Amber's Aesthetic
F / 17 / WOC: Knives / Reaped
To sponsor Amber, send a DM to @hailssss_93 on Instagram.
Amber's brother Joshua volunteered for the hunger games a few years ago, and although he didn't make it home, he was looked at as a hero for how far he got in the games. What people didn't realise was that although she appeared a pink-loving, girly, popular girl. Amber was actually an angry, competitive one. She wanted the same glory as her brother and so began training in secret, she stole knifes every so often from her parents bakery and practiced. It made life hard as she also went to school and worked in a factory making peacekeeper suits, but now, she is pretty good....
"Amber Nelson"
Was this really happening? Did I get chosen without having to volunteer.... Would this give me the same brave name as my brothers? I started to walk towards the stage, I made sure not to trip as I climbed the stairs but I was shaking. I turned around to face the crowd and gave the cameras my biggest smile.... To show that I was in it to win.

Amber's Reaping Outfit
When I heard the word “peacekeeper”, I wanted to scream. District 8 is known for making the Peacekeepers’ uniforms, but EVERY year it is the same costume! I was shocked when I arrived in my dressing room to see the most gorgeous dress I’d ever seen. It was made from white silk with a black belt, it had a black and white necklace and dark high heels. I was a peacekeeper, but in a way it had never been done before. That's when I saw the wings...
I blew kisses, smiled and waved. But only when the angel wings shot out of my back did people start to notice me. I said a silent thankyou to my stylists, who'd wanted to use a special material they had found (because we were from the textiles district) and so decided on the wings. People started to throw things, I caught roses - red, white and pink.... When a stunning black necklace came flying towards me, I reached out and took it, exchanging it with my own necklace and blowing kisses in the direction it came from. The necklace probably cost more than my house back home. The crowd cheered and I smiled, I might finally have a chance in the games....

Amber's Parade Outfit
Amber received a training score of 7
On the first day of training, I decided to try building a fire. I finally managed to start one without using matches and I grinned. I could see the girl from 4 and the pair from... 9 (maybe 10?) talking and I caught myself staring at them. I hadn't planned on making allies but these three looked like they could be good. I'd maybe ask them before the interviews... maybe even in the arena itself. At lunch, I sat with them. I didn't try to make conversation with them but it was a subtle hint of what I wanted. On the second day I went over to the knives. I threw a couple, and it was bullseye every time. I saw a girl I didn't recognize staring at me and so I made sure to miss the next few targets. She lost interest and walked away. Yet again I sat with the girl from 4 (whose name I learned was Kacey) and the two from 9 (Astrid and Lotus). This time I actually made an effort to smile. The next day, I went to the plants section and I had fun playing the mini game it came with. You had to to tap the plants that were edible and I was surprisingly quite good at it. I nodded along with Astrid, Lotus and Kacey's conversation on the third day, and even said a few things about District 8 when they asked... Maybe I had found myself some allies!?
I walked into the room, about half of the gamemakers were looking at me. I thought I would be ignored so I was quite pleased. I did a little curtsey and went over to the knives, I heard a laugh from the gamemakers. I stepped onto a platform, and the first dummies appeared out of thin air. I'd held off going on this but now, I felt like me. I threw knife after knife at the many dummies. I did a flip and threw the last knife before throwing my long hair over my shoulder and walking out, blowing a kiss to the gamemakers on my way.
Caesar: Hello Amber, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Amber: Yes! Isn't it gorgeous. [She turns to the crowd and smiles, clicking the little button hidden in the palm of her hand. The butterflies on her dress come to life, circling around her. Amber turns back to Caesar, the butterflies still dancing, and explains how much she and her stylist had bonded as he had taught her so much].
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
I’m loving the Capitol! My favourite part is all the people I've met! Working in the training centre, organising how I'm going to die [she laughs] and all you guys [she looks at the crowd] who are sponsoring me!
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
I think there's many good, strong competitors this year. I think some people have shocked me and I will have to be careful in the arena. I have a few allies, the two from nine and Kacey from 4. They are all very competitive like me and I am sure we will make good friends... well.. you know, before I have to kill them! [She laughs].
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I am sure I have what it takes! I'm going to win! For my dad, and my friends and [she pauses] my boyfriend.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
I'm not really sure what arena I'm looking for, it was always quite cold in District 8 and I got quite used to it so maybe that would be an easy way to eliminate competitors. Although I will always be best if I have a knife!
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I miss my boyfriend. [She whispers]. His name's Danny, and he was my brother’s best friend. We were meant to be moving in together this winter. But when I told him I wanted to volunteer, he was angry. [She looks straight at the camera, trying to reach him]. I told him the truth, that I wanted to be a hero like my brother. He wouldn't talk to me after that... Now I need to win, to get him the house in Victor's Village we always wanted.
Any last thoughts before we let you go?
I'm finished now! Next time you see me I'll be armed with knives and will be a real competitor in the games! [She blows one last kiss at the audience before walking slowly off, the butterflies dancing behind her].

Amber's Interview Outfit