F / 16 / WOC: Knives / Reaped
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Leah lived in District 3 working at the technology factory like any other girl her age. She lost her 3 siblings in previous games, so she had hoped she would not be reaped because that would leave her parents alone with all 4 of their children dead. To prepare in case she was ever reaped, she practiced every night when her parents went to sleep.
Leah wakes up early for practice, one last time until before reaping, and then gets changed into her reaping clothes. She walks with the other kids her age and waits until the Capitol escort picks the name of the so-called "lucky" children. The man from the Capitol goes to the bowl and picks the name at the bottom. "Leah Delaware." She is slow to react, but finally, she stumbles onto the stage. And that's it, she is on the way, following in her brothers' footsteps.
Leah's Aesthetic
Denver and I step up onto the carriage, about to be drawn out into the Capitol’s eye. Denver was far more nervous than me for sure. I can feel her vulnerability and stress, but I am more determined to give these games my all. This is my family’s last chance at the games; if I die my family name will be lost forever, I am the last possible Delaware who can take the name into the next generation.
My stylist has informed me that my costume was on another level, that it won’t be something people will forget easily. They were right because as I am drawn out into the crowd the spotlights reach my platinum outfit and the light emits rays of artificial sunlight to everyone in the first few rows, the further into the parade line I go the brighter and stronger the rainbow lights reflect. I feel like a tiny ball of sunlight and I can only assume the mad applause is for me. As the carriage reaches the plaza, Denver taps me on the shoulder and points up to the sky, above me is a rainbow arching across the road and the crowd starts screaming even louder. The glitter and light slowly fades until it has disappeared, this is when it has finally hit me. I am actually going to have to fight for my life soon. And unlike my three brothers, after today I believe I actually have a shot.

Leah's Reaping Outfit

Leah received a training score of 9
My escort woke me up and I got ready to train. This day would be the one where I would meet with all the tributes and make allies. When I arrived, I realized that I was late. I joined the circle of tributes without being seen, my specialty, and listened to the speech that the woman named Atala was giving us. When she finished, I decided to go to the survival skills station first, where I met two interesting tributes, I hope we end teaming up. At that station I learned to make a fire with anything, to tie knots, and to make a shelter. I learned how to survive in all kinds of weather, because I don't know what the arena will be like.
The next day I woke up reluctantly and went back to the training center, ready for the second day. Ready to make more allies. First, I went to the cockpit of moving targets. But I tried only with the bow and arrow and with the spears. After a few practices, I hit almost everything else.
"Hey, you did great!" I hear a voice speaking to me. I see two tributes talking to me, they seem pretty strong
"Well, you also did great with the trident," I say.
"Don't try to be modest, we'd love the three of you in our alliance," says one of them. "What do you think?"
"I think it's okay if we ally, you know, the more the better."
On the third day, my new alliance and I go to the edible plant station, where we talk with another tribute we had never talked to before.
"Guys, what if we ask him to join us? A little protection won't hurt," asks one of my allies.
"It's okay with me," I say.
We all agreed to ask him, and when we get to the station, we see another tribute join him.
"I have an idea, let's add both to our alliance," I suggest.
After the edible plants, me and my alliance go to weapons, where I practice with swords, because I already practiced with the other weapons. I am not so good at it, but no one is perfect.
"Leah Delaware."
I walk through the doors. Great, the gamemakers aren't drunk yet. I take my knives and throw them at the targets. I do really well. Now, I try the moving targets. I hit almost all of them. It's not enough, though. I ask the gamemakers to throw things at me fast and I hit them all.
Caesar: Hello Leah, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Leah: Hi Caesar! You look stunning too. [The crowd laughs]. Well my outfit is pretty simple, as you may see, but simple is not always how it looks. If you jump, it... [a thunderstorm begins in the interior of the dress]. I know, it is pretty cool! It was my mentor's idea, because she says I am like a thunderstorm: unpredictable, strong, and fierce, but beautiful on the inside
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
The Capitol is just GREAT. People are so nice to me, and so good looking, I wish I had one of those wigs, I would be so stylish. Also the food is just... mmmmm [she licks her lips]. My favorite part, I think, is the bed. If I could, I would sleep 25 hours without noticing, but I can't, I have to get prepared for you guys. Thank me! [The crowd cheers]. That's what I wanted, thank you!
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
Most of them are friendly. Of course, my charming personality helps [everyone laughs]. I've allied with a few. Nice people, I must say, but not as nice as me right? I feel really sorry for Tiberius. Poor kid, his age and and in the games. If I don't win, I would like him to return home, he is really young and sweet, even if he is an Avox.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I think so Caesar, even though I come from an outlier district, I am prepared for this. I have the dedication, the charm, the kindness... but the only problem is that I have guilt, too. I would be guilty for all of the tributes. I will have to kill, the ones I am privatizing from coming home, that kills me inside. I am fighting not for myself, not my soul, but for my brothers. This necklace you see is special. Inside, it has photos of my 3 dead brothers who died in previous games. And when you put it in light... [the necklace emits rainbows] you know, after the storm there is always a rainbow - a sign that not everything is bad. I am fighting for them. For my parents, to not leave them alone, they are too old and too depressed to live on their own. I want to save them like I couldn't save my brothers.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
I hope either a cold arena or a desert arena, because I mainly trained for extreme weather, so if it is either of those, I think I will have an advantage.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I miss the rainy days where I jumped in the mud, when I got a good salary and I could afford wool and then I knitted scarves with my mum, I miss all the time I used to spend with my brothers, I miss so many things Caesar, I just miss my home. But I also want to give a shout out to the baker next to my house [people laugh]. What is so funny? I like carrot cake [everyone, including her laughs].
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
Just, Caesar, remember me. Remember the thunderstorm girl, I will remember you, too [she blows a kiss for the audience]. GOODBYE CAPITOL! MWAH!

Leah's Interview Outfit