Ivy's Aesthetic
F / 17 / WOC: Axe / Volunteered
To sponsor Ivy, send a DM to @katnissspotions on Instagram.
Ivy was no stranger to the games. She had lost her sister two years prior to the games when she was the same age as Ivy was now. Since then it had only been Ivy and her parents. Her dad was a lumberjack and Ivy helped all the time. She and some of her friends would go to the forest on weekends and climb the trees for fun. Ivy’s mum had been secluded since the death of her eldest daughter and Ivy knew her mother couldn’t lose her as well. She made a promise to herself, her parents and her girlfriend that she would win the games so she could go back home and would do whatever it took to make it possible.
At the reaping, Ivy watched as a young girl was reaped. She could have only been 12 or 13. She saw the fear in the young girl’s eyes and before she could comprehend what she was doing, her hand was up in the air and she had shouted “I volunteer”. She felt better knowing that she had saved the girl from an untimely death and maybe, just maybe, she had a chance of winning and she could make sure her sister hadn’t died in vain. She would make sure the Capitol would pay for what they did to her family and that she would get home alive.
Ivy stepped into the carriage with her district partner for the parade. She was nervous and fiddled with the necklace her girlfriend had given her as a token to remember her. She took a deep breath and thought of her family and friends back home and put on a brave face. She was determined to win the games and be able to see her girlfriend and family. She refused to let the Capitol kill her, too. As the chariot began to move, she held onto the railing in front of her, a bit unsteady at first. She looked around at the other tributes and the crowd, waving at the crowd, hoping she’d make a good impression on them. She looked over some of the tributes, mentally deciding if she could ally with any of them and who to watch out for. She held her head high, leaving an air of confidence in her wake as they listened to the president's speech before the chariots began to move again.

Ivy's Reaping Outfit

Ivy's Parade Outfit
Ivy received a training score of 10
During the training sessions, Ivy decided to do a bit of most things so she had all of the bases pretty much covered over the time period they had been given to train. Each day she did a mix of everything. She did some survival training, such as learning what plants were edible, how to make a fire, how to keep warm in a cold climate, how to make a shelter, etc. Ivy had also decided to do some weapons training. She picked up an axe and gripped it, feeling how it was slightly different and lighter than the ones at home. Lifting her arm up, she located a target and threw it with all her strength watching as it hit slightly off from centre, but close enough. She made sure to practice throwing for a solid amount of time, hitting the middle of the target over and over again. She decided, as there were many weapons that could end up at the cornucopia, she would practice with another weapon.
She looked over them all and picked up some knives, throwing those for a bit. They were certainly lighter than the axe but she still preferred the axe to the knives. She also practiced using a sword and learning some basic moves and training with that before deciding she was done for the weapons.
Throughout the training she had been looking around for any potential allies. She had some in mind and chatted to one of them before they both decided to expand their allies further. They talked with other tributes and made some more allies before deciding that they were all to be allies and have each other’s backs in the arena.
Ivy waited outside for her name to be called before she walked in, ready to show the gamemakers her skills. She had decided to do a combination of axe throwing, which she was thankful that her father had taught her and working from a young age, climbing skills, which she was quite good at due to the many trees in her district, and her knowledge on plants. Although she wasn’t from one of the wealthier districts, coming from 7 certainly gave her some sort of an advantage with all the trees and the lumberjacks that many family members worked in.
Starting off she decided to climb up the ropes in the private training room. She had made sure to pick up an axe on the way past and held it In her hand as she climbed the rope. She had decided she’d throw it at the target and climb back down before showing off the basic skills of using an axe and then she’d finish with plants. Ivy was still getting used to the weight of the axe’s in the Capitol. They were certainly different from the ones back home. Ivy saw a target and gripped the ropes tightly with one hand and in the other hand was the axe she had picked up. She aimed it at the middle of the target and was relieved when it hit the centre.
She climbed down halfway before jumping off, landing gracefully and picked the axe back up before showing the gamemakers just how lethal she could be with an axe. She hacked away at a dummy and threw the axe from a long distance hoping it would leave a mark on the gamemakers. Lastly, she put the axe down and went over to a massive screen and paired up plants and their names and whether they were poisonous or not. She turned towards the gamemakers and smiled before curtsying and walking out. She was glad that it hadn’t gone too bad and was more than relieved that it was over. Ivy was determined not to let the games kill her just like they had her sister. After they had taken so much from her she was determined to fight until her last breath.
Caesar: Hello Ivy, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Ivy: Thanks, you look great yourself. Well, my outfit isn’t much compared to everyone else honestly but I wanted to be authentic and show the people watching that this is me, and I’m not going to pretend I’m something I’m not y’know? My favourite part of my outfit is my necklace though it was the first thing I knew I was going to wear and it’s the thing I’ve decided as my token so I’ll have it with me in the games. You see it’s very special to me because my girlfriend gave it to me before I left and I intend to win and get back to her.
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
The Capitol is certainly different from District 7, it’s lovely and extravagant and far from similar to the districts. It must be nice to live in such luxury and not have to worry… anyways my favourite part... my favourite part so far was probably the parade. I loved the costumes and everyone’s outfits but also because it’s the first proper look of your competitors and the first glance always counts, you have to leave an impression on people.
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
The tributes this year all seem ok, I haven’t talked to many of them but the ones I have gotten to know all seem nice enough. As for allies, I guess you’ll have to see in the arena, and enemies... sadly I think everyone is technically an enemy as they’re between me and District 7, but other than that no, nobody seems to have stuck out as someone I could potentially hate or have as an enemy.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I do think I have what it takes to become a victor because honestly, I can’t afford to think otherwise and I know I have it in me to win. I’m fighting for my parents, for my beautiful girl back home, my friends, and possibly the most important is my sister. She didn’t win, so I’ll win for the both of us instead.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
Arena wise I’m hoping for something with trees or quite like an earthy arena, if that makes sense. I know it will probably be nothing like what I’m hoping for but I can always pray and hope it is.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I miss my family a lot. If anyone back home is watching, I just want you all to know I love you guys, I’m going to win for all of you and I’ll hopefully see you all soon. Please look after each other and for my girlfriend, remember the last thing I said to you, I intend to keep the promise I made and I love you.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
Before I go, I’ll say this. I plan to win for my sister and I’m not going down without a fight.

Ivy's Interview Outfit