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Tesla's Aesthetic



F / 17 / WOC: Dagger, spear / Reaped

To sponsor Tesla, send a DM to @finnickscharms on Instagram.

Tesla lives in District 5 with her elder brother. In District 5, she works as an assistant in a physics laboratory to help her brother earn money. She likes to read and do research and is shy, not speaking frequently unless she deems you trustworthy. Tesla doesn't have any friends and likes to be alone and independent. 


As Tesla stood in a line with the other girls her age, she felt uneasy. She could hear ringing in her ears when her name was called. Trying to hide her nervousness, and acting confident, she went up to the stage hiding her emotions. When she reached the top of the stage, she looked at her brother, who seemed to be lost in his thoughts. She clenched and unclenched her fists as the male tribute was reaped. Determined to win, Tesla straightened her shoulders, keeping her head high as her father had taught her. 


I play with Heron as Karen, my stylist, gives my dress  final touch, getting it ready to wear. I feel as if I will fall into a pit of embarrassment. Karen finally asks me to wear the dress as my prep team does my makeup. I haven’t been feeling myself since I was greeted by one, two, three thousand people as soon as I reached the Capitol, the heart of Panem. They have been treating me like a celebrity here. I know I am attention seeking, but I never get attention when I actually want to be noticed and when I do get attention, it is too much for me to tolerate. Like when I was 12 and examining - gosh, why am I even remembering all those things that happened in the past when I’m not even going to live after the next 17 days.


I am finally in my dress and ready and when I look in the mirror, I see a bright figure staring back at me. I still think it is someone else for a moment. I never knew I could look like a model. I keep quiet, still playing with Heron, the robot I made yesterday. I have an irregular obsession with robots and love making them. I place Heron on my palm and watch as it tap dances across the flat surface. Karen politely asks me to put Heron down and raise my hands above my head so he can put the last accessory on me. I scowl at him. This was the ninth accessory being put on me, it seemed excessive. I let him fix the eel-like thing that actually kind of looked good on me. He has been polite to me since we met. He leads me through the elevator and backstage, where I find Posi waiting with his ridiculous put bug in his palms. I stare at him until he notices me. He gives me a smile and I scowl back. I find our mentors waiting for us there, too. My mentor smiles happily at Karen as if he did the best job, and I guess he did. I see Posi sneak the bug into his pocket and stare at him when I am brought back into my current situation. My mentor gives me one last pep talk as the two large doors open and the dude-who-volunteered-before-someone-was-even-reaped, along with his girl district partner who looked so flirtatious that I felt a hearty urge to punch her and break her exceptionally long nose. They both slide in their chariot as I hear screams and cheers so loud that I shut off my ears. The men here are very cheery and enthusiastic. I wasn’t so happy even when I succeeded in making my first robot. I see the boy who was nearly drenched in sweat when he volunteered to go out in the chariot with the impatient girl from District 2, followed by the two reaped girls, one who had the dead brother, from District 3. The Capitol weirdos still keep yelling and cheering as if they aren't’ even tired as the two other over-confident girls who volunteered, as if they knew they were going to win, go out in their chariots. 


Karen holds my hand as Posi and me climb into the chariot and hands me a remote control, giving me a smile of reassurance that everything will be ok. I suddenly feel nervous as our name is called and Karen asks me to keep my now-popular scowl off my face for the next 2 minutes. We enter a huge avenue with more than three thousand screaming people on either side. I press the button on the remote control and the eel starts glowing. The electricity drains all my nervousness away and I straighten with my head held high. We are finally being led into the main boulevard, and, man these people are weird. Some of them blow me kisses and it gives me the feeling of utmost cringe. I see the audience waving at me and I decide to wave back, as I have to be their favorite, after all. I get used to the audience when my face lights up with joy and I find myself smiling wide at the audience as their shouts become louder. I was finally getting the attention I wanted. I wave back and glance at the top most box of the audience where 2 ladies are seated. They look straight at me and I wink at one of them, making her smile. We finally are at the City Circle, where I can no longer hear the screams and I exhale the breath I had been holding. I am surprised it all went well without me exhibiting the clumsy side of myself. 


Karen kisses me on the cheek as we are led off the chariots and into change and have dinner. I sneak one last look back and find the handsome guy who is already blowing kisses at the ladies who are cheering him on as his chariot glides. Ewww, another cringe. I finally turn back and go to change out of the dress, which is heavier than an oxygen canister. 


Tesla's Reaping Outfit 


Tesla's Parade Outfit 


Tesla received a training score of 9


I roll my eyes as I see Posi throwing a tantrum because his bug has been missing ever since the parade. I wait by the elevators, dressed and ready for the training. I don't know why, but I actually have the feeing that I might need swimming and climbing skills and I am thankful I had some swimming lessons back in the district and I still remember what I learned when I used to hang out with gangster boys and climb trees and walls to have fun. Anyways, back to Posi, who is still being annoying about his bug. He is literally the most annoying kid I have ever met. We get into the elevators. As we are standing in silence, he tells me he is feeling sick and won't be able to attend full training. I look at him, stunned, but give a fake sigh of relief. It makes me worried though I seem to be hating him. We stand in silence for a long time when we finally get out of the elevators and reach the training center and find other tributes practicing already. Some turn to look at us, whereas some don't even know we have arrived. The Careers smirk at Posi, who is leaning on my shoulder. I roll my eyes at them, trying to resist a strong urge to strangle them. I don't know why I want to do it. I don't even like Posi that much. 


We begin the training by practicing some survival skills. We tie knots and learn to light a fire. I see Posi feeling more sick as we learn to identify edible plants and fruits. I look at his terrible expression as he is leaning in my shoulder and tell him that he looks as if he is going to vomit. It  worries me. He chuckles and manages to say it was because of my face. He doesn't even look as if he is scared of me.


"Oh please. My hair straightener is hotter than you", I finally say trying to not make him feel offended. How dare he call me ugly? 


"Maybe if you stopped staring at me and focused on this module, you’d learn a skill or two. You’re as sharp as a sphere right now.”, he replies with a smirk on his face. Fortunately for him, he was due for a shot for his Crohn’s Disease then. He went away, leaving me alone with Rhys and the other District 11 tribute. I practice more survival skills, asking the trainers for advice in as many situations I imagine I would be able to face. I see the Careers in the weapons section all the time. Do they have a special attraction to them? Or have they been crushing on just weapons for decades? 


During the break, Posi comes back to have lunch. We still maintain a distance with the District 11 tributes. Chivonne approaches us and asks to sit with us. Seeing she wants to form an alliance, we let her sit with us and we talk about our home for a while. Posi, who still needs time to get recovered, leans on my shoulder again and I see Chivonne looking at us. She feels as if she is the third wheel. When she realizes it is because if Posi's illness, she exhales. We decide to make a truce to not kill each other in the arena. During the break, I see the Careers laughing at a joke the nervous-district-two-dude-who-volunteered told them. They look as if they don't even care and have forgotten that maybe only one of them will be able to survive in next 15 days. Posi leaves after the break to his room to rest.  


He is missing for the second half of the training. Rhys and me decide to split up for a while to avoid showing everyone that we are too attached to each other. I decide to go to the weapons section since I will need to learn to defend myself, too. I go near the station where spears are kept. They look long and heavy, but if held or gripped properly, they are easy to use as long range and short range weapon all the same time. The trainer is amazed as I cut the dummies neatly. I decide to learn more moves and tricks from the trainer and head toward the daggers and knives. I pick up the nearest dagger and throw it at the center of the dummy. It hits centimeters away from the target and falls down with a thud. Anderson laughs at me and throws the dagger, making it hit the target perfectly in the middle. I scowl at him, admiring his skills from inside. I try using his moves and stance. Inhale... aim... exhale... throw... I practice this way and manage to hit the next three daggers at the target, shutting the District One tribute up. As we still have some hours left, I go to the camouflaging section, which isn't occupied at the moment and learn several tricks and ways to hide and hibernate. The trainer is kind and gives me I-don't-tolerate-any-crap vibes. I continue learning several skills for the next few days and I finally feel I am ready to fight at the end of the training. 


I spend the night before my private session with gamemakers thinking about what I have learned back in my district. 



I hear a blasting sound from inside as I sit outside waiting for my name to be called. It must be Posi doing his bomb trick. I hope he does well. I become more nervous as I hear another explosion from inside. The next few minutes pass in silence and my hands are already sweating. I know what to do and how to do. Finally my name is called and I get up, gathering all my confidence enter the room where I will spend next few minutes trying to impress people. The doors close and I am stuck inside, knowing what to do. I take a look at the gamemakers. Some of them nod at me, whereas some don't even notice me. I go to the centre of the room and taking a bow, announcing myself.

"Tesla Watt, District 5".


Some of the audience nods at me, while some just stare at me hoping I would do something. I feel the same. Encouraging myself to go ahead, I tie some knots making them into traps. I am thankful I learnt some good ones in the training. I start up a fire, which is pretty easy for me. I stand up hoping to see amazed faces because I lit a fire in first attempt. Instead, none of them even looks at me. I clear my throat which doesn't get any attention either, as expected. Why can't they just stop eating and having fun for a while and see what i am doing? I show some climbing skills and then go near the weapons and pick up three daggers. Without wasting a moment, I aim and throw a dagger aiming at the centre of the stomach of the dummy. Instead, the dagger flies in air and falls down on the ground making a loud thud. I hear people laughing behind me. I sigh in frustration and disappointment and deicide to try once again. I pick up three more daggers. I aim the first one and repeat it to myself. Inhale... aim... exhale... throw. And I throw the first dagger. It hits the centre and this time, without looking back at anyone, I throw four more hitting at the middle of the chest, forehead and on both shoulders respectively. Satisfied with my work, I switch to spears which is my greatest strength, especially after practicing and learning different moves in the past few days. I take a spear and slash the nearest dummy and stab is using the sharpest front end of it making it crumble into pieces. Satisfied with the basic move, I exhibit some complex moves like using the rear part to hit in the gut and some more. At last, I aim the spear at the farthest dummy and throw it like a javelin. This time, it hits right in the centre. Without wasting a lot of time, I pick up a knife and go and quickly camouflage myself in such a way that it looks like I am a rock. Two minutes pass in silence when finally, the gamemakers look around, searching for me. I like the sudden attention. Taking the moment for granted, I rise partially out of my camouflage, still invisible and throw the knife at a dummy which hits it right in the heart. I rise gracefully and as the gamemakers notice me and say, "Thank you for your attention. I hope to see you soon" and exit the room, my head held high with a satisfactory smirk on my face. I quickly run to my room and get Heron, the robot I had made, which can tap dance, and go to meet my mentor. 


Caesar: Hello Tesla, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

Tesla: I couldn't stop staring at my outfit when my prep team showed it to me. It is simple yet stunning and it matches my personality perfectly. I still can't stop admiring it. It is exactly what I wanted to own for myself back when I was a child. So I love it and yes, it does make me look amazing


How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?

The Capitol has been chaotic and colourful, unlike my home, District 5. The people here seem so cheerful, happy, and enthusiastic about everything. And of course, the food is the thing I love best, and the rooms are prodigious except for the loneliness. Yes, I do feel lonely except that everyone has been staring at me wherever I go and the great Posi Rio has been oxygen to the fire all the time. But that's what motivates me to live and makes me determined to fight and win the games.


What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?

All the tributes are flabbergasting and their personalities are fascinating. And of course they all look like a picture together - immaculate and stunning. They all look fantastically strong and tough which scares me. For example, Ianthe scares the hell out of me with her stunning look and ability. Rhys is a great person and so is Chivonne and everybody else. I don't know how I will be able to kill everyone. Also, [a spider moves over Tesla's head]. I hate Posi Rio. Just kidding. He is one of the most adorable kids I have ever seen though his pranks [she picks up the spider and places it on her palm] are funny.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?

A victor is the one who is not only strong but also has the propensity to outsmart others. But he or she has to be empathetic and kind and has to have a heart and love and emotions. I don't think someone who goes all snap mode, killing everyone without thinking, deserves to be a victor. And yes, I do think I have the aptness to win these Games. And I want to win for no one but myself.


What kind of arena are you hoping for? 

I just hope the arena is good enough to survive and not die of starvation or something else, though I am expecting a super cold arena with exactly 2 options - do or die. In short, I hope for a tribute-friendly arena which of course isn't possible.


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

Although I don’t have a family to live for in District 5, I still miss my home, the place where I grew up, learnt everything, and spent 17 years of my life. I won't say much about it because I am trying to forget it. But yes, I think about home a lot. I miss going to the laboratory and the food and the people I adored and everything else.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

Yes I do have one thing in particular, though it is for something that cannot hear me. But I have grown attached to Heron [the robot] who was my companion whenever I was lonely. I will miss him and, yes, if I return back, I have many plans for him so that he might be able to talk to me too. And one last message - can I please have a red dress with some golden or silver accessories for my Victory Tour? I hope it is fulfilled. I will miss everyone and everything I have done, seen or met up until now.


Tesla's Interview Outfit 

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