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F / 16 / WOC: Hoe / Reaped

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Aisly-Parca is quite a bright and bubbly girl with only a few friends. She doesn’t care about the popularity or the fame, only about those she loves. She loves to find bugs in the fields back home and loves to inspect and draw them in her little notebook. She has a father named Cormac and a mother named Mayra as well as a younger sister, Jaclyn, who she’s very close with. Jaclyn is only a year younger than Aisly.


Aisly-Parca had a good feeling that she wouldn’t be reaped. Her mother and father made sure she and Jaclyn did not take any tesserae unless it was compulsory. When Aisly-Parca's name was called, she looked at Jaclyn and she could tell she was trying to stop herself from crying. She blew her sister a kiss and walked up to the stage. She felt a mix of emotions: sadness, dread, and a little excitement.


Aisly-Parca's Reaping Outfit 


Aisly-Parca squinted as the sunlight hit her face. She heard the crowd cheering , and she noticed some of the crowd were looking at her. She waved at them, giving them the biggest smile. She saw someone blow her a kiss, so she blew one back, giggling. She kept waving to the crowd, and giving her biggest smile, as this was quite an exciting experience!


Aisly-Parca's Parade Outfit 


Aisly-Parca received a training score of 6


Aisly-Parca mostly stayed by herself, as she had some bad past experiences with Rhys, her district partner. She did make friends with the District 5 pair while they were working with wires. She watched, but didn’t really learn anything from it. She tried some knife throwing, which she wasn’t terrible at, but she got nervous and clammy whenever she used them. She also taught the District 5 pair to identify some bugs, as she was quite the expert with bugs. Rhys did come up to her one time during training, suggesting they "try again and ally for the games". She agreed, as she really did wanted to rekindle their friendship. The four did some different survival skills and weapon skills together, getting to know each other better. She and Tesla got quite close, and she and Posi were good friends. Rhys was still a little off, but they talked a lot more. 



Aisly-Parca wandered into the private training room, glancing up at the gamemakers. She waved, calling out "Aisly-Parca Sullivan, District 11! I hope you enjoy!" She grinned. She then headed straight to the plant and bug identification station. She easily recognized the bugs from back home as she had an interest in the creepy crawlies. She only got two or three of the plants wrong, and once finished, she beamed with pride. After that, she headed to the spear station. Spears were quite similar to the tools she used back home to plant the different seeds. She handled the spear, frowning in doubt. She eyed the dummy, which was about 4 meters away. She threw the spear and it fell short of its target. She bit her lip and went to fetch the spear. She tried again, hitting the dummy, but it didn’t stick. She did this three times, for certain making the gamemakers impatient. She took a deep breath and threw the spear with all her willpower and it stuck in the dummy’s left hip. She grinned, her smile reaching her ears. She then quickly tried again, this time hitting the dummy in the shoulder. She peered up and the gamemakers, maybe a little too expectantly, but she nodded at them.


"Thank you guys!" and she waddled out.


Caesar: Hello Aisly-Parca, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

Aisly-Parca: Thank you so much! First of all, my dress is the color of mine and my sister’s walls in our room! I needed to add a little bit of home to my outfit! The flowers are also a link to back home, working in my family orchards, and the blossoms falling from the trees! But all the jewelry, hair and makeup were all my mentor and stylists’ idea, so thank you to them!


How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?

Ooooh, that’s a good question! I’m liking all the people here, as they’re all so nice and friendly towards me and really try their hardest to make me feel at home!


What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?

They’re all so talented and powerful! I have made an alliance, but I don’t want to spill any secrets, that may harm any of us! I do have my district partner, Rhys! We used to be friends a while ago, but something happened in his family life, which I’m not so sure what it is, and so he stopped talking or communicating with anyone outside his family! I do miss the old Rhys… 


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?

I think I have a small chance of becoming a victor, as I have a few survival tricks up my sleeve, whereas a lot of the other tributes are only good at wielding weapons and doing combat! I’m fighting for my sister back home, Jaclyn! We’re the bestest of friends, and it’s so hard being here without her! I love you, Jacey!


What kind of arena are you hoping for? 

Maybe an arena with a lot of plants and trees! I’m quite good with them, and they offer good food sources! They also offer bugs, which can be handy when you’re hungry!


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?

I miss the fields and orchards a lot! It may seem weird, but that’s mine and my sister’s happy place. We used to go there every night, and bring out dad’s record player. We would then dance around in the field whilst the sun set, and when we were done, we’d watch the stars. I miss that a lot.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

I hope all you Capitol citizens haven’t cast me out, because I may surprise you in the arena! And thank you for having me up here!


Aisly-Parca's Interview Outfit 

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