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Hear from Rhys Bullock, the victor of the 51st Annual Hunger Games!

Just a few days after leaving the arena, Caesar Flickerman had the opportunity to meet with our newly crowned victor, Rhys Bullock (18) from District 11.   


Hi there, Rhys! It’s nice to see you again. Tell us, how did you feel the moment you knew you were the victor? Walk us through that experience.

The moment that I knew I was the victor, I felt a huge range of emotions. It was the moment when I killed Cal. Hearing his cannon go off meant safety for me, but it also meant that an innocent life was taken. Taken by me. It was the moment when I knew that I was going to go home. Winning these games was what I wanted more than anything. I had to go home. It still feels so surreal, as if I'm dreaming.


What are you most excited about back in your home district?

To see my family, of course! I made a promise to make it back home to them, and I did it... I really did. I can finally go back to my old life. Evenings with my family on the porch, counting the stars, memorizing constellations, laughing with Luca as we race down the orchards. It’s simple, sure, but it’s home.


Do you have any regrets?

Seeing my best friend [Aisly-Parca Sullivan, also of District 11] die was awful. I blame myself, but there isn't much that I could do to stop her from dying. When Team TRAP got into a fight, I did so many things that I never should have. My plan with the hand warmers worked well. Too well. It was because of my plan that Posi and Ivy died. The poor kids were stuck under the water with those horrid creatures. I didn't see what happened to Ivy, but I saw Tesla pull Posi out of the water. The worst feeling came over me when I thought that Posi was dead. I was fighting Ianthe and there was no way that I could get to him.


Are you excited to become a mentor next year?

I am very excited to mentor! It will be sad to know that at least one of my tributes will die in there [the arena] but maybe with my help they will have a fighting chance. District Eleven is a strong district, and a bit of a wildcard. We have so many skills that we acquire while working that most people overlook us when comparing us to Careers. My district is beautiful, and I am grateful to have the opportunity to share its beauty.

What was the most important thing you learned about yourself during the games?

The most important thing that I learned about myself was that I should be more grateful for the people around me. I remember how, after Rooni died, I stopped talking to my best friend, Aisly. In the games, I saw how much I missed out on. She was the light in my life and she died right in front of my eyes. I didn't think that anything extraordinary could come into my ordinary life. I expected to always work on my family farm and to one day own it. I expected Luca and Aisly to marry and for myself to be the best man. I took advantage of the simplicity of my old life. I've always been surrounded by family and have never been without them. Heck, I've never even slept alone - I always had Dal with me! With Team TRAP, I had friends, real friends. It didn't last long, but I care about them.


What would you like to say to your mentor?

Thank you for everything that you've done for me! You got me the medicine that I needed, and the sponsors that were essential for my survival. Your advice  and companionship before the games was the reason why I lived. I remember how you explained to me how you won your games, and it inspired the strategies that helped me win my own. I can't wait to mentor with you next year!


What would you like to say to your family and friends?

I can't wait to get back home and see them! It has only been a few weeks in the arena, but it feels like it’s been years! I know that you guys probably worried your butts off, but I'm as good as new now. Well, except for this thing [he waves with his robotic hand.] I promise I'll be home soon, and when I am, we can go out and buy a whole goose to eat! And I won't burn it like last time [he laughs at the memory.]


What will you do with your winnings when you get home?

Well, as I mentioned, I am definitely going to be buying a feast for my family and myself. Spending six days in the arena without as much food as I normally eat was very uncomfortable, and as my mom says, "food makes everything better." I also plan to donate a good portion of my money to the school in my district. It's a small school and could definitely use some help.


Did you think you could win? Are you shocked?

When I received a training score of eleven I became very hopeful, but I definitely wasn't convinced. Entering the arena was a billion times harder than training could ever prepare me for. The bloodbath was by far the most shocking event. I needed to get in and out quickly, while the girls ran to safety, and Posi Rio collected items as well. I figured that I could survive, but there were doubts in my mind. On the sixth day, I was very afraid. I had fought Ianthe before, and it didn't go very well. Despite that, I knew that she didn't have a choice. I saw that she was being chased by that monstrosity and I acted before thinking. I saw a human being, not a competitor. On the other hand, I could not humanize Cal. I witnessed him murder two tributes in front of me, and I knew that he killed Tesla. She was like my sister, and he took her life away. When he was on top of me, seconds away from killing me, I knew that I was a goner. But something inside of me kept fighting.


What’s the worst part of being in the arena?

The whole experience was terrifying. You never know what will happen next in the arena, all that you have is the hope that the next cannon that sounds won’t be yours. Holding onto the things that make you human is what keeps you going. I fought for my family back home, for Team TRAP, for all of the tributes whom I encountered that died. The arena can make you do crazy things. Twenty-four of us, all kids, all trying to survive. I saw people die, I caused people to die, and for what? Their stories must be told.


Your weapon was quite unique! Tell us about how you came to acquire the talons that you’re sure to be famous for now. 

Thank you! I actually acquired my first set of talons from my father, who bought them at a local trading shop. I originally used the knives to kill crows that would come into the crops, and the ones that I wore on my hands were for harvesting the crops themselves. They're a fun weapon, and I have a feeling that they could influence Capitol fashion forever.


And how has your new prosthetic hand been treating you?

Oh, you mean this little thing [he flexes the fingers of his robotic hand]? It's awesome, dude! I mean, getting my hand severed by Cal hurt like heck, but I can do so many tricks with this bad boy. I have a feeling that once the painkillers stop working, it will hit me hard, though. In the meantime, I will just sit back and enjoy looking badass [he laughs.]


Of course. Which district are you most looking forward to visiting on your victory tour and why?

I am most looking forward to visiting Districts Five, Six, and Eight. Those were the districts of my allies, or partial allies. I am scared to see their families, since I have gotten so attached to them. Posi and Tesla told me stories of their families and I know that they're probably hurting a lot right now. I just hope that Posi's family doesn't hate me for what happened to their son. I would never have purposefully hurt him. Other districts, like Two and Seven, probably hate me right now. I killed their tributes, so they have every right to.


If you didn’t win, who would you have liked to see go home?

If I didn't win, I wanted for anyone from Team TRAP to go home. They all deserved it so much. I loved them, and love them still, as if they were my own family. After they died, they kept me going. They couldn't die for nothing. In the finale, if I weren't the one to win, I wanted Ianthe to. She deserved it so much. I couldn't let Cal win, not after he killed Ianthe. I had to avenge her. I didn't know Ianthe well, but I knew that she had a great heart and probably would have done the same for me.


Tell us about your alliance and your district partner.

They weren't my allies, but my family. I can't describe to you how much they helped me in the arena. Even in the last few nights after they ran away, I couldn't help but cry for them. I saw my best friend, Aisly die. It hurt me more than anything in the whole world. I couldn't save her. My poor brother was in love with her, and I couldn't get her home for him. I hope that the others died peacefully. I hope that they didn't feel pain. I bet they were scared, I was scared too. Every cannon heard could have meant another ally lost. I hope that Tesla didn't regret running away from me. I'm not mad at her, and I never will be. She did the right thing by getting Posi and herself out of there. I know that Posi didn't particularly like me at first, but I liked him. He reminded me of my little brother, Abe. They were all so brave. I will not let a day pass when I don't remember their sacrifices. My last day in the arena, I looked up into the sky, and I saw them. I carry them with me everywhere I go, now. Twenty-three stars tattooed on my back, just as I remember from the sky then.


Rhys' twenty-three star tattoo 


Caesar Flickerman also met up with Rhys’ mentor to discuss their feelings on the games.


What was your first thought when Rhys won?

When Rhys won I was surprised but I knew he was very much capable of it. His desire to win to go back home was very strong and I had no doubt he wouldn’t let Cal kill him. I honestly held my breath during his fight with Cal, it was full of action and emotions!


What would you like to tell your tribute?

Well, first off I want to say CONGRATS! Rhys, I never lost hope in you, as soon as I saw you get reaped I knew you were going to be a victor. I can’t wait to mentor tributes with you in the future. Congratulations Rhys you deserve it.


Are there any sponsors you want to shout out?

Well… there were so many sponsors. I mean all of them helped him win, but I really want to say thank you to the deceased that gave their sponsors to him, it really helped him win. Much appreciation to all of the sponsors!


Rhys Bullock's Victory Interview outfit 

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