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It's cold outside, especially in our North Pole-themed arena! The ground is covered in a generous layer of snow (and there's more where that came from), the lake is frozen over, and the nights... well, the nights get deathly cold. So bundle up and get ready to dive into this winter wonderland, but beware its many hidden dangers!


There are four main sectors of this arena with the cornucopia situated a bit off-center. Take refuge in the stables, or warm your feet by the fire in Santa's Workshop. Feeling more adventurous? Head out to the frozen lake, surrounded by snow banks and trees, or if you're craving something sweet, venture into the Candy Forest!



The Frozen Lakes and Snow Banks 

Located south of the Cornucopia


A picturesque lake covered in a layer of ice, surrounded by towering coniferous trees and rolling banks of snow. The perfect hideout for anyone willing to brave the elements - but be wary of thin ice! Although this area offers very little in the way of protection, it's a great place to forage for food and supplies if you've got a good enough eye! And what's that below the surface of the water... is it? Glowing? 



Santa's Workshop 

Located northeast of the Cornucopia


Sparkling lights, bright colors, and a warm fire to defrost by! What could be better? How about a plethora of makeshift weapons at the workbenches, a fully-stocked kitchen, and tons of nooks and crannies to take cover in. But, ah, it's never that easy! Watch out for the mischievous elves (who are less than friendly) and other tricks and traps set up throughout the workshop. And where is the Big Man himself?



The Stables

Located next to Santa's Workshop, northeast of the Cornucopia


Right next to Santa's Workshop is a warm and bright place to hide. But, you won't be alone! Nine reindeer live in these stables and they're less than enthused about sharing, but if you don't instigate them, they won't bite. If you're looking for pitchforks and some bales of hay, this is the place to be!



Candy Forest

Located northwest of the Cornucopia


Candy cane trees, gum drop toadstools, cotton candy cobwebs, chocolate galore, and more! What could be better? What about that Jell-O muttation we introduced a few weeks back... it roams the forest, waiting for an unwitting tribute to fall into its path. Of course, you could always seek refuge in the candy house hiding out in the center of the forst (if you can find it). And not everything here is as sweet as it seems... 


And what exactly will our tributes be wearing when they face the cold and wind of this specially designed arena? We've provided layers upon layers for them to have a good chance of staying warm, although, snow pants could slow anyone down... 



What will be provided to our tributes in the Cornucopia? Check out the list below!



  • Arrows (in quivers of 10) 

  • Axes

  • Barbed wire (in coils of 10') 

  • Bows

  • Butcher knives

  • Copper wire (in coils of 10') 

  • Daggers

  • Harpoons 

  • Hoes

  • Kamas 

  • Maces 

  • Mattocks 

  • Pitchforks 

  • Sais (in sets of 2) 

  • Scissors 

  • Scythes 

  • Shaolin hook swords 

  • Spears 

  • Stakes (in sets of 3) 

  • Swords

  • Talons (with detachable blades which can be used as knives) 

  • Throwing knives (in sets of 3) 

  • Tridents 

  • Yo-yos (modified) 



Distributed based on sponsor numbers 

  • Small Packs (12)

    • 5' of rope​

    • 1 match (1 use)

    • 1 meat jerky (feeds 1, twice) 

    • 1 bottle of water (1 use)

    • 1 insulated sleeping bag)

    • 1 sheet of plastic (1' x 1')

    • 2, single-use hand warmers 

  • Medium Packs (8)

    • 5' of rope​

    • 2 matches (1 use each)

    • 1 meat jerky (feeds 1, twice)

    • 1 canteen of water (3 uses)

    • 1 insulated sleeping bag

    • 1 sheet of plastic (1' x 1')

    • 2, single-use hand warmers

    • 1 pain medicine (2 uses)

  • Large Packs (4)

    • 10' of rope​

    • 1 lighter (3 uses)

    • 2 meat jerkies (each feeds 1, twice)

    • 1 canteen of water (3 uses)

    • 1 insulated thermos (empty)

    • 1 insulated sleeping bag)

    • 1 sheet of plastic (1' x 1')

    • 2, single-use hand warmers

    • 1 pair of snow goggles

    • 1 healing balm (2 uses)

    • 1 pain medicine (2 uses) 

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