Malia's Aesthetic
F / 18 / WOC: Sais, throwing knives / Volunteered
To sponsor Malia, send a DM to @destielsspn on Instagram.
Malia had been training for the games since before she could walk. She was a very unpredictable person. She had no siblings which made her an only child living alone with her dad. When she’s not training, she’s with her dad watching movies or hanging with her friend Kyle.
I wasn’t scared at all to go to the reaping, mainly because it was my last year to participate. I didn’t volunteer the previous years because I wanted to be ready. And now that I’m 18 I feel ready for everything. I don’t have to worry about not being picked because just as our escort pulled out the name of a 13 year old I raised my hand and stepped out into the aisle and shouted: “I volunteer!” My time has come, to win the games and bring pride back to my district. I don’t plan on dying in the Games, I’ve been training my whole life for this moment and it finally has come.
I stood amongst the group of stylists as I waited for the parade to begin. They were adding finishing touches to my outfit and fixing things that ended up out of place. My stylist put me in a royal purple gown followed by royal purple heels. They curled and put purple highlights in my bright red hair. My nails were done to match my outfit as well. I smoothed out my dress and looked around at all the other tributes in their outfits. They weren’t District One. They weren’t first. I was. Which means, my first impression was during the tribute parade. I had to wow the crowd more than any other tribute. I clutched the necklace that I had around my neck and looked at my stylists who needed my attention so they could hand me something.
“It’s something extra to wow the crowd,” They told me and I gave them a small smile before taking the two rods that were attached to a clear piece of fabric. I draped the piece of fabric over me and held onto the two rods and got into my chariot for the parade. I looked back at my stylists and they gave me a thumbs up, to which I returned a wink. The chariot began to move and I looked out at the crowd of people who were cheering and screaming my name after being announced.
I smiled at the crowd and my first instinct was to wave or blow kisses or do anything other than stand here. I felt a button on both of the rods and I pressed them which caused the crowd to go even more wild. I looked down at the rods and saw that it was glowing a purple shade. I knew exactly what my stylist had given me and so I smiled again and lifted up both my arms and the fabric looked like wings. I could hear the crowd going wild and when our chariot came to a stop and I put down my arms and stopped pressing the buttons that lit up the piece of fabric.

Malia's Reaping Outfit

Malia's Parade Outfit
Malia received a training score of 8
Today is the first training day, a day to show off our skills and either impress other tributes, possible future allies, or scare away other tributes to make us seem like a threat. Which I am. I may have charm when it comes to talking to other people, but when it comes to securing a victory, I can became brutal. I’m a Career after all. I listen to the training instructor as they talk about what to expect in training and what rules to follow. I look around at the other tributes, eyeing out which ones would make good allies, which ones are possible threats, and which ones should be an easy kill. Once I finish looking around and the training instructor has finished talking I go to the throwing knives station.
I have all this anger bubbled up inside me from a conversation I had last night with my mentor and district escort. I watch as the tributes all around show off their skills; some are amazing and some need work. I roll my eyes again and grab a knife and throw it at the target, followed by two more knives at two more targets. I take a step back and admire how each and every knife has become lodged in the center of the targets. Right on the bullseyes. I look around and watch the other tributes before going off to work on the survival stations. I’d show off my main weapon but I figured I’ll leave that to be a surprise in the games. I already have ideas on who I want to be allies with - I’ll talk to them soon.
The time came for me to get a score from the gamemakers themselves. Being from District 1, Anderson and I are first up. When it is my turn I walk over to the weapons rack and looked for a pair of sais, also grabbing a couple of throwing knives. Throwing knives are a common weapon in the games, which is why I made sure to train mainly with sais. I look up at the gamemakers and state my name: “Malia Wells, District One.” They nod at me to proceed, so I immediately begin throwing the knives at the targets, hitting the bullseye each time.
I then grab the pair of sais and place four of my fingers around the handle, and then place my thumb at the top of the handle, giving me a good grip of the weapon. I go over to the dummies and begin slashing at them. I swing my arm across the dummy’s chest and rotate my body so that I am behind the dummy, while the sai spins in my hand and I grip the sai and bring it back behind me, stabbing the dummy in the back. I turn around and bring the other sai up and stab the chest. That’s all I have to show off to the gamemakers, and hopefully it was enough to get me a great score.
Caesar: Hello Malia, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Malia: Why thank you Caesar, you don’t look too bad yourself! Well, you all saw me soar at the tribute parade, I figured it was time for you all to see me shine tonight.
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
The Capitol is amazing. The food, the people, literally everything. My favorite part is just knowing that there are people here and at home who are betting on me to win this year’s games. I don’t plan to let them down.
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
Each and every tribute is unique in their own way, but I’m not worried. I’m District One. A Career, we make lots of enemies and very few friends. But again, I’m not worried. A lot of tributes will be targeting my alliance but if there’s one thing we can do, it’s making sure no one underestimates us. I have one enemy, maybe a few more, but I’m focused on just that one.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I didn’t volunteer just to come here and lose. No, I volunteered to come here and win. I’ve been training for this moment since before I could walk and there’s no way I’m losing. Every tribute here is fighting for something, whether it’s for their district, significant other, family, friends, or maybe just to get back home. I’m fighting for each and every one of them, you know these past two years, District One has lost the games, I’m hoping that when I win, I can make my district proud and go back home to my father, my friends, and just to be back home.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
You know, District One doesn’t get that much snow, and if we do it’s only for a day. I’m hoping for some snow in the arena.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I miss spending time with my father. The Capitol’s great and all but my father is the main reason why I am who I am today. My mother died in childbirth and left him with only two things. Me and her ring. Which is what I’m wearing right now, it’s going to be my token in the games.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
I’m not going down easily, these games are the best thing that was ever invented and it’s an honor to be participating. So may the best tribute win.

Malia's Interview Outfit