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F / 17 / WOC: Shaolin hook swords, throwing knives / Volunteered

To sponsor Dominique, send a DM to @multimikaelson_clato on Instagram.

Dominique grew up basically living in the training center since her mom and dad were always at work in the Nut. Because of how much time she spent there, Dominique was always at the top of the class. She had been up there in the previous year but, because of her age, it always went to older girls instead of her. She was always very confident and sarcastic, and if anybody got on her bad side, it was always their mistake. She always had a lot of friends and admirers, but only ever kept a few close friends, as she also had a few enemies in the girls trying to take her spot as top in the academy.


Dominique went into the reaping very confident knowing it was finally her year to volunteer. Although some might wait until they were 18, the years she had already had to wait were long enough and she knew she was more than good enough. As the District 2 escort started to call the name of the girl who’s name had been reaped she immediately shouted out, “I volunteer as tribute!” She then walked up to the stage, confident in her blue dress and heels smiling as she took her spot on the platform, ready to finally have her turn in the game.


Dominique's Reaping Outfit 


As Dominique stepped onto the chariot, she felt very confident in the green and gold outfit that her stylists had given her. She stood there waiting for her chariot to go out and heard the cheers as District One entered the ring. Then they headed out and the cheers got even louder. At first she just smiled and waved to the audience but then half way through she unsheathed her sword and did some very flashy moves to impress the crowd, ending it off with a wink to the cameras. She then went back to smiling and waving, the confidence she had very obvious to everyone watching. She was feeling more prepared than ever to win the games.


Dominique's Parade Outfit 


Dominique received a training score of 10


Dominique went into training very confident, seeing as it was just like training at the academy and that was what she did the most. For the first day she mostly trained into hand to hand combat since you never know what you will be given in the arena. On the second day, Dominique spent her time at the survival stations, she had seen too many careers fall victim to not having any knowledge of these skills so she made sure she wasn’t one of them. On the last day she finally allowed herself to practice with weapons, she flaunted her skill to be able to use most weapons, even if she did have a couple favorites. At the end of the days she had made some allies and felt even better about her chances in these games.



Dominique didn’t have to wait long to go into her session, and she walked in there very confident in her abilities. She announced herself and then walked straight to the Shaolin Hook Swords sitting in the back. Her greatest strength was the combination of her Shaolin Karate and swords so she knew she had to show it to the game makers. She practically flew across the room, slicing and jabbing and hitting all of her targets. She ended with a giant flourish and then walked out confident and pleased with what she had done.



Caesar: Hello Dominique, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

Dominique: Thank you! My stylist decided to go with a dress in the color theme that matched my reaping dress since she said the color really suited me! I feel like a princess in this dress and I look like one too!


How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?

Oh, the Capitol is wonderful! Everything is so high tech and exciting! Also the celebrity status I get is really nice. I would have to say my favorite part was probably getting to try out some new weapons and technologies we don’t have in District 2, even if I will be sticking with my main ones for the games.


What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?

I think there are very strong tributes this year, so it should be fun! As far as friends, I guess you’ll just have to wait till the bloodbath to see! And I haven’t made any enemies yet, but I guess everyone is your enemy at some point in the arena.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?

One hundred percent I have what it takes to be a victor! I’ve been working towards this my whole life, and I’m definitely a formidable enemy to those who cross me. And I’m fighting to prove myself, and to help give me a leg up from being the poor girl who spends all her time in training.


What kind of arena are you hoping for?

Honestly, I’ve trained for everything, so something that might be challenging for others, but not for me would be fantastic. Also something with a lot of open space would be very interesting. Ooooh, or mountains, those are fun! I’m honestly just excited for anything! 


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I would say I mostly miss my friends. Specifically, Roman and Artemis. They were my best friends back home, and I’m really hoping I get to see them again. So, I guess I’m fighting for them, too. If y’all are watching: I love you guys!


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

I just want to thank you all for giving me this opportunity and I promise, if y’all watch me, I’ll give you a good show. Thanks and goodbye everyone!


Dominique's Interview Outfit 

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