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Cal's Aesthetic



M / 18 / WOC: Sword, strength / Volunteered

To sponsor Cal, send a DM to @panemarrows on Instagram.

Cal’s parents and younger siblings passed away during a house fire. He was the only one to come out alive. He has very few friends and is often considered a loner. He works on his personal strength to district him from the pain he feels being alone. His hobbies include working out and reading


Calvolunteered in order to either die to be with his parents or to win the Hunger Games and bring honor to his district. He felt proud to be able to take part in the games, but nervous as well.


Cal's Reaping Outfit 


Cal stepped onto the chariot. He loves horses. He’s noticed them pulling bricks and other materials back in District 2. He feels overwhelmingly confident; his stylist gave him one of the most good looking costumes ever. As the chariot begins to move, he looks directly at the crowd, waving, blowing kisses, and smiling! He feels confident as the crowd cheers and throws flowers at him. He even catches one in his mouth and winks at the crowd. 



Cal received a training score of 9

Cal's Parade Outfit 


Cal walked into training, feeling as confident as ever. During the three days of training, he started out by making allies. It was obvious to ally with the other careers. He allied with a few careers and some other strong tributes, as well. He first went to work on survival skills. This was all he was going to do during his three days of training. Finding safe water to drink is his first priority in the arena. He also learned how to make a fire, learned many poisonous plants and berries, as well as safe plants to eat.



During his private session with the gamemakers, Cal wanted to demonstrate his sheer strength first. He used to lift bricks on the weekends to help train himself for the games. Cal went over to the medicine balls. He reached for the heaviest ones. He took a 500 pound weight in both hands, throwing it across the room. He then quickly went to the sword station. This station includes a variety of interactive bots to train and fight with. Cal took two swords in his hands, throwing one at an enemy far away, and slicing heads off the dummies. He smirked at the gamemakers, winking at one, before he slowly strode out of the private session. 


Caesar: Hello Cal, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

Cal: Hi Caesar! Wow, you look even better in person. I’m loving this year’s color for the games! Well, my outfit was made by my fantastic stylist. She implemented the color jade green from the tribute parade since I look so good in it, so she tells me!


How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?

My favorite part of the Capitol is all of the wonderful people! I have been greeted by so many adoring fans that are betting on ME! It… just… amazes me!


What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?

This year, there are so many amazing tributes. Just like every year. Well all have our strengths and weaknesses, and only one comes out on top. I have made my alliance, but I just hope that during the time we do have together we will grow to be good friends. I just don’t want to have to turn the sword on them. They’re my friends.


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?

I personally believe I embody the perfect victor. I represent what ideals Panem is founded upon and what these games stand for! I am strong, charismatic, and I know the purpose of the Games. We all are a vital piece in paying our debt to the nation of Panem. A nation who protects us and loves us. I am willing to give my life for it or to be crowned to embody the ideals.


What kind of arena are you hoping for? 

I’m hoping for an arena where I can demonstrate my strengths. I have trained since I was a young boy, so I think no matter what it is, I will be prepared!


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I miss going to work, as simple as that sounds. I loved working over the weekends to help build my strength and endurance. There’s nobody back home, though. I lost everyone when I was younger. I just know if I win, I'll find that special someone. I want a family though, so that’s what I will be fighting for.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

I want to sincerely thank everyone in the Capitol for their generosity. If I do happen to be the victor, my gratitude will go to you all, fully. If I die, I will die in service of my great country, Panem. Thank you all.


Cal's Interview Outfit 

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