F / 18 / WOC: Trident / Volunteered
To sponsor Siren, send a DM to @rueswings on Instagram.
Siren acts like the traditional damsel in distress, a pushover and overly sensitive. Only her closest friends and brothers know that it’s a ruse. In reality she’s sarcastic, snarky, quick witted and independent. She waits silently for the time where she can show her true self, lying low until then. The ruse started when she was five. Her three older brothers, then nine, fifteen and seventeen taught her how to use a trident. Those lessons continued in secret all through her life; sneaking out at the crack of dawn and the middle of the night. So, when she was twelve, she’d be prepared for if she got reaped. As this is her last reaping, she’s prepared herself for the event of getting reaped, yet remains unbothered about the whole event.
Siren wore the same dress she had worn the previous year, a short thigh length dress of pale blue with pastel blue kitten heels to match. Her hair had been tugged back into a messy ponytail, revealing two ocean blue earrings. She took her place with the other eighteen year old girls, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. She was slightly relieved when the name called wasn’t her own, but then realised who’s name it was. It was her cousin, Cove, a girl of twelve who’d never experienced a reaping in her life before this. She couldn’t let the small girl fight for nothing, her death inevitable, in the arena so it was time to end the ruse.
“I volunteer!” Siren called out. She shakily made her way to the stage, and took her place with a determined look on her face. After all, her death was better than a twelve year old’s.

Siren's Reaping Outfit
Shaking and scared, Siren took her place on the chariot next to Kacey, her district partner. She wriggled her toes inside her heels, and as she took deep breaths she felt the choker necklace push against her neck, and she could feel every strand of hair on her head and it felt like the hair on the back of her neck was pushing into her like rocks.
Her hand gripped her trident as she came into view of the Capitol crowd, and her face fell deadly serious and her body tensed, giving her a threatening aura. She barely flinched as the crowd called her name; the only way she could be differentiated from a statue was the rise and fall of her chest under the bodice of her dress. Her worries and fear seemed to ebb away, her identity changing from the prey knowing they were being watched to a lion, waiting for the right moment to pounce on it’s victim.
Her still face slipped into a malicious smirk. She could win these games. She would win these games. She was no longer the damsel she had pretended to be. No, she was a queen. She was Siren Acquafredda, and it was her time to shine.

Siren's Parade Outfit
Siren received a training score of 10
During her three days of training, Siren focused on what she knew she wasn’t the best at. Her first day, she tried throwing a trident at a moving target, and spent the rest of the time identifying plants, as she never focused on that back at home, and she knew it was essential for survival in the games, despite the winter climate.
Her second day was spent with a quick review of plant identification, before focusing on building a shelter. She also prepared to be able to disguise the shelter, knowing that something big would alert the other tributes.
And her final day? She split it up into quarters, doing a bit of each. She reviewed her time over the past days, too; she had made six allies, surprisingly not having joined the careers. Yes, she had the option, but it was a bit stereotypical to join them.
Siren knew that this was the moment of truth. The private sessions. Her whole body shook with nerves until she had her name called, and even then it seemed to echo around her dangerously.
As she walked in, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. When she was nodded at by the gamemakers, she dug around in her pockets, revealing a strip of fabric. She then selected a trident, walked to the dummy section and tied the fabric around her eyes. Blindfolded, she threw the trident. When she removed the blindfold she saw she had hit it directly in the abdomen. She retrieved it with a cocky smirk, walking towards the moving targets. Now, she still hadn’t perfected this, so she didn’t put the blindfold back on. Though, she did throw the trident with all of her strength, hitting a moving target in the back. She then proceeded to identify plants. Yes, she made one small mistake, but at least she didn’t mistake poisonous and edible berries for one another.
She finished her private session with a curtsy, her ginger locks of hair tumbling into her face. As the gamemakers nodded at her, she left the room, a spring in her step that wasn’t there before.
Caesar: Hello Siren, you look amazing tonight! Tell us about your outfit.
Siren: Well, in my opinion, the theme of water is slightly overused in the parade and interview outfits. If you noticed, I used coral in my parade outfit and this outfit is white, as pearls come from oysters.
How are you liking the Capitol so far? What’s been your favorite part?
I adore the Capitol! The food’s by far the best part. When your district’s industry features a means to get food, you have an awful lot of that meal! In my case, it’s fish.
What do you think of the other tributes this year? Any friends to speak of, or perhaps, enemies?
I’ve made several allies. And, some may be surprised, but it’s not with the career districts. In fact, I’ve allied with many of the most unexpected people. Who, you ask? Well, you’ll see when the games begin. As for enemies; darling, what would be the fun in me saying?
Do you think you have what it takes to become a victor? Who or what are you fighting for?
I think I have what it takes. Why? I’m unsure. And I’m fighting to prove to my family I’m not the damsel in distress I’ve pretended to be. I’m a strong woman who doesn’t rely on people to save her.
What kind of arena are you hoping for?
Well, I’d hope for something less cold, but that’s obviously unavailable. I guess I hope I have access to the cornucopia without having to do anything too perilous, and that there’s a trident there. As well as that, I hope there’s some trees, even leafless ones, for branches to build a shelter, and somewhere that offers cover.
What do you miss most from your home district? Any shoutouts for anyone back home?
I certainly don’t miss the smell of fish that always lingers in my home from my brothers tracking it in. And honestly, I don’t have anyone to shoutout to. My parents and brothers constantly underestimated me so they don’t deserve to have their names blasted across Panem, because they made me believe I wasn’t as strong as I was until my cousin’s life was on the line at the reaping

Siren's Interview Outfit