F / 18 / WOC: Bombs, wires, scissors / Reaped
To sponsor Denver, send a DM to @andie.mccall.hg on Instagram.
Denver has grown up in District 3 with just her father as he mother died during child birth with Denver. She works in a plant making microchips and has a boyfriend who works in the factory next door. Denver became proficient with scissors over the years as she and her friends throw them around when they head home at the end of the day; they stop at some trees and aim them at small targets.
It was another gloomy day in District 3. Denver got dressed and went down to the town square and stood in line with the 18 year olds. She had hoped that after this reaping she’d be able to live in peace knowing she wouldn’t be able to go into the games. But once she heard her name called, she gasped and made her way up to the stage, holding her necklace.
Denver boarded the chariot. She was nervous but somewhat excited to say the least. When she saw the crowd, she smiled softly and waved. Once they hit the middle of the boulevard she grabbed her sides and pulled but the wings that were attached to her outfit. She hoped the crowd would go wild.... and they did.

Denver's Reaping Outfit
Denver's Parade Outfit
Denver received a training score of 6
During training, Denver first went to the station that had some wires and things to construct bombs and such. She spent about 15 minutes working on it before it was done. She just made a tiny one that wouldn’t cause any harm to anyone. She pressed the button and it make a tiny little boom. She looked around and giggled, as she thought it was funny she caused something to explode. She then went to the knife throwing station and asked, instead of using knives, if she could use scissors. They handed her a pack of scissors. She aimed and got them on the targets of the eyes and heart each time. The rest of the days she spent working on her survival skills and then went to the throwing station once or twice each day.
For Denver’s private session, the first thing she did was began building a bomb. It took her 3 minutes to construct. Then, she pressed the wires together making a mini explosion once more. She smiled at her work. Then went to the throwing area and picked up her scissors throwing them at each target, getting each one in the eyes and heart. When she was all finished she thanked the gamemakers and walked out, feeling very proud of herself.
Caesar: Hello Denver, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Denver: Thank you Caesar [she smiles]. My dress looks like a bomb. I can make them, so why not represent that I can make them and kill you [she smirks]! My necklace was made by my boyfriend, Finn, who is back home. I hope to see him again one day.
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
I really like the Capitol, I think my favorite part of it is learning what all of the other districts are, being so secluded on your own you don’t really know what the other ones do! [She smiles]. My favorite part is also the views, in District 3 it’s gloomy most of the time so it’s nice to see the stars and the lights of the buildings.
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
I don’t see too much competition, there are 2 or 3 tributes that I don’t like at all, including my district partner. I have made an alliance with a Career and I feel pretty confident about it [she smirks].
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I think I have what it takes to become a victor. I’m skilled with bombs and scissors, I could kill you clear across this stage, right in the eye. [She smirks]. I’m fighting for my boyfriend, Finn, and my father. I want to go back home to them and live the rest of my life knowing I brought a win home to District 3. [She smiles softly wiping a tear].
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
I’m hoping for an abandoned city. District 3 has lots of buildings with many stairs, and it’s kind of run down, so it wouldn’t be much different from home anyways.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
Oh I definitely miss Finn and my father. I saw Finn everyday in the factory. And I went home to my father everyday. It’s weird not seeing them. And my best friend ,Genova.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
I just want everyone back home to know that if I die, I want to say that I love all of you, especially Finn and my dad… and I’m gonna kick some ass in that arena.

Denver's Interview Outfit