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M / 17 / WOC: Spear / Reaped

To sponsor Maxwell, send a DM to @glader.banshee on Instagram.

Maxwell's mother died when he was 5 years old while giving birth to his youngest sister. He has 3 sisters, all younger than he. The twins are named Malorie and Macey and they are 14 and his youngest sister, Martha, is12. Maxwell is very close with all of his sister and has a girlfriend named Cadence Jackson, whom he loves very much.


I walked up to the reaping with my girlfriend and her twin brother. We checked in and everything was as normal. And I wasn’t paying attention because of that, so I only really paid attention once I heard the words, “And now for the boys”. I tuned in just in time to hear my name being called. And well, you know the rest. 


We roll out in our chariot and I immediately turn off my nice guy face and swap it with my cocky face. People need to know that I’m not messing around and I’m not here to make friends. So I don’t wave and I entirely ignore Ianthe. The entire time I keep telling myself to stay in character, but I break once I hear the booming voice of President Snow on the mic. He scares me. But after he finishes speaking I correct myself and we finish off the parade strong.


Maxwell's Reaping Outfit 


Maxwell's Parade Outfit 


Maxwell received a training score of 7


During the three days leading up to the games, reserved for training, I’ve been working my hardest to prove to everyone, mainly everyone outside of my alliance, that I am built like a Career. I have all the same skills but with less training, and I need to convince everyone else, so I do everything. I’m the first one there and the last to leave, then I come back after dinner. I don’t need the training but I’d rather everyone know that I’m dedicated. I learn more survival skills, like how to build a better fire and how to find a better shelter as well as learning my way around more weapons. Including my favourite victor’s weapon, Kai’s trident. I learned that my favourite weapon is a spear - there are so many things that you can do with it! But most important of all, I learned who the threats are, and who I can trust. But that’s to be revealed later.



I see Ianthe disappear into the darkness of the room that holds the people that essentially hold our fate in their hands. I start to get nervous but then I shake it off. I have to be focused. Then, "Maxwell Jason, please report for your individual assessment". Those words are exhilarating as I’ve waited my whole life to hear them. I step into the room and try to keep my eyes off of the gamemakers. I walk over to the spears and start throwing them around, I hit every target, obviously. Then over to the right where the tridents sit and grab one, I throw it with all of my might as it is a little heavier than I’m used to, but I throw it right into the wall. I completely missed the dummy. I’m scared now. But I play it off. Making it seem like that’s where I wanted to hit it. So I grab another and do the same on the other side. All good. Phew. Then, "Thank you, Mr. Jason. You are dismissed." I didn’t get the chance to show anything else. I just hope that it was enough. And I leave to go catch up with Ianthe.



Caesar: Hello Maxwell, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.

Maxwell: My stylist thought that it would be a good idea to stick with the baby blue since it fit me so well. But the one thing I’m wearing that isn’t baby blue is my token, a necklace from my girlfriend back home, Cadence. It’s a reminder of what and who I am fighting to return to.


How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?

I haven’t seen much of it as I’ve been training during all of my ‘free time’. But I must say, I really love the architecture and style of the Capitol. 


What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?

I’m not ready to speak of alliances or enemies, but I will say that my district partner and I were friends even before we left. 


Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?

I think I do. I’m built like a Career and let’s just say I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve.


What kind of arena are you hoping for? 

It really doesn’t matter to me - as long as I have space to swing my arms and run, I’ll be fine. 


What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home? 

I think you could tell that I miss my girlfriend, Cadence. But I also miss all of my sisters so much. So I guess, hi Mallory, Macey, and Martha.


Any last thoughts before we let you go?

Well, to the sponsors out there, you would be making a mistake to not sponsor me. I’m built the same as a Career so I have the same odds as a Career does. And I’m worth it. If you sponsor me, I’ll give you a show. Thanks in advance!


Maxwell's Interview Outfit 

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