Hear from the family and friends of our top 8 competitors this year!
In District Two, Caesar Flickerman sat down with Fortis (17), Cal Dynam’s best friend whom he met at the Training Academy. He’s a big fan of the games and hopes to volunteer for next year’s!
Caesar: Hello, Fortis! How have you felt watching Cal in the games so far?
Fortis: I’m so proud of my best friend! He is truly amazing for coming this far in the games, but honestly, it’s no surprise to any of us in Two! He is beyond talented! We have been friends since we were born, basically. I have watched him develop his skills, and I definitely know he has what it takes to win! He has even inspired me to volunteer next year when I turn 18... so maybe you guys will see me in Cal’s spot in a year!
And do you think Cal has what it takes to win? Who or what do you think is his biggest competition right now?
I definitely think Cal has what it takes. There’s no doubt in my mind or in anyone’s from District Two! I think the biggest competition in the games right now is the mind game of the arena. You have to be able to tough it out and have the endurance to do so. I know Malia is keeping him sane right now, but I know if he were to lose her or even have to kill her, it would hurt him. They seem very close. I know he has the mental game for this, though. I know I will see him back home in a few days, until then, I hope he knows me and the entirety of District Two are cheering him on!
In District Five, Caesar’s first stop was to visit Posi Rio’s family. He sat down with Posi’s mother, Keyonna Source (35) and his father, Fahren Rio (38). This interview was conducted prior to Posi Rio’s death on Day 4.
Caesar: Keyonna, if you could say one thing to Posi right now, what would it be?
Keyonna: Posi, I’ve missed you since your father took you, and I miss you even more now that you're in the arena. Me and your stepfather are low on money. If you win, we promise we'll make our house in the Victor's Village as welcoming as possible for you. The money could make our lives truly amazing, so work hard to win!
Fahren, did you think Posi would make it this far? How does it feel to see him in the arena?
Fahren: I had no doubts that Posi had the ability to make it this far. Though I am devastated by his reaping and seeing him in the arena, I am proud of him for working as hard as he has in school and now in the arena. No matter what his placement is, I am proud to have a brilliant son who won't give up. You're doing a great job, Posi.
Caesar’s second stop in District Five was at the Watt residence. He spoke with Colt Watt (20), Tesla’s brother, and Morse Pace (18), Tesla’s closest friend.
Caesar: Colt, did you think Tesla would make it this far? How does it feel to see her in the arena?
Colt: Even though she is shy and doesn't talk to anyone at all, I was pretty sure Tesla wouldn't die early. The girl has got spirit and enough willpower to make it until the end. It feels amazing to see her in the arena, all strong and, even after the sudden change in her lifestyle, it's good to see that she acts comfortable. But at the same time, it is sad to watch her struggle to survive for herself and kill others. It kills me when I think how helpless I was when she was reaped and had to leave. I wished I could go instead of her. And now I want her back and I am pretty sure she will be back. Soon.
Morse, how have you felt watching Tesla in the games so far?
Morse: Even when she was in the district, everything she did, her every move, made me go “amazeballs!”. She has got a great attitude and willpower. Even when I see her today, in the arena, with the same scowl, it makes me smile. That's the way I love her. And I never imagined or even thought that she could be so strong. I am proud of her and waiting for her to return back so that we can be together if she agrees. I know she wont know about this, but I love her more than anyone or anything else in the world and it is great to see her make it so far.
Moving on to District Six, Caesar and his crew sat down with Ianthe Brandy's father, Armand Berengy (39), and her best friend Henry Ferny (17). Armand appears proud, but also a bit tired, while Henry is nervous; he doesn’t stop moving during his interview but smiles when he talks about Ianthe.
Caesar: Armand, what has been the craziest part of the games so far to watch?
Armand: There have been many moments when I thought that my heart was not going to hold any more. The bloodbath seemed endless... but Day 3 was very hard. Watching your daughter fight head-to-head against a boy twice her height is tough, yet she did well. Although nothing is comparable to when the girl from District Four pointed the trident at her. There, I had to stop looking... I couldn't... I couldn't see how... well, you know how it ended. I don't think my girl enjoyed what she did, far from it. What consoles me is that she is already one step closer to coming home. Ianthe... Ianthe is destined to do great things, I know, I've always believed it... I'm not going to lose hope.
Henry, do you think Ianthe has what it takes to win? Who or what do you think is her biggest competition right now?
Henry: I am hopeful that she can come back. So far she has shown how strong she is. I think if I had to describe her in one word it would be clever. Ianthe created her own super yo-yo! Not gonna lie, that was the craziest idea she's ever had. But it worked! I wish... I wish I could approach her through a mini window and tell her how proud we all are of her here in District Six and how I miss her... It was hard that her district partner died, Maxwell. He was my friend as well. I think she has many very good competitors to be honest... There are some, like that boy from District Five who is very smart, and the boy from District Eleven seems quite strong and the Career tributes seem lethal... It is clear that, if I were in her place, I would be terrified but I know that she is not, she is brave and she can handle this.
In District Eight, Caesar speaks with August and Paisley, two of Chivonne Ashford’s best friends. August is calm for the cameras while Paisley is nervous and is constantly brushing invisible dirt off of her clothing. She looks close to tears.
Caesar: August, who do you think will win if Chivonne does not? Why?
August: One of Chivonne’s greatest qualities is that she’s selfless, even to her detriment. She’s taken beatings for me a handful of times even though I’ve told her not to. If she’s allied with that Harvey kid, I’d be betting on him. And I think the younger tributes are ones to watch out for. They might be underdogs now, but you never know.
Paisley, if you could say one thing to Chivonne right now, what would it be?
Paisley: I miss you so much, Chivonne. I really wish I felt the same way about you, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you. Please come home, August has been driving me crazy since you’ve been gone. [She laughs]. We’re all missing you. I’m so scared for you that I haven’t been sleeping, but I know you can do this. Please come home.
Tiberius Bournes’ older sister, Ava Bournes (20), and mother, Evangeline Bournes (40) met with Caesar in District Ten. Ava is visibly pregnant.
Caesar: Ava, did you think Tiberius would make it this far? How does it feel to see him in the arena?
Ava: I always believed in my little brother, and although he is small and fragile, he's got a big lionheart. When his name got reaped, he looked so scared and was devastated, but he is doing amazing so far. Seeing him getting hurt was terrifying for me, and I expected the worst, and I cried happy tears when he made it through the third day. I wish I could be by his side, he’s lost so many allies and I really just want to hug him and tell him that everything is going to be alright.
Evangeline, if you could say one thing to Tiberius right now, what would it be?
Evangeline: I would tell my sweet boy that I always knew he was a fighter and that I am so very proud of him. I miss Tiberius so much, I just want to hold him again.
Rhys Bullock’s brothers, Luca Bullock (16) and Abe Bullock (9) sat down with Caesar Flickerman in District Eleven
Caesar: Luca, what has been the craziest part of the games so far to watch?
Luca: When Aisly-Parca died, our normally orderly district went into chaos. She was my friend, as much as she was Rhys'. I loved Aisly, not just as a friend. Aisly was the girl who brought so much light to us, but with her gone, no one knew what to do. She was kind to me, kind to my whole family. She would always take my sister Eden on walks through flower gardens, and she would come home with the biggest smile on her face. She watched Aisly die, right on the television. She hasn't smiled since then. I want to see my sister smile, I want to hear my brother's laugh. I want him home, I need him home! [His eyes start to fill with tears]. I should have volunteered for him when I had the chance! First Rooni died, and now it could be Rhys. If he dies in there, it will be my fault! It's all my fault... [all of his tears spill down his face]. I love my brother, and it's all my fault for not loving him enough. The reason why he is the one in there is because I couldn't volunteer for him. I wanted to, so badly. I would trade myself for any of the kids in there without hesitation. Seeing that many people die in the same fight really hurt. I know that Rhys was close to some of them, despite them coming from another alliance. I could see it in the way that he hesitated to fight them. Rhys is strong, stronger than anyone that I know, and watching him almost die was the worst thing that I've ever experienced. Rhys was almost gone. If he died right after Aisly, I don't know what would happen. Our district loves its tributes so much, probably more than any other district.
Abe, did you think Rhys would make it this far? How does it feel to see him in the arena?
Abe: Ha, I really didn't expect him to make it past the first day to be honest. If you didn't know, Rhys is a bit dumb. When I say a bit, I mean a lot. He dropped out of school last year. How irresponsible of him. At least, I thought he was dumb, but when he came up with the brilliant idea of almost drowning the other tributes, I did not think that he was dumb, I was certain that he is dumb. In another situation, the hand-warmer trap would have been clever, but have a bit of common sense, Rhys. At least he has good taste in allies. Posi Rio and Tesla Watt are geniuses. I'm betting on them to win if Rhys does not. Rhys could probably survive if he would use his noggin every once in a while. I love my brother, though. At least, I think that I do. I'm not sure of much when it comes to feelings. Seeing Rhys in the arena just makes me feel angry. I feel angry that my brother has been taken from our home. I feel angry that people find forcing kids to murder each other amusing. I do not smile when I hear a canon wail from the television. I do not smile when my brother is tied up, or Aisly-Parce is cut in half. So why do you?
In District Twelve, Caesar spoke with Harvey Zea’s brothers, Oleander Zea (14) and Acker Zea (20). Oleander is shy and friendly while Acker is relaxed and cheerful. These interviews were conducted prior to Harvey’s death on Day 4.
Caesar: Oleander, if you could say one thing to Harvey right now, what would it be?
Oleander: I would say thank you, because he sacrificed himself for me. I would also tell him to stay strong and to keep fighting so that he can return home to us because we miss him and the family will never be the same without him.
Acker, who do you think will win if Harvey does not? Why?
Acker: You know, at this point, I think anyone who is still alive can win as they all seem to have proven themselves as smart and dangerous. Some tributes are severely injured, but they might be able to manage to make it out. I will admit that I am biased because I have mostly been focusing on Harvey and his alliance. I have to say that if Harvey doesn’t make it out, I would want Chivonne to win after everything she has done to help keep Harvey alive, and she is a strong and resilient individual herself. I had also found myself rooting for Matilda, which you all know was also from District Twelve. Her sacrifice is a debt that can never be repaid.