm not the one that gets to go home at the end of this, I want it to be her. We've got a lot in common, and she speaks so fondly of her girlfriend, you know, the one she volunteered for. I've got a special girl waiting for me back home too, although, I don't think we're quite the love story that they are. I've been spending time with Posi Rio too, and of course it's always nice to have someone from home. No enemies as of yet, Caesar, but I know who I definitely need to watch out for.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I can only hope I've got what it takes to win! I'd like to consider myself a bit of a survivor, yeah. And as far as who I'm fighting for goes, obviously my loved ones back home, but I'm also fighting for anyone who's ever felt worthless, anyone who's ever felt unloved, or unwanted, or like a waste of space. Because I've been there.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
Anything that the other tributes might find difficult. Sure, the community home gave me and the others a roof over our heads, but there were a lot of us there and scarce resources. And that temperature would plunge during the winter. I'm well acquainted with cold, hunger, darkness and loneliness, which means that maybe, just maybe, in a difficult arena, I might succeed where others fail.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I miss the routine. As monotonous as it was, I knew my place back in the district. And, yeah, my brother August. Well, he's not really my brother, but he's the closest thing to family I've ever had. You asked me if I had a death-wish before I left. The answer is no, and honestly I'm scared shitless, of dying, of losing you, of leaving you. No matter what happens, take care of yourself and the others. Be good. And Paisley. I wish we had more time. I wish I hadn't waited so long to make my feelings for you known. You're not just beautiful on the outside, but a beautiful soul and a beautiful mind. Yeah, I've missed them all so much since being here.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
Yeah, I don't know what happens when you die. I don't think we'll ever know. But if you guys let me die in some catastrophically stupid way, I swear, I'll haunt you all from beyond the grave. [She laughs.] Nah, I'm not dead yet, so don't count me out.

Chivonne's Interview Outfit