F / 18 / WOC: Bow and arrows / Volunteered
To sponsor Matilda, send a DM to @glowingkatniss on Instagram.
Matilda is very ambitious, adventurous, and driven. Her hobbies include painting and sewing. Her father is a blacksmith and her mother worked as a seamstress until she had Matilda. She is the oldest of 5 kids and has many friends, including a girlfriend back home in District 12. She helps her mother take care of the younger children.
Matilda attended the reaping, putting on her best clothes to make her stand out just a bit. She loved being the center of attention, but even so, did not want her name to be called. Her girlfriend's name was called and she froze, but slowly raised her hand.
"I volunteer to go!", she yelled out. Matilda gave a small kiss to her girlfriend and told her to help her mother take care of the kids. As she walked up the aisle, she blocked out the sounds of her little sister wailing. Her younger brother caught her hand and gave it a squeeze for good luck, and then they were off. It wasn't until they got on the train that the events of what just happened hit her and she let out a soft sob.
Matilda was very nervous. As outgoing as she was, these were hundreds of people. People she didn’t know. Capitol people. Even with the words of assurance from her mentor and prep team, she felt nervous. But, she also felt confident in her outfit. It reflected herself and her district, simple but full of fire. The glitter reminded her of fire and her dress reminded her of the simple life she had lived back home. They went out and she immediately smiled. Everyone was looking at her, and Harvey and course. But never had she ever had so many eyes looking down at her at once. Matilda smoothed out her dress and waved at everyone until the chariot stopped. Then, she settled down and focused her attention on what was to come.

Matilda's Reaping Outfit

Matilda's Parade Outfit
Matilda received a training score of 10
During training, Matilda worked on weapons training and survival. She practiced shooting her arrows as well as anything else, like a handgun or knives. She worked on camouflage, using her painting skills to help her. She also met Chivonne Ashford from District 8 and formed an alliance with her. It was comforting for her to know she wasn't the only girl that liked other girls in the games.
During her private session, Matilda chose to show the gamemakers her shooting skills. She picked up the bow and strung an arrow across. She walked along the targets and released them one after the other, keeping the gamemakers in her peripheral vision. She finished by shooting an arrow through one that she'd already released, splintering the wood of the shaft.
Caesar: Hello Matilda, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Matilda: Thank you! My outfit is a simple white shirt with brown pants and brown pants. It's paired with two gold necklaces and a pair of gold framed glasses. I requested that it take inspiration from my reaping outfit, so they made my shoes very similar to the ones I wore that day.
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
I'm liking the Capitol quite all right so far. I have to say that my favorite part is definitely the food. We don't get a lot of it in 12, so the change is nice.
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
I can't quite say anything about enemies. But as far as friends go, I've made a few. I hate to get into the details and waste your time though, so I'll say this. Friend or enemy, fire courses through my veins like an overflowing river.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I think I have everything it takes to become a victor. I'm fighting for not only my life, but the lives of people back home. My mother and my four younger siblings, along with my… girlfriend. I'm fighting for them, along with everyone in my district that feels out of place. An alien on Mars, per se.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
I'm hoping for an arena with lots of wooded areas and streams. That's what I'm used to, given my hunting experience in 12.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I miss my family and friends back home. If I give any shoutouts I give the following. My lovely mother, Penelope. My younger sister and brothers, Joseph, Christopher, Cody, and Cady. My friends Madeline and David. As well as my girlfriend, Hazel.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
Before I go I just want everyone, tribute and Capitol alike, to know that I come from District 12. I come from a place where everything is dark. A place where we harvest coal for fire. And that coal produces a fire, not only in your homes, but in every single person that lives there. The fire that courses through my veins and makes me capable of winning, no matter what.

Matilda's Interview Outfit