Lotus's Aesthetic
M / 18 / WOC: Trident, scythe / Reaped
To sponsor Lotus, send a DM to @pjo_the_dam_best on Instagram.
Lotus Miller was born in District 9. He is the brightest mind of his district and runs a shop that sells hunting weapons, wild meats, and herbs. Since he was 13, Lotus has gotten up 5 days a week at 4 a.m to train on his own. Being from a district that is less known to produce victors, he made up a plan to increase his chances of being reaped. Lotus went to the District 9 Justice Building and took out 50 peoples' worth of tesserae. He was unsure if his plan was going to work until reaping day came around.
Lotus, laughing, ran down to the square and checked in and, not to his surprise, was reaped. Many people were intimidated by him due to him being 6’3”. He waved to the cameras as he walked up onto the stage, blew a kiss, and walked into the town hall.

Lotus's Reaping Outfit
When Lotus arrived in the Capitol, he was mesmerized just as Astrid was. It was extremely different from the main city of District 9 where he lived for the entirety of his life. Lotus lived a very wealthy life compared to the standard in District 9, but nothing compared to this magnificent place. He could see a lot of wealthy Capitol citizens waving to Astrid and himself. Lotus then met with his stylist, a small man with a tattered old shirt and black trousers on. He showed Lotus a grey suit, with a piece of grain as a lapel, golden shoes, and a bouquet of wheat. Lotus looked stunning and as he and Astrid got onto their chariot, it started moving suddenly and they both raised their hands in unity and smiled as they sped down the avenue. About half way through the parade they smiled and nodded at each other dropping their arms but still waving at the crowd and Lotus blew kisses. He was thrown flowers and more of these bouquets of grain near the end of the parade; he threw the 5 bouquets that were thrown at him.

Lotus's Parade Outfit
Lotus recieved a training score of 8
Astrid and Lotus are the first 2 tributes to arrive at the training center on the first day of training. Lotus says goodbye to Astrid as she heads over to the sword station as Lotus walks over to the scythes. There are a variety of scythes on offer, but Lotus chooses a middle sized one with an extra sharp blade. He activates a simulation and orange dummies start running at him. Then it starts, Lotus sprints forward slashing the dummies to his sides with his scythes, he turns sharply around and destroys the figure behind him and finally three more of these orange dummies sprinted towards him and he flung his scythe straight forward destroying them and finishing the simulation. He did the same with the lighter and heavier scythes to be prepared for anything that could be provided in the cornucopia. For the last part of the day Lotus grinned as he picked up his trident…
On the second day Lotus spent all day practicing his knowledge on edible food and it was strange because most of the foods to learn only grew in a cold environment. Lotus just shrugged it off and continued. Later on in that day, Astrid approached Lotus and said, "We just let Casey from 4 and Amber from 8 into our alliance." Lotus winked back and whispered, "I have a plan."
As the final day is very important, Astrid and Lotus stuck together. As Lotus enters the room Astrid welcomes him then he grabs 3 scythes from the wall and a trident. Lotus has a firm grasp of the trident and puts two scythes behind his back and holds one in his hand. He started the simulation. About 14 glowing shapes appeared in front of him, trying to attack him. He slashed his trident through 5 figures and threw a scythe through the other two. Then, the next wave came from behind, and Lotus dropped his trident, rolling under them, grabbing the fallen trident, and throwing it, eliminating the last few dummies and winning the simulation. Next, Lotus, like Astrid started taking mental notes on all the other tributes, especially from 1 and 2.
Caesar: Hello Lotus, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Lotus: Oh, my outfit, I don't really mind it, just some casual clothes for a casual guy.
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
I have loved the Capitol, I would have to say the food as my favourite part.
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
I can't say much as it would go against mine and Astrid’s plan, but I will say that I have gotten to know Astrid very well and I can trust her with my life and she can trust me with hers.
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
No response.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
I was hoping for an arena similar to back home but it is obviously going to be a cold arena.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I miss the smell of nature and being able to go outside early in the morning.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
Thank you Panem, have a nice evening!

Lotus's Interview Outfit