Astrid's Aesthetic
F / 16 / WOC: Sword, pitchfork / Reaped
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Astrid comes from District 9 but lives in one of the poorest residences of the district. She works part time in the fields with her parents, who still make her go to school, but for what? What does she need to know to help her life in the field? It’s just her, her mum, her dad, and her twin sister Celeste.
It’s that god awful day that comes around every year. That day where they make all of us stand out in the blazing sun and watch two of our own being sent to the slaughterhouse. Mum dresses me in a pretty pink dress and does my hair all pretty and I hate her for it. Why should we have to look nice when two of us will be sent to the Capitol to die? It’s no surprise that there are only two winners from District 9, we stand no chance. Mum kisses us goodbye as she and dad leave us by the gates.
Me and Celeste hold hands. We might be twins but she has always been the sensible one. We stand with the rest of the 16 year olds and watch the Capitol escort step on the stage to welcome us. They give us the run down that we have all heard since we were 12. I have lots of tesserae because Celeste couldn’t get herself to get some so I had to get twice as much. My name is in that ball so many times that I cannot even remember. After the video is over the escort finally reaches into the ladies ball and picks out a piece of paper. I cannot believe that the name she reads is my own. As my name resonates through the plaza Celeste breaks down. I hug her and walk up to the stage determined to not cry.

Astrid's Reaping Outfit
When she arrived in the Capitol, Astrid never, ever shed a tear in public. She was mesmerised. How different it was from the wide, open fields of her District 9 home. When she met with her stylist she was mesmerised with everything around her. She might have been from the poorest area of District 9 but she sure knew how to love the pretty things. She picked this beautiful dress with wheat detailing all over. She looked beautiful. She felt amazing.
When she walked onto her chariot she looked at her District 9 partner, Lotus, and she held hands to show their unity. They both smiled and waved at the adoring public. About halfway through they let go of each other’s hands and Astrid continued to wave at the crowd and blow kisses with her hair blowing in the light, evening breeze. She caught some roses the public was throwing at her and the crowd went wild. The crowd screamed her name and she loved it. She kept waving and blowing kisses at them. At the end of the parade, Astrid threw her wheat bouquet at the crowd and they went wild.

Astrid's Parade Outfit
Astrid received a training score of 8
For Astrid it was clear that she should attend the fire making station and the first aid station. She and Lotus, her district partner, were never far from each other but were stared at by the career tributes. Whilst she was at the fire making station, she was approached by Kacey Covestand of District 4. Astrid notices Amber Nelson sticking to their little group as well. The girl showed her how to make a spear out of sticks while Astrid shows her basic sword movements. Later at lunch she slips in the possibility of allying together. Astrid and Lotus later whisper together about the possibility of allying with someone else and agree on letting Kacey, and eventually Amber Nelson, in their alliance. Throughout the first day Astrid spent her time on the fire making stations and the first aid stations knowing anything she learns will be crucial.
She and Lotus are the last ones to leave the training center on the first day and the first ones in the next day. They part ways to go practice their different weapons. Astrid heads straight over to the sword play area. She admires all the swords there are, all different length and heaviness. She picks up one in the middle and starts practicing with one of the trainers. Sweat starts to drip in her eyes after hours of sword practice. All throughout this sword practice she switched swords from the heaviest ones to the lightest one to prepare herself for whatever weapon she could get at the cornucopia during the bloodbath. She feels the eyes of the other tributes on her at all times. She is nervous but she doesn’t show it. She shows none of her weaknesses and instead focuses on her strength. Exhausted, she and Lotus go back to their apartments to discuss their alliance plans.
The final day of training is crucial. Astrid ties her hair in a way so it doesn’t get in her eyes. She and Lotus stay close. She watches him practice with his trident whilst also analyzing the other tributes ways of fighting. She makes a mental notes of the others techniques and areas they seem to be weak at. She is thoroughly impressed by the technique District 1 and 2 displays but she won’t let herself be beaten. She practices movements with a pitchfork and feels right at home when she picks up a sickle. But Astrid is careful, she doesn’t show her full capabilities for fear of the other tributes would find her weaknesses. After the final day she feels like she has managed to learn everything she needs and has shown almost all her true colours. She wasn’t about to let the other tributes discover her weaknesses.
During her private session with the gamemakers she finds a pitchfork and shows how deathly a farm weapon can be in the right circumstances. She lines up dummies and cuts off all their arms at an incredible speed while still maintaining her near perfect technique. She then finds a sickle, she feels its soft wood handle, and it brings her straight home. She uses the sickle to show the gamemakers her agility with the sickle as she takes the legs off of the dummies already dismembered. She drops her weapons on the ground clattering and as she turns around towards the door she leaves with a wicked grin on her face.
Caesar: Hello Astrid, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Astrid: Thank you, Caesar! All of this couldn’t have been achieved alone, so a big thank you must go out to my stylist! This outfit is all based on my favourite colour, yellow. It will forever remind me of my home and of the fields around the district. I wanted an outfit that would make a memorable last appearance, and I think it really does. Thanks to my stylist I’ve never felt this beautiful. Even if I’m to die, let’s just say this has been a good last meal.
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
The Capitol is really a sight to be seen. It’s a city of concrete and it could not be more different than back home. I like it but I wouldn’t want to live here, I feel trapped. But I would have to say my favourite thing has to be how different the people are and I know that’s a weird thing to say, but people are always the same back home. It’s nice to know we’re not all one copy of each other.
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
I’ve got to say that so far I've not tried to make enemies [she laughs] but I wouldn't know what the others speak of me. Me and my district partner Lotus never really talked to each other back home because he grew up on the richer side of town and my family was not rich. Who knew that fighting to our deaths would actually create a strong link between us. I've found that Amber from District 8 and I have a lot in common. It'll be nice to know I'm not alone in that arena when the time comes.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
Do I have what it takes to be a victor? Everyone here will tell you yes, especially those who volunteered. But I didn’t want this, I didn’t want to become some doll to be pampered, but guess what, I didn’t have a choice. Do I have what it takes? Maybe, but whether it’s me or anyone else you won’t find out until I’m in that arena.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
Umm... that is a tricky one to answer. One thing I would love is for there not to be too much water, but obviously the gamemakers won’t care much for our opinions. Anything with greenery and fields would be amazing because that’s where I’d be the most at home even if I am to die there.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
Apart from my twin sister Celeste there is no one. Me and celeste practically raised each other. I will miss her dearly when I’m in the arena. But knowing that she lives and will hopefully be able to make something of herself gives me peace.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
I hope I can give you a show and hope I won't disappoint you.

Astrid's Interview Outfit