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Rhys's Aesthetic



M / 18 / WOC: Talons / Reaped

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Rhys grew up in the middle class part of District 11. He had 5 younger siblings and worked on his family's orchard with them. The younger ones tended to the apple trees, but it was up to Rhys and his 16 year old brother Luca to kill the crows that lurked around their crops. When Rhys first started his job, he was uneasy at the thought of killing, but now he tolerates it. Rhys enjoyed crafting his own weapons and tools to kill the animals with, often fashioned out of wood, glass, or rope. He was a pretty resourceful boy. Rhys tended to be more of a loner, only really talking to people who he knew. During school, Rhys's brother Luca was often bullied, so Rhys sometimes took that into his own hands. That is where Rhys learned to fight.


When Rhys heard his name called, he grabbed onto his little brother, Luca's, arm as hard as he could. The peacekeepers had to force him onto the stage, where he was trying to break his way loose. Luca was trying to volunteer for him, but Rhys' screams drowned his brother's voice out. When he had his time to say goodbye to his family, all of his siblings ran in crying and hugging him. Rhys promised to get back home.


Rhys's Reaping Outfit 


When Rhys was in his chariot, the Capitol girls were staring at him. He was dressed the best he had been in his whole life and covered in gold glitter. He beamed and blew gold glitter out into the audience. Some people threw roses out at him and he caught them, pretending to swoon. He laughed at himself as his chariot approached the city circle.


Rhys's Parade Outfit 


Rhys received a training score of 11


Rhys wanted to be alone for his training. He made his own slingshot and claws at the crafts section, but he had practically perfected his weapon handling. He headed over to the trap-making station and practiced his traps. He used several simulations where he climbed mountains, dodged knives, and ran through obstacle courses. He then went to the survival skills sectors, despite his knowledge of which plants are poisonous, he brushed up on that skill. He also practiced swimming. On the last day, he decided that he should make allies, so, despite having a bad past with Aisly, he tried to ally with her and the tributes from District 5. 



I walked into the training room confidently, and the gamemakers were all looking at me. I guess I made quite the impression at the parade. I immediately walk over to the crafts station. I had a lot to do and only a little bit of time to do it. I quickly used rope and knives to fashion my talons. I attached them to my fingers and approached a dummy. I used my claws to stab the dummy and scratch it as hard as I could, leaving very deep wounds. I then brought my hand back and stuck it through the dummy’s abdomen as hard as I could, making a hole straight through the middle. Stuffing flew all around the room and I wasted no time trying to clean it up. I took off my talons and walked into the simulation. It contained targets that were meant to resemble birds. My specialty. I stood back about 15 feet and threw the first talon. I hit it straight through the eye and grinned at my precision. I then threw another one and another super quickly. One hit the “bird” in the body and the other hit through the eye again. I then went to a machine that I had practiced with before. It spit out blow darts with poison that knocks you out. I figured that one out the hard way a few days ago. I ran to a set of hurdles and started jumping over them as fast as I could while dodging the blow darts. I kept dodging and jumping when I approached the rock wall at the end of the course. I climbed it with a bit of difficulty since the blow darts were still trying to knock me off, but I  made it to the top eventually. Once I got there, I threw my talon into the stop button and made the machine stop. I climbed back down and noticed I had just under a minute left. I bowed and walked out of the center wordlessly. 


Caesar: Hello Rhys, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

Rhys: I actually really like my outfit! My stylist is very talented and let me have a say in what I would like to wear. My favorite part is the crown! I am quite nervous to be here, but being dressed so exquisitely makes me feel much better.


How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?

I'm not sure that I like the Capitol, really. I mean, all of you are quite lovely and have wonderful fashion sense, but it's all too flashy for my taste. I grew up in a plain neighborhood in a plain district, so I'm not used to everything being so extravagant. I would much rather be at home with my family. I miss them very much, and can't wait to win the games so that I can see them again.


What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?

I don't want to get attached to them, it just makes the fact that I must kill them in order to return home very difficult. The tributes from the Districts 5 and 9 are very kind to me. Posi is quite an interesting kid. He might not look it, but he is brilliant, although he isn't the strongest. Tesla has personality, I'll give her that. I spent a lot of time training with her, and trust me, that girl knows how to use a spear. Posi and Tesla's bickering is really... something. They're both geniuses, no doubt, but they always call each other stupid and act like children. I mean, to be fair, Posi is only 15. One tribute in particular caught my eye. Her name is Aisly, and if you didn't already know, she is my district partner. We have a bit of history. We were good friends back when we were younger, but that all changed when the incident happened. After that I never talked to anyone outside of my family.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?

I would like to believe that I have what it takes to be a Victor. I grew up in District 11, which is where I grew to be very strong. My family owns an orchard, and I was always very well fed. If you couldn't tell, I'm not built like the other tributes. When I was a kid, I was in charge of getting the apples from the trees. That is how I learned to climb. When I got older, I was given the job of killing the birds that came into the apple trees. That is where I learned to hunt. Those are skills that I never thought I would need for anything besides working in my family's business. Boy, was I wrong. I was meant to inherit the orchard, being the oldest child and all. I have 5 siblings; Dal, Eden, Abe, Raia, and Luca. I used to have 6 siblings. I don't anymore.


What kind of arena are you hoping for? 

I am hoping for an arena with lots of trees and freshwater. That kind of arena should be easy for me since I am from District 11. I grew up climbing apple trees and swimming in a lake near my house. An arena like that would put me at an advantage.


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I miss the beauty of my home. There, lush green was everywhere. It was the most extraordinary thing, but I took advantage of it every day. If I would have known that I might not return, I would have made the most out of it and spent more time with my family. To my siblings, I love you! I'll try to get home, I promise! Luca, don't feel bad for not being able to volunteer in my place. I'd rather have myself go into the arena than to put any of my siblings in harm's way. Mom and dad, I'm sorry for not being the brightest or the happiest kid. I tried my best to protect my siblings. I've been cold, I know that I've disappointed you guys. I regret the day that my brother, Rooni died every single second of my life. I didn’t mean to kill him. I was aiming to kill the bird above his head, but I hit him instead. I didn’t know that Rooni was there. Seeing him on the floor, helpless, bleeding out made the light leave me. Every day when he was in a coma, SIX MONTHS of him in a coma, I stayed with him. I dropped out of school for him. Rooni died in my arms. It hurt me, but I should have been more supportive of you. He was your son as much as he was my brother, and I ignored your pain.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

Yes, actually. This might be a bit cheesy but I wrote a song a while back and I would love to share it with you guys. It's about my life and my family.


The sun rises, nights fall

A brother's love is worth it all

Mistakes are made, but that's okay

I promise it's okay

Butterflies fly sky-high

Meadows run, angels fly

Mistakes are made, but that's okay

I promise it's okay

The rain will calm, skies still

Just like his heart and always will

Mistakes are made, but that's okay

I promise it's okay

I miss the old days, when we were seven not six

I blame myself for all of this

Mistakes are made, but that's okay

It's really not okay.


Rhys's Interview Outfit 

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