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F / 16 / WOC: Trident, harpoon, knives, kamas / Volunteered

To sponsor Kacey, send a DM to @grangersgalaxy on Instagram.

Kacey has two little brothers that are twins, and she works at the market in District Four selling woven mats and shoes as well as handmade gifts and supplies. Her dad works on the boats and her mom is a stay-at-home mom that helps her in her shop.


Kacey volunteers for the 13 year old girl that she’s friends with. 


Me and Siren step onto the chariot and as Claudius announces, “Ah, here they come! District Four!”, I smile and wave, tossing powdery silver diamonds into the stands. A single tear runs down my face over my heavy makeup. Not because I don’t think I can win, I can. I’m ready to kill, even knowing it’s horrible, ready to fight, knowing it’s painful, and ready to win, knowing I’ll never be the same even if I do. I’ll get that trident and they won’t even see what’s coming. But no, I cry because exactly one year ago, my friend was in the same place. She’s dead now. And I have to win. For her. For Ocean. 


Kacey's Reaping Outfit 


Kacey's Parade Outfit 


Kacey received a training score of 3


The first day of training, I wake up early and do what I do every year when the games start. I find it appropriate since I’m in them this year. I weave my hair into tiny little braids for hours, knowing the pain of my raw fingers is nothing compared to the pain the tributes that died had to endure. I then pull the braids into a perfect bun to keep sweat out of my eyes and face. When I arrive at the training center, I eye the tributes around me. Some look scared, others look ready to fight. I make a beeline to the fire-making station, where Astrid is working. I casually mention that we would be good allies and smile. She smiles back. I show her how to make a spear out of sticks and she shows me how to use a sword. Then, I pick up a Kama and swipe at a dummy right in the heart. I throw the black steel trident at the moving targets. Bullseye. Bullseye. Bullseye. I can see several tributes staring at me, but I just smile. If they stare like that in the arena I won’t let them live for long.



During my private training session, I make a noose and hang a dummy, and I stab another with a knife where the eyes would be, pretending to torture it. Then, I position dummies all around the room and shoot them all within ten seconds with a harpoon. I throw one last knife before my time is up. I drop my weapon on the cold ground and leave.


Caesar: Hello Kacey, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

Kacey: Hello Caesar! Thank you, you also look great. Some tributes want to match their district for the interviews, but I wanted to wear something that matches my personal style. I just want to thank my stylist and prep team for putting together this beautiful outfit. I hate dresses, so I’m grateful they wanted to make me comfortable in what I’m wearing, too. And there is actually something special from home in this pantsuit as well. I would always bring my mom home some yellow flowers on the weekend, it was our special thing. So I wanted to include that in my outfit.


How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?

Oh, the Capitol is very different from home, that’s for sure! I honestly feel very at home in the showers, if you know what I mean. The water is literally the perfect temperature and I love it! I’m also being pampered with delicious foods and services, which is amazing. So, shoutout to… well, whoever came up with the idea that tributes should be treated like kings and queens. Because that’s what it feels like. Oh, and I also just live for the butter croissants they serve at breakfast!


What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?

There’s a lot of great tributes this year, as usual. I’ve met a few at training, and even though I got a low score, I hope they saw me shoot at those targets. Because it would be helpful if I wasn’t a weak target, you know? As for Siren, I’ve seen her around 4, but I don’t really know her too well.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?

I think that I can win. I might have only gotten a score of 3 in training, but I’ve been trained to kill fish, and a tribute can’t be must faster, can they? I’m just ready to go, honestly. And yes, there’s a person I’m fighting for. My best friend, Ocean Simpkins, the District Four female tribute from last year. She died in the games, and I need to make sure she didn’t die in vain. And if I do die during the games, then at least I’ll be with her. [She begins crying]. I’m fine, Caesar, just a tear. 


What kind of arena are you hoping for? 

It would be great if there were some cliffs in this arena, as I’m pretty good at climbing and there are usually lots of places to stay on them, thanks to the uneven caves and rocks. Water would be nice, of course, but I can’t be too hopeful! I really just hope the gamemakers will prepare us well with the tribute uniform. 


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?

The thing I probably miss the most are my brothers. They can be a bit annoying, but I love them, and I want to get back home to them. I want them to grow up believing that our family is strong, and to give them more hope, if they ever go into the games. I also miss swimming out into the sea with Ocean and just looking up at the sky, relaxing in the water. And yes, shoutout to my friend, Lilly, who I volunteered for. She’s been there for me for as long as I can remember, and now she can say I was there for her, too. Also, of course, my parents, for giving me this beautiful bracelet to take into the arena with me! 


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

Yes! I actually almost forgot! I have a bit of a gift for you, Caesar. I always keep one around my wrist, and I hope you like it too. It’s a bandana bracelet, I usually use it for soaking to keep me cool at the market back home, but you can of course just wear it for fashion. I chose purple for you, I hope that was the right decision! I also just wanted to say to the audience that I can win. And I will. I’m ready. Thank you. 


Kacey's Interview Outfit 

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