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M / 17 / WOC: Spear / Volunteered

To sponsor Anderson, send a DM to @odairsmile on Instagram.

Before the games, Anderson lived his entire life in District 1. He trained for his opportunity to one day be in the games. He only lives with his father, who is hard on him most days. Anderson worked shining jewels with his girlfriend, Phoenix. She was too gorgeous to die, but also deadly with a knife. He would do absolutely anything to protect her. And if she was reaped, he had asked his best friend Alice to take her place. He wants to win the games to go back home for her. He needs to, to escape his father.


Anderson left for the reaping rather early. He couldn’t wait to immediately raise his hand and volunteer. Before the escort could even read the name, he had raised his hand and volunteered. 


Being the first chariot, Anderson knew he had to make a good first impression. When the chariot starts to move he gets a devilish smirk on his face. When the audience is able to see him he winks and bites his lip at a few ladies he sees. He waves and then drops his purple cape to show off his black muscles, tight inside the black jacket.


Anderson's Reaping Outfit 


Anderson's Parade Outfit 


Anderson received training score of 7


During the 3 days of training, Anderson spent one day at the station where you throw spears. He had impeccable aim. Anderson wasn’t worried about making allies. He already had one, he didn’t want any more. He did have his eye on two people that he wanted dead in the first 5 seconds of the games. He later went to practice survival skills, while he did so, he watched the two tributes he didn’t like struggle with the tasks they were doing. On the last day, he went to the spear throwing station one last time to practice for the private sessions.



During the private session, Anderson was first up. He had to make a good impression. He began with throwing the spears. Each time he threw them he imagined one was his father and the others were the tributes he didn’t like. He also showed some skill with a bow and arrow. He hit the targets each time. In the leg, head, and heart. 


Caesar: Hello Anderson, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

Anderson: Thank you Caesar. [He smiles]. The color of my suit is my girlfriend Phoenix’s favorite color. [He smiles and winks at the audience] And my pink bunny pin is for Phoenix, I got news from my escort that she had our baby back home. Little Skylar was born 2 days ago. [He smiles]. I’d really like to go home to her and meet her.


How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?

I love the Capitol so far. You can tell lots of the things here are made possible by District 1 because they are all so fancy [he chuckles].


What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?

I’ve made one friend so far. She’s pretty smart. [He smiles.] I definitely have made some enemies, there are many tributes that get on my nerves and that I want dead in the first minute of the games. I wouldn’t mind a little blood on my hands, especially if it’s theirs [he smirks].


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?

I’m a Career, of course have what it takes, well I sure hope so I do [he chuckles]. I’m fighting for my family of course, to see Phoenix and to meet my daughter, I don’t want her to be fatherless. [He wipes a tear from his cheek].


What kind of arena are you hoping for? 

I’m hoping for a mountain type arena. I’m fast and can run a good distance. I could get far in an arena like that.


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

Oh, I miss shining the gems. It was so fun to shine them and turn them into something beautiful! I miss you, Phoenix, and I miss Skylar. I will meet you one day, baby girl.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

Just to watch out, my ally can kill a whole bunch of you tributes in a matter of seconds.


Anderson's Interview Outfit 

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